Is Reciting Presidents the Key to Genius?

In summary: I'm not sure which it was), but its not impressive in the slightest. Memorization at that age is just simply storing things in your head, and thats not something that makes someone a genius.
  • #1

This really impressed me.
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  • #2
Wow a girl with a good memory.

Not impressed.

Geez i feel like cyrus.
  • #3
Doesn't she have anything better than political facts and speeches to memorise ? Sorry, I didn't see the whole thing, but I would only have warmed to her if she'd done a recital of Shakespeare or the digits of pi later on.

Am I the only one who found her MLK oration to be more than a little creepy ?
  • #4
I thought it was kinda creepy too for some reason...

I don't call anyone a genius if all they can do is memorize things. Critical thinking and mental processes are where the genius lies

And let's all remember, she's on oprah, she can't be that smart.
  • #5
dude, she is like five years old. That is absolutely amazing. I bet that she gets a full scholarship to any univursity that she wants now that she has been on nationaly television (multiple times).
  • #6
Nothing000 said:
dude, she is like five years old. That is absolutely amazing. I bet that she gets a full scholarship to any univursity that she wants now that she has been on nationaly television (multiple times).

Which means nothing.
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
I thought it was kinda creepy too for some reason...

I don't call anyone a genius if all they can do is memorize things. Critical thinking and mental processes are where the genius lies

And let's all remember, she's on oprah, she can't be that smart.

Critical thinking and mental processes!? Dude, this is a very young child.
  • #8
Do you think you could do that at that age?
  • #9
I am thinking about agreeing with you up pengwuino. :smile:
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  • #10
Nothing000 said:
I am thinking about beating you up pengwuino.:mad:

What are you, 10?

Anyone can memorize something. No one is called a genius because they memorized a harry potter book. Einstein wasn't called a genius because he memorized anything special.

Actually I am just secretly mounting a war against genius memory qualifications because i can't remember what i do hour to hour.
  • #11
Nothing000 said:
I am thinking about beating you up pengwuino.:mad:
Don't be an idiot. He's entitled to give his opinion, just as you are to give yours. He's not insulting this girl, just saying he's not that impressed.

There are kids who've mastered the Calculus of Variations by 4. To me (and I'll bet Penguin), that's more impressive.

She is a sweet and bright girl, on that I'll agree with you. :wink:
  • #12
Curious3141 said:
Don't be an idiot. He's entitled to give his opinion...

Curious is right penguino. So just let me have my opinion.
  • #13
How do you edit someone elses post? :biggrin:
  • #14
Everyone's entitled to an opinion. My opinion. :smile: :smile: :smile:

If she had learned even algebra by now, i'd be impressed. I differentiate between simply storing things in your head vs. being able to use information you've stored in a critical thinking application..
  • #15
Nothing000 said:
How do you edit someone elses post? :biggrin:

Bribe the mods
  • #16
My bribe account with the Bank of Zurich is always open. Please note that the bank doesn't usually send me notices about deposits smaller than five figures.

- Warren
  • #17
That's one smart little girl. Good for her. I'd like to see any of you even be able to read the US constitution at her age.
  • #18
i could've been on oprah at that age. i use to memorize that stuff too. i use to know all of martin luther king's i had a dream speach. the preamble. the bill of rights, most of the declaration of indepenence, all of paul reveres ride and i learned to say the abc's backward and fowards, in french and english. and i knew all the presidents in chronological order. i did that all before i turned 10ish. i HATE history now. and i can't really remember any of that stuff. i remember the preamble, the first line of i had a dream, none of paul revere, but most of the presidents and i still can do the abc's thing. (backwards abc's became a popular party trick when i started drinking...)

anyway, yeah, memorization at that age isn't difficult. the kind of attention a kid gets is amazing. you're a sponge. I'm sure she's a bright girl, but its nothing spectacular. i bet she doesn't understand half of what she repeats. on another note though, i think its almost sad how much we expect in order to be impressed. meh.
  • #19
i learned to say the abc's backward and fowards, in french and english

Thats just sad :smile:
  • #20
i could've been on oprah at that age. i use to memorize that stuff too. i use to know all of martin luther king's i had a dream speach. the preamble. the bill of rights, most of the declaration of indepenence, all of paul reveres ride and i learned to say the abc's backward and fowards, in french and english. and i knew all the presidents in chronological order.
Sound's like you may've had great fun doing all that (or hated it), but I don't think most of it is helping you now.
  • #21
I don't think anyone could compare to Euler in terms of IQ.
  • #22
ranger said:
Thats just sad :smile:

what's that?? huh? ooooh, yeah, that's right, you're jealous. you're oozing with envy.

mk said:
Sound's like you may've had great fun doing all that (or hated it), but I don't think most of it is helping you now.

not so much... i had a blast though at the time! nothing like reciting a few of the presidents to get your blood going.

Related to Is Reciting Presidents the Key to Genius?

What is the theory behind reciting presidents as a means to becoming a genius?

The theory suggests that by memorizing the names and order of US presidents, one can improve their memory, cognitive abilities, and critical thinking skills.

Is there any scientific evidence to support this theory?

There is limited scientific evidence to support this theory. Some studies have shown that memorization and recall tasks can improve cognitive abilities, but there is no direct evidence that reciting presidents specifically leads to enhanced intelligence.

Can reciting presidents be beneficial for children?

There is no harm in children learning the names of presidents, but there is no concrete evidence that it will make them more intelligent. However, it can be a fun and educational activity for children to learn about history and improve their memory skills.

Are there any potential drawbacks to using this method?

While there is no harm in learning about presidents, there is a risk of overemphasizing the importance of rote memorization in education. It is important for individuals to also develop critical thinking skills and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.

Are there any other methods that have been proven to enhance intelligence?

Yes, there are many other methods that have been scientifically proven to improve cognitive abilities, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and engaging in challenging mental activities. It is important to have a well-rounded approach to enhancing intelligence rather than relying on one specific method.

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