Is Temperature Causing Electret Formation in High Voltage Testing?

  • Thread starter DCarr10760
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In summary: This causes high voltages to be generated when the part is tested. He's not the only one with this problem, others have also been getting high voltages when testing their products. The solution is to either neutralize the charge or to test the product at a lower voltage.
  • #1
Hi folks,

This is my first post. It is a problem in a manufacturing process and I am hoping to find some information and a solution.

I manufacture high voltage pinhole detection systems use in the manufacture of plastic products. At the moment we have a system in place testing thermoformed LDPE vessels. They are simailar to baby bottle liners in size.

After the parts are thermoformed they are advanced to a test station where they are placed in an electrode fixture (a family mold arrangement, sometimes referred to as a probe and cavity fixture) the probe (Male) is charged to -9kVDC and the cavity (Female) is grounded. The test time is approximately 1 second. Our detection circuitry trips when a 600 uA current passes through a circuit in series with the HV generator.

The problem is that we are imparting a static charge to the surface of the parts under test. The customer has measured voltages as high as -4000 volts. They have tried to neutralize the charge with ionizing bars and a surface voltmeter checks at zero volts. However the next day the parts are again charged sometimes to 1000 volts or more.

Samples have remain charged for several months now.

Untested samples (not HV leak tested) often have a surface charge of up to -1000 vDC or more and after ionizing treatment maintain a voltage of only up to -400 vDC. This level is satisfactory. Higher voltages are not.

At the time of the test, the product is between 150F and 200F.

I am wondering is it possible we are forming an electret?

If so is there a critical temperature the products should be brought down to before bombarding them with voltage to avoid a permanent charge?

Where can I learn more about electret formation?

Many thanks to all!

David C
Engineering news on
  • #2
Do you really need a DC test? Can you use an AC test instead, where the AC voltage magnitude is ramped up over about a second to the peak, and then back down over the next second? This would be similar to the de-Gaussing process used to demagnitize metal structures.
  • #3
Don't know about LDPE, but your process is generally how one makes an electret.
You could try cooling some to lower temps until it stops happening.
Berkeman's idea sounds promising.
  • #4

We do use AC on some products and as you suggest there are none of these problems. But in this case there are 32 separate cavities all with discrete detection circuits fed by a common supply. The current requirements for an AC test, given the significant capacitance of the cups in the common fixture would require an output currents well above let-go (safe) values. Our business model doesn't allow us to kill our customers :) (it discourages repeat business).

We do have similar installations, testing products that are cooler, which do not gain a permanent charge. So I think temperature may be a factor. I'll go and do some online testing when they will allow me time on the machine.

Thanks all!


FAQ: Is Temperature Causing Electret Formation in High Voltage Testing?

1. What is an electret?

An electret is a type of material that has a permanent electric charge. It is similar to a permanent magnet, but instead of a magnetic field, it has an electric field.

2. How is an electret created?

An electret is created by exposing a non-conductive material, such as a polymer, to a strong electric field. This causes the material to become polarized and develop a permanent electric charge.

3. What are some practical applications of electrets?

Electrets are used in a variety of applications, including microphones, air filters, and electrostatic generators. They are also used in medical devices, such as hearing aids and pacemakers.

4. How long does an electret's charge last?

The charge in an electret can last for many years, but it may gradually decrease over time. The exact duration of the charge depends on the material used and the conditions it is exposed to.

5. Can an electret be recharged?

Yes, an electret can be recharged by subjecting it to a strong electric field again. However, the process may not be as effective as the initial creation of the electret, and the charge may not last as long.

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