Is speed of em waves directly proportional to magntiude of wavelength

In summary, gamma waves are slower than visible light waves and they bend the most at interfaces. They have a smaller impact on propagating through a medium compared to other waves, and the group velocity is also different.
  • #1
I read that speed is directly proportional to wavelength in a medium. so does it mean that gamma is the slowest in air compared to the rest of the waves?
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  • #2
Not really. The speed of em waves is a constant.

But you are thinking in terms of propagation through a medium, using the wave model for light and you'd be correct - gamma waves are slower than, say, any visible light waves. Also means they bend the most at interfaces.
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  • #3
Oh okay thanks for the help! But isn't propagation the same as just existing?
  • #4
I think what Simon Bridge is saying is that the speed of propagation through a medium is dependent on frequency, with emphasis on "through a medium".

The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of propagation through a medium is the index of refraction for that medium. The fact that it is different for different frequencies is known as dispersion, and gives rise to effects like the splitting of light through a prism.
  • #5
@Jasso: that's exactly what I'm saying - thanks.

Of course it is possible to exist and not propagate... that's what birth-control is for.
  • #6
Jasso said:
I think what Simon Bridge is saying is that the speed of propagation through a medium is dependent on frequency, with emphasis on "through a medium".
That is right, but the dependence is complicated and no where near "linear". In good approximation, all wavelengths have the speed of c in air, which is the same as they have in a vaccum.

Now, the influence of air on gamma rays is quite small (refractive index a bit smaller, but close to 1), whereas smaller frequencies get a bigger impact (and a refractive index larger than 1).
The group velocity is a bit different, but this should be a bit larger for gamma rays as well.

In solid objects, the difference in the refractive index is easier to see: Gamma rays pass through prisms without a significant modification, while visible light changes its direction.

Related to Is speed of em waves directly proportional to magntiude of wavelength

1. What is the relationship between the speed of electromagnetic waves and the magnitude of their wavelength?

The speed of electromagnetic waves is directly proportional to the magnitude of their wavelength. This means that as the magnitude of the wavelength increases, the speed of the waves also increases. Similarly, as the magnitude of the wavelength decreases, the speed of the waves decreases.

2. How does the speed of electromagnetic waves change with different wavelengths?

The speed of electromagnetic waves changes with different wavelengths in a direct proportion. This means that as the wavelength increases, the speed also increases and as the wavelength decreases, the speed decreases.

3. Is the speed of electromagnetic waves affected by the magnitude of their wavelength?

Yes, the speed of electromagnetic waves is directly affected by the magnitude of their wavelength. A longer wavelength will result in a higher speed, while a shorter wavelength will result in a lower speed.

4. Can the speed of electromagnetic waves be measured based on the magnitude of their wavelength?

No, the speed of electromagnetic waves cannot be directly measured based on the magnitude of their wavelength. It is a constant value, which is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second in a vacuum. However, the wavelength can be used to calculate the frequency of the wave, which can then be used to calculate the speed using the formula speed = frequency x wavelength.

5. What happens to the speed of electromagnetic waves if the magnitude of the wavelength is doubled?

If the magnitude of the wavelength is doubled, the speed of electromagnetic waves will also double. This is because they have a direct proportionate relationship, meaning that any change in one will result in a corresponding change in the other.
