Is reading math like reading music?

In summary, if a person is proficient in mathematics, they can read equations and formulas similar to reading music. However, this is a matter of practice and requires a lot of time and effort.
  • #1
I am about to go back to school and need to retake just a ton of math that I completely forget. If I had to guess I'd assume ill even need algebra 1 again. So I am thinking about this on the way home from work last night and had a thought.

I play drums. I, due to living in a condo for 6 years, took a 6 year break from playing. Well, even with that long break after a month or so of practice I was able to sight read music again. Now, if math is a language (written music is absolutely a language, you read it and it tells you what to do), when Physicists look at equations and formulas is it akin to reading a piece of music?

I guess what I am really asking is when someone proficient in mathematics looks at it do they need to go symbol by symbol, actively thinking about each step or can it be read similar to a piece of sheet music, where your reading whole bars and measures at once and translating that information into sound?
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  • #2
tkav1980 said:
I am about to go back to school and need to retake just a ton of math that I completely forget. If I had to guess I'd assume ill even need algebra 1 again. So I am thinking about this on the way home from work last night and had a thought.

I play drums. I, due to living in a condo for 6 years, took a 6 year break from playing. Well, even with that long break after a month or so of practice I was able to sight read music again. Now, if math is a language (written music is absolutely a language, you read it and it tells you what to do), when Physicists look at equations and formulas is it akin to reading a piece of music?

I guess what I am really asking is when someone proficient in mathematics looks at it do they need to go symbol by symbol, actively thinking about each step or can it be read similar to a piece of sheet music, where your reading whole bars and measures at once and translating that information into sound?

Music as a language is designed for the exact purpose of "sight reading." If you think about it, it becomes intuitive. At a certain point, you sort of have a feeling of what the next notes are going to be before you read them. Math doesn't work like that.
  • #3
Completely not!
  • #4
Well thank you. I guess it was my misperception that people proficient with math would have an easier time getting through it. Example being algebra...If I had to manipulate an equation even a rudimentary one at this point it would take me a decent bit of time to remember to use all of the rules i would need to get a correct answer. It seem that from my perception, being lucky enough to talk to a few people with advanced degrees in math and physics, they have an ability to know right where they need to go with an equation. No guessing and getting anywhere near as many wrong answers as i would before they got it right.

But, I am also inclined to believe that that's a matter of practice. To get back in shape to play proficiently as I could before my forced lay off meant a minimum of 4 hours of practice a day 7 days a week. I suppose after several decades working with the rules of math that's enough practice to know what needs to be done and when.

FAQ: Is reading math like reading music?

1. Is reading math like reading music?

Yes, in many ways reading math is similar to reading music. Both require an understanding of symbols and notation, as well as a logical thought process to interpret the information. Both also involve patterns and sequences that must be followed in order to correctly understand and interpret the information.

2. Do I need to have musical skills to understand math?

No, you do not need to have musical skills to understand math. While there are some similarities between reading music and reading math, they are two distinct disciplines and do not necessarily require the same skills or abilities.

3. Can learning music help improve my math skills?

Yes, there is evidence that learning music can have a positive impact on math skills. Both music and math involve pattern recognition and problem-solving, and learning one can often strengthen skills in the other. However, this is not always the case and it ultimately depends on the individual's learning style and abilities.

4. Are there any differences between reading math and reading music?

Yes, there are some key differences between reading math and reading music. For example, in music, there is a set notation system and a limited number of notes and symbols to learn, whereas in math there are multiple notations and symbols, and new concepts and equations are constantly being introduced. Additionally, the way we use and interpret math and music in our daily lives may also differ.

5. Can reading music or math be considered a form of language?

Some argue that both reading music and reading math can be considered forms of language, as they both have their own symbols and rules for communication. However, others argue that language involves a deeper understanding and use of grammar and syntax, which is not necessarily present in reading music or math. Ultimately, this is a matter of interpretation and perspective.

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