Is Sarah Palin's Quote Hypocritical and Sexist?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, Sarah Palin's new book provides quotes that she attributes to other people but later denies. Many people are flatly denying comments that Palin attributes to them in her book, so maybe she is a bald-faced liar. The Republicans may run her again in 2012.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
- Sarah Palin

I find it rather amazing that after all of the PC crap we have endure over the years, not the least of which was intended to ensure the respectful treatment of women, the idea that men are fair game for cheap shots is hardly ever considered.

Can you imagine turning the tables? What if someone like Biden made the reverse comment about women? Can you imagine Palin's reaction?

Either she is a hypocrite, or a sexist, or both.

Many people are flatly denying comments that Palin attributes to them in her book, so maybe she is a bald-faced liar as well.

I hope the Republicans run her again in 2012. :smile:
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  • #2
lol Is this from her new book coming out?
  • #3
Hmmm...I think she's right on that one. :biggrin:

*ducks and runs*
  • #4
I lolled at the title, and once I realize it’s one of her quotes I double lolled :smile:
  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
I hope the Republicans run her again in 2012. :smile:

Yeah, another "shoe-in" for Obama. God forbid a credible contender emerges...
  • #6
Gasp, a Palin bashing thread?

Can you imagine turning the tables? What if someone made a thread like this about Biden? :-p
  • #7
I forgot where it was, Richard Dawkins said something like in regards to human intelligence: "on one hand we have Albert Einstein and on the other Sarah Palin."
  • #8
Hurkyl said:
Gasp, a Palin bashing thread?

Can you imagine turning the tables? What if someone made a thread like this about Biden? :-p

Biden? Come to think of it, where IS Biden? Is he bound and gagged in a closet somewhere in the White House? I haven't heard as much as a peep out of him since he was telling people not to fly this summer when swine flu was just starting to get reported. :rolleyes:
  • #9
Moonbear said:
Biden? Come to think of it, where IS Biden? Is he bound and gagged in a closet somewhere in the White House?

:smile: :smile: :smile:

That's such an awesome visual!
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Biden? Come to think of it, where IS Biden? Is he bound and gagged in a closet somewhere in the White House? I haven't heard as much as a peep out of him since he was telling people not to fly this summer when swine flu was just starting to get reported. :rolleyes:
Biden is hiding in Cheney's man-sized safe. It's true!
  • #11
Hurkyl said:
Gasp, a Palin bashing thread?

Can you imagine turning the tables? What if someone made a thread like this about Biden? :-p
If Katie Couric asked Joe Biden what periodicals he reads, he would give an hour-long dissertation on which periodicals he reads and why, and discuss some of the more compelling articles he read in the recent past. Palin couldn't even come up with a plausible lie to that softball Couric question. Bash Biden if you don't like his politics, but lets's not pretend that Palin is in his league, intellectually. McCain picked her because she was a FEMALE conservative with some physical attraction, and by doing so, he possibly set the GOP back for at least a couple of presidential election cycles. Romney, Pawlenty, etc are going to charge the next primary cycle on the "I'm not Palin" bandwagon.

Gwen Ifil told David Brooks not to discount Palin as a "joke" because her candidacy would resonate with women whose voices are often not heard. She should stick to straight reporting - political analysis is not her strong suit.
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  • #12
Gwen Ifil told David Brooks not to discount Palin as a "joke" because her candidacy would resonate with women whose voices are often not heard.
Is "mentally handicapped women" even a demographic?
  • #13
turbo-1 said:
but lets's not pretend that Palin is in his league, intellectually.
(irrelevant and other stuff snipped)

Ivan made a post titled with a common humorous jab, complained about political correctness, and then made a ninety degree turn to go Palin bashing. What does "intellectual" have to do with it?
  • #14
Hurkyl said:
Gasp, a Palin bashing thread?

Can you imagine turning the tables? What if someone made a thread like this about Biden? :-p
Or - *gasp* - Obama?
  • #15
Obama? He is untouchable. Oprah is protecting him.
  • #16
Equate said:
Obama? He is untouchable. Oprah is protecting him.

"Don't you touch my Obama!"
  • #17
Equate said:
Obama? He is untouchable. Oprah is protecting him.

Well when you have something as big as a barn infront of you it is hard to be touched. :-p
  • #18
"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman", said Sarah as Todd smiled and nodded.
  • #19
If you want to characterize a vacuous idiot with a Margaret Thatcher quote this one might be a bit more appropriate:

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.” I suggest substituting "powerful" with "intelligent". Palin is neither, but at least approximated the former relation (in some twisted way) due to McCain's brain-damage. There is no way that the US should have been inflicted with a McCain/Palin administration. The mere possibility that it was a viable ballot choice should make us consider our system of governance.
  • #20
Reverse gender bias is not uncommon nowadays... thanks to the 'politically correct' attitude of our over zealous lawmakers! It is considered a birth right of women to do some male bashing to relieve frustration, but all hell breaks loose if the reverse is ever attempted. The rise of the male chauvanist one might say!? :wink:
  • #21
waht said:
I forgot where it was, Richard Dawkins said something like in regards to human intelligence: "on one hand we have Albert Einstein and on the other Sarah Palin."

I think the exact quote was "There is plenty of variation in brain power. We have Einsteins on one side and Sarah Palins on the other."
  • #22
b.shahvir said:
Reverse gender bias is not uncommon nowadays... thanks to the 'politically correct' attitude of our over zealous lawmakers! It is considered a birth right of women to do some male bashing to relieve frustration, but all hell breaks loose if the reverse is ever attempted. The rise of the male chauvanist one might say!? :wink:

One of my coworkers jokes that she's a female chauvenist. She's really just a feminist, but I thought the phrase was hilarious when she said it (and really is apropos for some women when they turn feminism into male bashing).

Though, as for men making remarks and all hell breaking loose, it entirely depends on context, the same with women saying it. I would be careful what you say around people you don't know, because things can be misinterpreted, but I'm not going to label someone a male chauvenist just because they make a joke about women when it is clearly a joke and all their other actions tell me that they do not believe any part of it. Same goes for women saying sexist-sounding things. It's all about context. The basic rule of thumb is don't dish it if you can't take it thrown back at you.
  • #23
russ_watters said:
Or - *gasp* - Obama?

I'm going to have to report you to the WH for even suggesting that someone might make a thread that might have poked fun of Obama.

FAQ: Is Sarah Palin's Quote Hypocritical and Sexist?

1. What does the phrase "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman." mean?

The phrase means that men are more likely to talk about doing something, while women are more likely to actually take action and get it done.

2. Is there any scientific evidence to support this phrase?

There is no scientific evidence to support this phrase as it is a broad generalization and does not take into account individual differences and abilities.

3. Does this phrase perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes?

Yes, this phrase reinforces the stereotype that men are more talkative and women are more passive, which can be harmful to both genders.

4. Can men also be efficient at getting things done?

Yes, this phrase is a stereotype and does not apply to all men. Men can also be efficient and effective at getting things done.

5. How can we challenge and change this phrase in society?

We can challenge and change this phrase by promoting gender equality and recognizing that both men and women are capable of both speaking and taking action. It is important to not limit individuals based on their gender and to recognize and value everyone's unique skills and abilities.

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