Is sqrt{30} Irrational? Proving its Irrationality through Unique Factorization

  • Thread starter sutupidmath
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In summary, the conversation discusses using unique factorization into primes to prove that there are no integers a and b such that a^2=30b^2, and thus showing that sqrt{30} is irrational. The proof involves factoring any integer into the product of powers of distinct primes, and using the contradiction that arises when considering the number of 2's on both sides of the equation. One participant suggests using a simpler method, while the other eventually comes to the same conclusion.
  • #1
Well, there is a problem, i have solved/proved it, but i am not sure whether it is correct.
THe problem is this:

Using unique factorization into primes prove that there are no integers a and b such that [tex]a^2=30b^2[/tex], and thus show that [tex]sqrt{30}[/tex] is irrational.

Proof:using unique factorization of any integer greater than 1 or less than -1, we can factor any such integer into the product of powers of distinct primes, or simply into a product of primes.

[tex]a^2=30b^2=>b^2|a^2=>b|a=>\exists k,a=kb[/tex]


[tex]a=p_1p_2...p_r; b=q_1q_2...q_s[/tex]


Now from the unique factorization theorem again:[tex]\sqrt{30}=k=d_1d_2...d_n=>30=d_1^2d_2^2...d_n^2[/tex]



but this would contradict the unique factorization theorem, and thus this contradiction shows that such a, and b do not exist.

Is this about correct, or there is another way around it?
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  • #2
i don't know what's wrong with latex?
  • #3
Recall how do you prove sqrt(2) is irrational: a^2=2b^2 (where gcd(a,b)=1) now 2 divides a^2 and thus 2 divides a and thus 4 divides a^2, so a=2k, 4k^2=2b^2 => b^2=2k^2 so also 2 divides b^2 and thus divides b, which means that gcd(a,b)>1 which is a contradiction, the same method is used here as well.
  • #4
Actually you can use the unique factorization thus:


There are an even number of 2's on the left, but an odd number on the right. Contradiction.
  • #5
well, yah i thought about this one, but since they asked to use the unique factorization of a number into primes, that part through me off, and i didn't know whether the same method is applied here.
  • #6
sutupidmath said:
well, yah i thought about this one, but since they asked to use the unique factorization of a number into primes, that part through me off, and i didn't know whether the same method is applied here.

Which method? Why can't you use that one-line proof?
  • #7
Dragonfall said:
Actually you can use the unique factorization thus:


There are an even number of 2's on the left, but an odd number on the right. Contradiction.

THis is pretty much what my proof eventually shows, that we will have more 2's in one side than on the other.
  • #8
Dragonfall said:
Which method?

Here i was referring to mathematical physicists's post. I know how to show that a nr is irrational using that methodology.
  • #9
sutupidmath said:
THis is pretty much what my proof eventually shows, that we will have more 2's in one side than on the other.

Yes but you can say this immediately. There's a lot of unnecessary stuff in your proof.
  • #10
Just look at the prime factors on both sides... done.
  • #11
yeah i got it! thnx for the input!

FAQ: Is sqrt{30} Irrational? Proving its Irrationality through Unique Factorization

What does it mean to "prove that it is irrational"?

Proving that a number is irrational means showing that it cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. In other words, it cannot be written as a fraction with a finite number of digits.

What is an irrational number?

An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. These numbers have an infinite number of non-repeating digits after the decimal point, and cannot be written as a fraction.

How do you prove that a number is irrational?

To prove that a number is irrational, one must show that it cannot be written as a fraction. This can be done using various mathematical techniques, such as contradiction, proof by induction, or proof by contradiction.

What are some examples of irrational numbers?

Some common examples of irrational numbers include pi (3.14159...), e (2.71828...), and the square root of 2 (√2 ≈ 1.414213...). These numbers have an infinite number of non-repeating digits after the decimal point.

Why is it important to prove that a number is irrational?

Proving that a number is irrational is important because it helps us understand the nature of numbers and their relationships. It also helps in solving certain mathematical problems and can have applications in fields such as engineering and physics.
