Is representation theory worthwhile for quantum?

In summary: The topic is fascinating, and it is at the heart of the interplay between geometry, topology, quantization and representation theory.In summary, representation theory is a key concept in understanding quantum mechanics and its applications. It allows for a deeper understanding of the finer points of quantum mechanics, simplifies calculations, and helps dissect different theories and pictures. While Lie algebra and groups are useful in themselves, representation theory takes it further and is relevant in the quantum setting. A great resource for learning about this topic is the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras and their representation. Additionally, understanding the theoretical basis of the fractional quantum Hall effect can be a demanding but rewarding intermediate goal for those interested in experimental physics.
  • #1
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Recently I read some comment on Sakurai's book (which I have not read) that the writer of said comment didn't understand part of the text until they understood irreducible representations. I do not know to what they were referring, but it piqued my interest in representation theory. My question is: will an understanding of representations allow me to solve problems faster/more efficiently and/or reveal experimentally relevant aspects of quantum theory that are not accessible without an understanding of representations? As far as background, I have a good grasp on generators and Lie algebra stuff as pertains to quantum, and a solid understanding of the basics like Hilbert space and linear and what'not. My background is weaker with finite groups and product states.

The cliff-notes version of irreducible representations seems clear enough, that if your matrix can be diagonalized into blocks then your system has structure you can exploit and factor into smaller chunks. It seems even a little self-evident, from a purely algebraic point of view. Does knowing about representation-y stuff let you decompose your system with less time and effort? Can someone supply an example from an applied problem? I would really appreciate it!
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  • #2
If there's a single advanced mathematical topic I'd recommend to learn then it's the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras and their representation. For me it's the only way to understand why non-relativistic and relatistic QT looks the way it looks. Last but not least it's also great fun to learn this subject!
  • #3
Representation theory is the key to understanding the finer points in much of quantum mechanics, from spin to the spectrum of hydrogen to spectroscopy in general to elementary particles. That it may dramatically simplify calculations is only one of the many benefits. My free online book discusses some of the more conceptual advantages of using Lie algebras and Lie groups in quantum mechanics.
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Likes Twigg, fresh_42 and blue_leaf77
  • #4
I would go further and say that you cannot understand why the operators and their algebra defining a quantum system take the form they do, while it's immediately clear when the group-theoretical approach is used. E.g., the Heisenberg algebra for a one-dimensional system (usually the starting point of QM 1 lectures), ##[\hat{x},\hat{p}]=\mathrm{i} \hbar##, follows from the definition of the momentum operator as the generator for spatial translations.
  • #5
Thanks for the replies!

@vanhees71 I agree with you that the study of Lie algebra adds a lot to one's understanding of quantum, though I haven't done any relativistic quantum yet (but since I Lie algebras help dissect the Lorentz group, I have some idea of what their utility is for relativistic quantum). Personally, I've used Lie theory to understand different pictures, how the time evolution (or spatial, angular, or whatever evolution operators) work and such. But I've managed to do that without knowing about representations. Do representations take it further? I already feel confident with Lie algebras and groups in and of themselves, from a couple of years of studying them for applications in symmetry methods for partial differential equations (this didn't require representation theory, hence why I'm unfamiliar).

@A. Neumaier Much appreciated! I will read the relevant parts as soon as I can.This looks like an awesome resource, overall. Again, thanks!
  • #6
Twigg said:
for applications in symmetry methods for partial differential equations (this didn't require representation theory
Unitary representation theory is only relevant in the quantum setting. The corresponding classical setting are representations in algebras of differential operators. The connection is given by geometric quantization, which roughly turns the classical representations on coadjoint orbits into unitary representations on corresponding Hilbert spaces. In many cases, the two representation theories are very close (cf. Kirillov's method of orbits).
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  • #7
A. Neumaier said:
Unitary representation theory is only relevant in the quantum setting. The corresponding classical setting are representations in algebras of differential operators. The connection is given by geometric quantization, which roughly turns the classical representations on coadjoint orbits into unitary representations on corresponding Hilbert spaces. In many cases, the two representation theories are very close (cf. Kirillov's method of orbits).

This helps a lot. Thank you! I believe there's a lot more for me to learn than I initially thought. Your book should help a lot on that front as well. Thanks!
  • #8
Twigg said:
there's a lot more for me to learn than I initially thought.
There is a huge literature on related, physics-inspired mathematics. Since you are interested in experimental physics, one (demanding) intermediate goal for you could be to understand the theoretical basis of the fractional quantum Hall effect.
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Likes Twigg

Related to Is representation theory worthwhile for quantum?

1. What is representation theory?

Representation theory is a branch of mathematics that studies how abstract algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, and algebras, can be represented by linear transformations of vector spaces. It has applications in various fields, including physics, computer science, and cryptography.

2. How does representation theory relate to quantum mechanics?

Representation theory plays a crucial role in the study of quantum mechanics. In this context, it allows us to understand the symmetries of quantum systems, which are described by mathematical objects known as unitary representations. These representations help us analyze the behavior of particles and systems at the quantum level.

3. Why is representation theory important for quantum computing?

Representation theory is essential for quantum computing because it provides a framework for understanding and manipulating quantum states and operations. It allows us to express quantum algorithms and protocols in a more concise and elegant way, leading to efficient computations and improved error correction strategies.

4. Is representation theory necessary for studying quantum mechanics?

While it is not strictly necessary to use representation theory to study quantum mechanics, it greatly enhances our understanding of the subject. Representation theory provides a powerful tool for analyzing the symmetries and transformations of quantum systems, giving us a deeper insight into their behavior and properties.

5. What are some real-world applications of representation theory in quantum physics?

Representation theory has numerous applications in quantum physics, including quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, and quantum simulations. It also has connections to other areas, such as condensed matter physics, where it is used to study the properties of quantum materials and the behavior of exotic phases of matter.

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