Is τ a Hausdorrf Space? Exploring a Unique Topology

  • Thread starter happysauce
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In summary: You're welcome, but I'm not a guy ;) In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of a Hausdorff space and whether or not the given topology, consisting of the empty set, the set of real numbers in two dimensions, and complements of finite unions of points and lines, is a Hausdorff space. After discussing the definition and providing an initial incorrect solution, it is determined that the topology is not Hausdorff because it does not allow for disjoint open sets containing two points. The conversation also briefly mentions the mathematician Felix Hausdorff, for whom the concept is named, and his tragic fate during the Holocaust.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let τ be a topology consisting of ∅, [itex]\Re[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] and complements of finite unions of points and lines. Is this a hausdorrf space?

Homework Equations

Just definition of Hausdorrf space
given a topological space X, the diagonal X[itex]\times[/itex]X is closed iff X is hausdorrf.

The Attempt at a Solution

My first thoughts were that every set in the space is an open set in the topology. Therefore, take the diagonal {(x,x) | x[itex]\in[/itex]X} and the complement of that. That will be open. therefore [itex]\Re[/itex] is hausdorrf in the space. And the product of hausdorrf space is hausdorrf so the topology is hausdorrf?
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  • #2
First of all, it's spelled Hausdorff :)

happysauce said:
My first thoughts were that every set in the space is an open set in the topology.

Well, that ain't right. Think more carefully.

Start from the definition of Hausdorff spaces. So let x and y be points in X, then try to find disjoint open sets that contain x and y.
  • #3
clamtrox said:
First of all, it's spelled Hausdorff :)

Well, that ain't right. Think more carefully.

Start from the definition of Hausdorff spaces. So let x and y be points in X, then try to find disjoint open sets that contain x and y.

I think I figured it out. It isn't hausdorrf. Suppose it was hausdorrf. Then given two points x1 and x2 i can find neighborhoods that are disjoint. Namely U and V. If x1 is in U then X2 is in V[itex]\subset[/itex] R^2 - U, which is a countable set of lines and points and does not exist in the topology and is a contradiction.

I read about a similar proof showing the finite complement topology wasn't hausdorrf and realized this is the same idea with any space. I guess I could claim that in general, any space R^n with the complement topology isn't hausdorrf because disjoint unions would imply one of them is not in the topology!
  • #4
happysauce said:
I think I figured it out. It isn't hausdorrf.

Hausdorff after Felix Hausdorff, a German mathematician of the first half of the 20th century. Technical terms named after people are always capitalized.

Hausdorff studied at the University of Leipzig, obtaining his Ph.D. in 1891. He taught mathematics in Leipzig until 1910, when he became professor of mathematics at the University of Bonn. He was professor at the University of Greifswald from 1913 to 1921. He then returned to Bonn. When the Nazis came to power, Hausdorff, who was Jewish, felt that as a respected university professor he would be spared from persecution. However, his abstract mathematics was denounced as "Jewish", useless, and "un-German"[citation needed] and he lost his position in 1935. Though he could no longer publish in Germany, Hausdorff continued to be an active research mathematician, publishing in the Polish journal Fundamenta Mathematicae.

After Kristallnacht in 1938 as persecution of Jews escalated, Hausdorff became more and more isolated. He wrote to George Pólya requesting a research fellowship in the United States, but these efforts came to nothing.[1]

Finally, in 1942 when he could no longer avoid being sent to a concentration camp, Hausdorff committed suicide together with his wife, Charlotte Goldschmidt Hausdorff, and sister-in-law, Edith Goldschmidt Pappenheim,[2] on 26 January. They are buried in Bonn, Germany.
  • #5
happysauce said:
I think I figured it out. It isn't hausdorrf. Suppose it was hausdorrf. Then given two points x1 and x2 i can find neighborhoods that are disjoint. Namely U and V. If x1 is in U then X2 is in V[itex]\subset[/itex] R^2 - U, which is a countable set of lines and points and does not exist in the topology and is a contradiction.

I read about a similar proof showing the finite complement topology wasn't hausdorrf and realized this is the same idea with any space. I guess I could claim that in general, any space R^n with the complement topology isn't hausdorrf because disjoint unions would imply one of them is not in the topology!

That doesn't sound right. What about the two sets R^2-{x1} and R^2-{x2}?
  • #6
Dick said:
That doesn't sound right. What about the two sets R^2-{x1} and R^2-{x2}?

{x1} and {x2} aren't neighborhoods though right?
Also {x1} and {x2} are not in the topology or open sets either.
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  • #7
happysauce said:
{x1} and {x2} aren't neighborhoods though right?
Also {x1} and {x2} are not in the topology or open sets either.

R^2-{x1} is the complement of a point. Doesn't that mean it's in the topology?
  • #8
Dick said:
R^2-{x1} is the complement of a point. Doesn't that mean it's in the topology?

You're confusing T1-spaces and Hausdorff spaces.
  • #9
clamtrox said:
You're confusing T1-spaces and Hausdorff spaces.

Indeed I am. Thanks for the correction!
  • #10
Thanks for the help guys! :P

FAQ: Is τ a Hausdorrf Space? Exploring a Unique Topology

1. What is a Hausdorff Space?

A Hausdorff Space is a type of topological space in which any two distinct points can be separated by disjoint open sets. This means that for any two points x and y in the space, there exists open sets U and V such that x is in U, y is in V, and U and V do not overlap. This property is also known as the "Hausdorff condition" or "separation axiom."

2. How is τ related to Hausdorff Spaces?

τ, or the "tau" function, is a concept used in topology to define the topology of a space. The topology of a space is the collection of all open sets in that space. A Hausdorff Space is defined as a topological space in which the topology satisfies the Hausdorff condition. In other words, τ must satisfy the Hausdorff condition for a space to be considered a Hausdorff Space.

3. Can a non-Hausdorff Space be turned into a Hausdorff Space?

Yes, it is possible to "Hausdorffize" a non-Hausdorff Space by taking the quotient of the space with its non-Hausdorff points. This means that we remove the non-Hausdorff points and identify any points that were previously identified by the non-Hausdorff points. The resulting space will be a Hausdorff Space.

4. What are some examples of Hausdorff Spaces?

Some commonly known examples of Hausdorff Spaces include the real numbers with the standard topology, Euclidean spaces, and metric spaces. Other examples include compact spaces, locally compact spaces, and smooth manifolds.

5. How is the Hausdorff property useful in mathematics and science?

The Hausdorff property is important in many areas of mathematics and science, particularly in topology, analysis, and geometry. It allows for a more precise understanding of the structure and properties of spaces. In particular, the Hausdorff condition is important in the study of continuity, convergence, and separation of points in a space. It also has applications in fields such as physics, computer science, and engineering.
