Is symmetry necessary for solving triple integrals in probability calculations?

In summary: But that is also a slightly unnatural requirement for this problem, so there may be other ways to handle the issue.In summary, the problem of determining the probability of a given triangle belonging to the set of approximately equilateral triangles involves complex considerations, such as ensuring the correct distribution of the three sides and accounting for the symmetry of the sides. Various approaches may yield different results, making the problem a challenging one to solve.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Consider T to be the set of triangles from R3+.
i.e. T = {(a, b, c) | max(a, b, c)<(a+b+c)/2}
Consider an approximately equilateral triangle to be a triangle in which the major side does not exceed the minor side in 10%. Consider E to be the set of approximately equilateral triangles.
i.e. E = {(a, b, c) | max(a, b, c)<1.1*min(a, b, c)}
What is the chance that a given triangle (i.e. picked from T) is approximately equilateral (i.e. belongs to E)
Relevant Equations
I don't think there are any specific equation to use.
I just started learning triple integrals. I don't know if this is right (I'm only concerned about the limits of the Integral)
Consider the case ## a>=b>=c ##

$$ P = \lim_{M \rightarrow +\infty} \frac { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=\frac a {1.1}}^a \int_{c= \frac a {1.1}}^b \, da \, db \, dc} { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=0}^a \int_{c=0}^b \, da \, db \, dc} = \frac 1 {121} = 0.00826 $$
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  • #2
jaumzaum said:
Homework Statement: Consider T to be the set of triangles from R3+.
i.e. T = {(a, b, c) | max(a, b, c)<(a+b+c)/2}
Consider an approximately equilateral triangle to be a triangle in which the major side does not exceed the minor side in 10%. Consider E to be the set of approximately equilateral triangles.
i.e. E = {(a, b, c) | max(a, b, c)<1.1*min(a, b, c)}
What is the chance that a given triangle (i.e. picked from T) is approximately equilateral (i.e. belongs to E)
Homework Equations: I don't think there are any specific equation to use.

I just started learning triple integrals. I don't know if this is right (I'm only concerned about the limits of the Integral)
Consider the case ## a>=b>=c ##

$$ P = \lim_{M \rightarrow +\infty} \frac { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=\frac a {1.1}}^a \int_{c= \frac a {1.1}}^b \, da \, db \, dc} { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=0}^a \int_{c=0}^b \, da \, db \, dc} = \frac 1 {121} = 0.00826 $$

How do you ensure that ##a > b > c##? One way is to choose the three sides uniformly at random on some range (##(0, M)## in your notation) and simply reject the choice if they don't come in descending order. Then you can argue that the probability they form a triangle and the probability they form a nearly equilateral triangle are the same for your restricted sample space as for the full sample space, including all the ones you rejected. So far, so good.

But, now ##a, b, c## are no longer distibuted uniformly on the given intervals. ##a## is more likely to be large ( close to ##M##) than small (close to ##0##).

So, I don't think you can have the constraint that ##a > b >c## and retain the uniform distribution.

Second point (again assuming ##a > b > c##): for the numbers to form a triangle, you have ##c > a-b##. The limits on the integral in the denominator for ##c##, therefore, are not correct.

A very tricky problem!
  • #3
PeroK said:
How do you ensure that ##a > b > c##? One way is to choose the three sides uniformly at random on some range (##(0, M)## in your notation) and simply reject the choice if they don't come in descending order. Then you can argue that the probability they form a triangle and the probability they form a nearly equilateral triangle are the same for your restricted sample space as for the full sample space, including all the ones you rejected. So far, so good.

But, now ##a, b, c## are no longer distibuted uniformly on the given intervals. ##a## is more likely to be large ( close to ##M##) than small (close to ##0##).

So, I don't think you can have the constraint that ##a > b >c## and retain the uniform distribution.

I thought about this when I first tried to answer the problem.
Let's not consider that a>=b>=c, but any triple (a, b, c) instead.
As we have 6 different permutations of (a, b, c), and independently of a, b or c being the major number the numerator would be the same. So if we assume (a, b, c) belongs to (0, M)^3, the numerator would be 6 times what we first calculated. The denominator would also be 6 times, and so the fraction would be the same.

The problem with that (and it was one of my doubts) is that we considered (a, b, c) belonging to (0, M)^3 (a cube), with M approaching infinity. But we could also consider (a, b, c) belonging to (0, M) x (0, N) x (0, O) (a parallelepiped).
That way we would get a non-solvable limit.

Second point (again assuming ##a > b > c##): for the numbers to form a triangle, you have ##c > a-b##. The limits on the integral in the denominator for ##c##, therefore, are not correct.

You are right! I will change it.
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Likes PeroK
  • #4
$$ P = \lim_{M \rightarrow +\infty} \frac { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=\frac a {1.1}}^a \int_{c= \frac a {1.1}}^b \, da \, db \, dc} { \int_{a=0}^M \int_{b=a/2}^a \int_{c=a-b}^b \, da \, db \, dc} = \frac 2 {121} = 0.01653 $$
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Likes PeroK
  • #5
jaumzaum said:
The problem with that (and it was one of my doubts) is that we considered (a, b, c) belonging to (0, M)^3 (a cube), with M approaching infinity. But we could also consider (a, b, c) belonging to (0, M) x (0, N) x (0, O) (a parallelepiped).
That way we would get a non-solvable limit.

These problems are always going to depend on how you choose the numbers. You could use spherical coordinates, for example, and get an entirely different answer.

Logically you require symmetry of ##a, b, c##, as you have done.

Related to Is symmetry necessary for solving triple integrals in probability calculations?

What is the probability of randomly selecting a right triangle from a set of triangles?

The probability of randomly selecting a right triangle from a set of triangles is approximately 0.2929 or 29.29%. This can be calculated by dividing the number of right triangles in the set by the total number of triangles in the set.

How can the probability of a triangle being equilateral be determined?

The probability of a triangle being equilateral can be determined by dividing the number of equilateral triangles in the set by the total number of triangles in the set. This can also be calculated by using the formula for the area of an equilateral triangle, which is (s^2 * √3)/4, where s is the length of one side of the triangle.

What is the probability of a triangle being obtuse?

The probability of a triangle being obtuse is dependent on the type of triangle being considered. For a randomly selected triangle, the probability of it being obtuse is approximately 0.5 or 50%. However, if the triangle is specifically chosen to be a right triangle, the probability of it being obtuse would be 0 since right triangles are always acute.

How can the probability of a triangle being similar to another triangle be calculated?

The probability of a triangle being similar to another triangle can be calculated by dividing the number of similar triangles in the set by the total number of triangles in the set. This can also be determined by comparing the corresponding angles and side lengths of the two triangles. If all angles are congruent and at least one pair of sides are proportional, the triangles are similar.

What is the probability of a triangle having a specific angle measurement?

The probability of a triangle having a specific angle measurement depends on the type of triangle being considered. For example, the probability of a right triangle having a 90 degree angle is 1, since all right triangles have a 90 degree angle. However, the probability of a randomly selected triangle having a 90 degree angle is approximately 0.3333 or 33.33% since only one third of all triangles are right triangles.
