Is Quantum Measurement Projective in GHZ States?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states of qubits A, B, C and D, E, F and a measurement in the Bell basis on qubits A and D. The resulting state of qubits B, C, E, and F is determined to be projected onto the state \mid \Psi^{+} \rangle_{BCEF}. However, there is some confusion about the exact method used to determine this state.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Have two Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states of qubits A, B, C and
D, E, F as follows:

[tex] \mid GHZ \rangle_{ABC} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \mid 0 \rangle_{A}\mid 0 \rangle_{B}\mid 0 \rangle_{C} + \mid 1 \rangle_{A}\mid 1 \rangle_{B}\mid 1 \rangle_{C}\right)[/tex]


[tex] \mid GHZ \rangle_{DEF} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \mid 0 \rangle_{D}\mid 0 \rangle_{E}\mid 0 \rangle_{F} + \mid 1 \rangle_{D}\mid 1 \rangle_{E}\mid 1 \rangle_{F}\right)[/tex]

If you perform a measurement in the Bell basis on the qubits A and D, and obtain
the outcome: [tex] \mid \Psi^{+} \rangle_{AD} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\mid 0 \rangle_{A}\mid 1 \rangle_{D} + \mid 1 \rangle_{A}\mid 0 \rangle_{D}\right) [/tex]

Write down the state to which qubits B, C, D and F are projected?

Attempted Solution

Total state is : [tex] \mid GHZ \rangle_{ABCDEF}= \mid GHZ \rangle_{ABC} \mid GHZ \rangle_{DEF} [/tex]

Projector operator for measurement of A and D is [tex] \mid Bell \rangle \langle Bell \mid_{AD} [/tex]

so [tex] \mid Bell \rangle \langle Bell \mid_{AD} \mid GHZ \rangle_{ABCDEF} = \mid Bell \rangle_{AD} \mid \Psi^{+} \rangle_{AD} \mid \Psi^{+} \rangle_{BCEF} [/tex]; is this right?

Here I get confused. I think the method is simply:

[tex] \langle \Psi^{+} \mid_{AD}\mid GHZ \rangle_{ABCDEF} = \mid \Psi^{+} \rangle_{BCEF} [/tex]

But if so, why?
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  • #2
one bump then I'll give up.

I'm still stuck on this one, no takers?

FAQ: Is Quantum Measurement Projective in GHZ States?

1. What is quantum measurement projective?

Quantum measurement projective is a method used in quantum mechanics to measure the state of a quantum system. It involves projecting the state of the system onto a specific basis in order to obtain information about the system's properties.

2. How does quantum measurement projective work?

Quantum measurement projective works by first preparing the quantum system in a specific state. Then, a measurement is performed on the system by projecting it onto a specific basis. This projection collapses the system's state to a particular outcome, providing information about the system's properties.

3. What is the difference between quantum measurement projective and other measurement methods?

Quantum measurement projective is different from other measurement methods, such as von Neumann and weak measurements, because it involves a complete collapse of the system's state. Other methods may only provide partial information about the system's properties without fully collapsing the state.

4. What are some applications of quantum measurement projective?

Quantum measurement projective has many applications in quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing. It is also used in experiments to study the properties of quantum systems and to test the principles of quantum mechanics.

5. Are there any limitations to quantum measurement projective?

One limitation of quantum measurement projective is that it requires precise control and measurement techniques, which can be challenging to achieve in practice. Additionally, the process of measurement can alter the state of the system, making it difficult to study the system without affecting its properties.
