Is Spatial Extension the True Priority in Physics?

In summary, physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. The physical basis of motion is often overlooked, but it is actually the second most important concept in physics after matter. Superstring theories were developed to rectify inconsistencies in the infinitesimal domain, but they place energy as the first precedent, which is illogical. The correct order of priorities in physics is one dimension of space, motion, force, energy, and then macroscopically ponderable matter. The concept of directional invariance plays a crucial role in understanding the identity of elementary particles. By quantizing one-dimensional space, two types of space charges can be invented, H+ and H-, which make up all the elementary particles in the
  • #1
Antonio Lao
Direction as a Physical Basis

Physics is defined by Webster's universal dictionary as the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force.

Matter, energy and force were key components of almost all landmark theories since the time of Isaac Newton.

The physical basis of motion has been long taken for granted. Motion becomes a secondary effect derivable only from matter, energy and force.

But motion is rightfully second precedent to that of matter in the order of important concepts in physics. Newton's first law of motion stated that even without the existence of a force, there is always motion of a point particle (matter). So a redefinition of physics with priority of emphasis is the science that deals with 1st: matter, 2nd: motion, 3rd: force and 4th: energy.

The conception of that of a point particle of matter is very hard to comprehend because all matter in the universe seems to require extension (length) in order to make all physical theories consistent with empirical data. There is no inherent physical limitation of all experimental apparatus although the quarks, the leptons, the gluons and bosons are all point particles for all practical purposes. This apparent limitation is the existence of infinitesimal symmetry which prompted Werner Heisenberg to formulate his uncertainty principle.

Superstring theories were invented to extend the zero-dimension of point particles to one-dimension of strings. It is made in order to rectify the inconsistencies that are starting to emerge in the infinitesimal domain of physics. But Superstring inverted the priorities of physics by placing energy as first precedent. In other words, string theories place the cart in front of the horse. The logical reason for this is stemmed from Albert Einstein's mass-energy equivalence.

The first priority of physics is truly the concept of spatial extension. Specifically, it is space of one-dimension as the first precedent of physics. This is logical since the concept of length (distance or metric) is part of space and not a subset of energy. So the second redefinition of physics is the science that deals with first: one dimension of space, second: motion, third: force, fourth: energy and then fifth: macroscopically ponderable (weighable) matter. This macroscopic matter that human are familiar with are now the higher level of existence of energy, existing in the four-dimension (three of space and one of time). With this in mind, there is no need of any more additional dimensions to explain or to describe the priority of physics as what superstring theorists would have believed.

Three dimensions of space and one of time are more than enough to describe the entire visible universe. The fundamental principle that is needed is the principle of a directional invariance. This is needed since length at the infinitesimal domain is a vector and direction is an attribute of all vectors, large or small. The definition of a null vector is that its magnitude is zero but the direction is infinite (degrees of freedom is infinite). If this is so, the null vector has never move in all eternity although it has infinite number of direction to choose from. This null vector is another name for a point particle. So the fact has to be made that a null vector cannot truly exist. The directions of all the other infinite vectors have to be invariant by choice. For example, an electron has to have an internal direction to identify it. Another electron has its own direction to identify itself. The moment these directions changed, the identity of each electron is gone. They become something else. Maybe they become positrons or photons. The directional invariance of each of the elementary particles is what gives its individual identity. Infinitesimally, each electron is distinct. This distinction is required by the principle of directional invariance. Experimentally, one electron cannot be distinguished from another electron. For electron, the concept of spin is a good candidate for this internal vector. Since electron is only one of the fermions and there are also the bosons, supersymmetry requires this internal vector to describe both fermions and bosons. The solution is to quantize the one-dimension of space. By quantizing one-dimensional space, two types of space charges can be invented, H+ and H-. Each of these space charges has to have four internal vectors to identify it. Each of these space charges has an absolute charge value of 1/6. This value does not depend on the magnitude of the internal vectors. For an electron, it is composed of 7 H- and 1 H+ to give a net electric charge of -1. The experimental value of the mass of the electron is derived from the level of existence (LOE), which is needed for each high level energy form of the electron. A photon is composed of 4H+ and 4H-. The neutrino is composed of 1H+ and 1H-. The up quark is made of 5H+ and 1H-. The down quark is made of 1H+ and 3H-. The other generations are all made of higher LOE of H+ and H-.
Five general rules seem to come out from the compositions of these elementary particles. First: the number for H+ or H- of fermions is always an odd number. Second: that of bosons is always an even number. Third: the sum of H+ and H- is always even for fermions and for bosons. Fourth: the surrounding vacuum is made of even H+ and odd H- or odd H+ and even H-. Fifth: the sum of H+ and H- is always an odd number for the surrounding vacuum. With these rules, everything in the universe is distinct: matter, energy and space.
Physics news on
  • #2
havn't you forgoten time?
i thought the string theory said
that there are 11 dimensions??
  • #3
Time as a Broken Symmetry

Just a quick reply
Time is a consequence of motion. And it is the only physical concept that which symmetry is broken from the start. More to follow.

Related to Is Spatial Extension the True Priority in Physics?

1. What is direction as a physical basis?

Direction as a physical basis refers to the notion that all physical quantities, such as velocity and force, have a specific direction in space. This means that these quantities not only have a numerical value, but they also have a specific orientation or direction in which they act.

2. Why is direction important in physics?

Direction is important in physics because it allows us to fully describe and understand the behavior of physical systems. Without direction, we would only have half of the information needed to fully analyze and predict the motion and interactions of objects.

3. How is direction represented in physics?

Direction is represented in physics using vectors. Vectors are graphical representations that consist of both magnitude (size) and direction. They are typically represented by arrows, with the direction of the arrow indicating the direction of the vector.

4. Can direction be changed?

Yes, direction can be changed. In fact, many physical phenomena, such as forces and accelerations, act to change the direction of an object's motion. This is why understanding the direction of physical quantities is crucial in predicting and analyzing the behavior of objects.

5. How is direction measured in physics?

In physics, direction is measured using angles. Angles can be measured in degrees or radians and are used to describe the orientation of a vector or the direction of a force. The angle between two vectors can also be used to determine the direction of the resultant vector when they are added together.

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