Is Substituting q(t) the Correct Method to Verify a Differential Equation?

In summary: No, you don't need to check the equation for correctness; you only need to show that it is a correct formulation for the charge dynamics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 10.29.14 PM.png

How does one show that q(t) is indeed a solution?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My current idea is that i should come up with any form of solution, like q = Acos(ωt), and slot it in the RHS.
Reason being that if q is indeed a solution, the result of the substitution should look something like the RHS.

Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
WWCY said:
Am I missing something?
I would read the question differently than you did.

I think that this is a modeling question, because no expression for ##q## is given yet. What I would do, is show from basic circuit principles that the dynamics of the charge as a function of time is modeled by the given differential equation.

Only in the next step(s), you will then probably be asked to (or led to) find the solution of that DE.
  • #3
Krylov said:
What I would do, is show from basic circuit principles that the dynamics of the charge as a function of time is modeled by the given differential equation.

Thanks for replying!

What did you mean by the above statement? Could you elaborate a little?

Also, I found this bit of proof in relation to these types of DEs in a calculus text:
Screen Shot 2017-08-20 at 3.21.57 PM.png

Could this be another way to approach the problem?
  • #4
WWCY said:

Homework Statement

View attachment 209296
How does one show that q(t) is indeed a solution?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My current idea is that i should come up with any form of solution, like q = Acos(ωt), and slot it in the RHS.
Reason being that if q is indeed a solution, the result of the substitution should look something like the RHS.

Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

No, as Krylov has said, you have mis-read the question. The question said "Show that ##q(t)## obeys ... " so it is not asking for a solution of a differential equation. It is asking you to prove that the given differential equation is a correct formulation.

The point is: first you get the correct DE; then you worry about solving it.
  • #5
Ray Vickson said:
No, as Krylov has said, you have mis-read the question. The question said "Show that ##q(t)## obeys ... " so it is not asking for a solution of a differential equation. It is asking you to prove that the given differential equation is a correct formulation.

The point is: first you get the correct DE; then you worry about solving it.

Hi, thanks for replying.

So what you mean is that I should first derive the equation? (Apologies if I was slow to understand this)

But say I've already derived the equation, do I still need to check whether or not it's "correct" by substituting q = qp + qc?

Thank you.

Related to Is Substituting q(t) the Correct Method to Verify a Differential Equation?

1. What is a "Differential Equation: LRC"?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. LRC refers to a type of circuit that contains inductors (L), resistors (R), and capacitors (C).

2. How are differential equations used in LRC circuits?

Differential equations are used to model the behavior of LRC circuits. They can help predict the current and voltage in the circuit at different points in time.

3. What is the general form of a differential equation for an LRC circuit?

The general form of a differential equation for an LRC circuit is d^2V/dt^2 + R/L * dV/dt + 1/LC * V = 0, where V is the voltage, t is time, R is the resistance, L is the inductance, and C is the capacitance.

4. Are there any real-world applications of LRC circuits and differential equations?

Yes, LRC circuits and differential equations are used in a variety of real-world applications such as electronic filters, radio tuners, and electronic oscillators. They are also used in the study of electric circuits and control systems.

5. What are some common techniques for solving LRC differential equations?

Some common techniques for solving LRC differential equations include separation of variables, Laplace transforms, and series solutions. Additionally, numerical methods such as Euler's method and Runge-Kutta methods can also be used to approximate solutions.
