Is Point P in Young's Double Slit Experiment the Center of the Central Minimum?

In summary, the Point P which is the symmetric point on screen between two slits is the centre of the central minimum.
  • #1
Q.Suppose that the the light rays in young's Double Slit experiment fall at an angle [tex] \theta=\sin^{-1}(\frac{\lambda}{2d})[/tex] .Then prove that the the Point P which is the symmetric point on screen between two slits is the centre of central minimum

Necessary Formulaes
for minima the waves should interfere destructively so the path difference [tex]\Delta x=\frac{n\lambda}{2}[/tex]

i am not so sure of this but we can have a plane [tex]\pi,\pi^{'}[/tex] with inclination [tex]\theta[/tex] to the plane of slits and through the slits.the [tex]\perp[/tex] distance of the Point P from the plane determines it's phase so the phase difference is difference between the length of perpendiculars from P to the planes [tex]=d \sin \theta=\frac{\lambda}{2}[/tex] which produces destructive interference.

My doubt lies on the fact that how do we apply difference in optical lengths concept here
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  • #2
When a plane wave front falls on the slits with an inclination theta,such that it satisfies the condition given in the problem, light coming from the two slits are not in phase. There phase difference is pi, i.e. they are out of phase. When the light from these two slits reach point P, even though they are equidistant from the point P, they produce distructive interference. So there is no need to apply difference in optical length concept.
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  • #3
why are they out of phase even though the distance is the same
  • #4
What a confusingly worded question!

θ could be the angle between the incident rays and either a) the plane of the slits or b) the normal to the plane of the slits. It has to be b) for P to be on the central mimimum.

This leads to the path length from the source to the furthest slit being 0.5λ longer than to the nearest slit.

Using this information you can calculate the directions of the maxima and the minima applying the difference in optical lengths concept.
  • #5
In this question a parallel beam of light is illuminating the slits and the plane wave front, which is perpendicular to the parallel beam, makes an angle θ with the plane of the slits.This leads to the path length from the source to the furthest slit being 0.5λ longer than to the nearest slit. So the waves coming from the two slits are not in phase but out of phase. When these waves superimpose at a point P equidistance from the two slits produce distructive interference.
  • #6

FAQ: Is Point P in Young's Double Slit Experiment the Center of the Central Minimum?

1. What is Young's Double Slit Experiment?

The Young's Double Slit Experiment is a classic experiment in physics that demonstrates the wave-like nature of light. It involves passing a beam of light through two narrow slits and observing the interference pattern that is created on a screen behind the slits.

2. Who conducted the Young's Double Slit Experiment?

The Young's Double Slit Experiment was conducted by Thomas Young in 1801. He was trying to prove that light behaves like a wave, contrary to the belief at the time that it was made up of particles.

3. How does the double slit experiment work?

In this experiment, a beam of light is passed through two narrow slits and onto a screen. The light from each slit then spreads out and overlaps, creating an interference pattern on the screen. This pattern is the result of the light waves interfering with each other, either constructively or destructively.

4. What does the double slit experiment demonstrate about light?

The double slit experiment demonstrates that light behaves like a wave, as it creates an interference pattern on the screen. This means that light can diffract and interfere with itself, which is a unique characteristic of waves.

5. What is the significance of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is significant because it was one of the first experiments to demonstrate the wave-like nature of light. It also paved the way for the development of quantum mechanics, as it challenged the understanding of light as just particles and opened the door to the concept of light as both a wave and a particle.
