Is Temperature Quantized? Exploring the Concept of 0K and Energy Quantization

  • Thread starter UncertaintyAjay
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In summary, 0 K is the lowest possible temperature and the only allowed temperature change will be that which would result in an energy change of magnitude E. So, if temperature were to drop below 0K, the first allowed temperature change would result in an energy decrease of E. Which is why temperature would never fall below 0K.
  • #1
Right, so. A couple years ago, before I learned about electron orbitals etc. I sort of figured out that energy was quantized. I always thought that my logic was right, but you never know. So I'll outline my argument below and could someone tell me if its logically and physically sound? And if it isn't, why not?

So, I had just learned about 0 K being the lowest possible temperature and that matter was at its lowest energy at 0K. I also learned that things can't go below this temperature because they can't have 0 energy.
Ergo, if something were to go even an infinitesimal bit below 0K, it would have zero energy. But an infinitesimal temperature change would lead to an infinitesimal energy change. Since this is not allowed, temperature must change in some multiple of some number, call it T. Obviously, at 0K matter must have some energy, call it E. So, the only allowed temperature change will be that which would result in an energy change of magnitude E. So, if temperature were to drop below 0K, the first allowed temperature change would result in an energy decrease of E. Which is why temperature would never fall below 0K. So any energy change must be an integral multiple of E and any temperature change an integral multiple of T.
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  • #2
UncertaintyAjay said:
Ergo, if something were to go even an infinitesimal bit below 0K, it would have zero energy.

Note true. Absolute zero is a minimum energy state, but it is not a zero energy or even a near-zero energy state.

UncertaintyAjay said:
Ergo, if something were to go even an infinitesimal bit below 0K, it would have zero energy. But an infinitesimal temperature change would lead to an infinitesimal energy change. Since this is not allowed, temperature must change in some multiple of some number, call it T. Obviously, at 0K matter must have some energy, call it E. So, the only allowed temperature change will be that which would result in an energy change of magnitude E. So, if temperature were to drop below 0K, the first allowed temperature change would result in an energy decrease of E. Which is why temperature would never fall below 0K. So any energy change must be an integral multiple of E and any temperature change an integral multiple of T.

Temperature is (generally) not quantized. Not for macroscopic systems at least.
  • #3
No, I'm aware that 0K is anything but a zero energy state. I suppose the root of my confusion lies in the fact that I was never explained why 0 Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature. Could you clarify this.
  • #4
Historically, 0 K was set by the observation that for (ideal) gases, there is a limit in a P vs T plot where ##P \leftarrow 0##, and that limit can be set as ##T = 0##, which defines an absolute temperature scale. Considering that in gases energy is essentially kinetic energy, this limit has a need physical explanation as the point where the kinetic energy is zero.

Adding interactions or internal degrees of freedom, we get that T = 0 K also corresponds to the ground state of the system, where QM tells us that there is residual (zero-point) energy. But the ground state is the ground state, so the system can't go lower.

That said, the modern definition of temperature is
\frac{1}{T} = \frac{\partial S}{\partial U}
Generally speaking entropy varies in the same direction as energy, so ##T>0##, but there exists systems that can have a negative temperature. Note though that they correspond to systems that are hotter than ##T = \infty##; i.e., energy will flow from a negative temperature object into any positive energy object.

Also, temperature is a statistical property. I don't see how it could be quantized.
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FAQ: Is Temperature Quantized? Exploring the Concept of 0K and Energy Quantization

What is 0K?

0K, also known as absolute zero, is the theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. It is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why is 0K important in energy quantization?

0K is important in energy quantization because it represents the lowest possible energy state of a system. This is where the energy levels of particles are at their minimum and can be used as a reference point for measuring the energy levels of a system.

What is energy quantization?

Energy quantization is the concept that energy can only exist in discrete, quantized amounts. This means that energy cannot be continuously varied, but rather can only take on specific values. This is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics.

How does energy quantization relate to atoms?

In atoms, energy quantization explains the existence of discrete energy levels in the electron shells. Electrons can only occupy specific energy levels and cannot exist in between these levels. This explains the unique spectral lines seen in emission and absorption spectra.

What are some real-world applications of energy quantization?

Energy quantization has many real-world applications, including the development of technologies such as lasers, transistors, and solar cells. It is also essential in understanding the behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular level, which is crucial in fields such as chemistry and materials science.

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