Is Proton Decay to Positron and Photon Forbidden by Baryon Number Conservation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of baryon number conservation and whether certain decays are forbidden or not. It is established that only baryons have a baryon number while other particles have a baryon number of zero. The conversation also mentions the possibility of changing quarks by emitting W-bosons and the role of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix in determining the probability of these transitions. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that the decay of a free proton is not possible due to energy conservation.
  • #1
Denver Dang

Homework Statement


I got a problem where I'm asked to figure out if several decays is forbidden or not.

One says:

[itex]p \rightarrow e^{+} + \gamma[/itex]

I'm then thinking baryon number conservation, but I'm not quite sure if it is right.
The proton, p, is a baryon made up of 3 quarks, and the positron and photon is elemental particles, which isn't made up of any quarks. So my question, even though it sounds quite simple, just wanted to be sure, is, do they count as zero, and therefore means that I get 1 = 0, which violates the baryon number conservation, or am I mistaken ?


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Yes, that is correct, only baryons have a baryon number, for everything else such as mesons, leptons and gauge bosons it's zero. (You can also say quarks have a baryon number of 1/3, while antiquarks have one of -1/3, this way mesons also come out with 0).

Another way of looking at this specific reaction is that if the proton was unstable, the universe would look much different than it does :)
  • #3
niklaus said:
Yes, that is correct, only baryons have a baryon number, for everything else such as mesons, leptons and gauge bosons it's zero. (You can also say quarks have a baryon number of 1/3, while antiquarks have one of -1/3, this way mesons also come out with 0).

Another way of looking at this specific reaction is that if the proton was unstable, the universe would look much different than it does :)
Ok, thank you very much :)

And I actually have another question, if you have the time.

By emitting a W--boson, you can change quarks in specific bosons, mesons.
But is it valid for every quark, or is it just some quarks that will alter by emitting a W--boson ? I mean, there has to be some rule to how the quarks change, or... ?

I have been looking in my textbook over and over, but I can't seem to find anything that answers my question.

  • #4
Quarks with charge -1/3 (down, strange, bottom) can become quarks with charge +2/3 (up, charm, top) by emitting a W-, preferably to the matching quark in the same family, but other transitions (for example d -> W-, c) are possible too, but with a smaller probability (for more details read up on the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix).

For up-type quarks to become down-type quarks, they need to emit a W+, everything else is the same as above.

You can remember this through conservation of charge, as W- has charge -1 and W+ has charge +1. Of course energy must be conserved too, so for example the decay of a free neutron is possible, while the decay of a free proton is not (neutron mass > proton mass).
  • #5
Ofc... That makes sense :)

Thank you very much.

FAQ: Is Proton Decay to Positron and Photon Forbidden by Baryon Number Conservation?

1. What is the concept of baryon number conservation?

Baryon number conservation is a fundamental principle in particle physics that states the total number of baryons (protons and neutrons) in a closed system must remain constant over time. This means that in any particle interaction, the total number of baryons before and after the interaction must be the same.

2. Why is baryon number conservation important?

Baryon number conservation is important because it is a fundamental symmetry of the universe. It helps us understand the behavior of particles and their interactions, and it is crucial in determining the stability of nuclear matter and predicting decay rates of particles.

3. Is baryon number conservation always conserved?

In most cases, baryon number is conserved. However, there are some rare instances, such as in certain nuclear reactions and high-energy collisions, where it may not be conserved. This is due to the violation of other symmetries, such as charge-parity (CP) symmetry.

4. How is baryon number conservation related to other conservation laws?

Baryon number conservation is related to other conservation laws, such as lepton number conservation and electric charge conservation. These laws all stem from the fundamental principle of conservation of energy and momentum, and they are interconnected through the Standard Model of particle physics.

5. Can baryon number be created or destroyed?

No, baryon number cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred or converted into other forms, such as through particle interactions or nuclear reactions. This is a fundamental law of the universe and has been observed to hold true in all known interactions.
