Is the 680J mentioned in this problem a red herring?

In summary, the conversation focuses on the relevance of the 680J mentioned in the problem. It is agreed that the work done is irrelevant and the focus should be on the ratio and proportion of forces. Some suggest that the 680J could be used as a shortcut for calculating the angle of the incline, but others argue that it is not necessary. Ultimately, it is concluded that understanding the problem and finding the most efficient approach is key.
  • #1


Am I right in thinking the 680J thing is a red herring? Even using the author's method of "same work required in either case" (ie =mgh in both cases) we still end up cancelling h and getting $$F=\frac{mg\sin \theta}{\cos \phi}\ge mg\sin \theta=320$$ etc. I.e. no need for 680J. Maybe I am wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is angle ##\phi## in your expression?
  • #3
kuruman said:
What is angle ##\phi## in your expression?
Seems a reasonable guess that it's the angle the applied force makes to the slope.
So, yes, the 680J is a scarlet kipper.
  • #4
haruspex said:
Seems a reasonable guess that it's the angle the applied force makes to the slope.
So, yes, the 680J is a scarlet kipper.
There is no such angle mentioned in the statement of the problem. To me it looks like a Clupea harengus rubrum introduced by OP. Also, under the assumption that the worker pushes with a force parallel to the incline, the 680 J is needed to find the sine of the angle of the incline a.k.a. the inverse of the mechanical advantage of the incline.
  • #5
kuruman said:
There is no such angle mentioned in the statement of the problem.
There does not need to be.
We are aked for the minimum force. That would include minimising wrt the angle of application. That is what the inequality is doing in post #1.
kuruman said:
the 680 J is needed to find the sine of the angle of the incline
We are not given any distances, so I fail to see how the work done can be relevant.
  • #6
kuruman said:
the 680 J is needed to find the sine
but can it be done by just simply projecting forces on axis (if you build it parallelly to the incline surface). Thus we assume that force imparted by worker is parallel to incline and the gravitational force projection to axis equals to $$m g sin\alpha$$(since no force of friction given), and the alpha is an angle of incline. Therefore $$mgsin\alpha = F$$ Next we get the angle.
  • #7
The 680J allows you to work out the vertical height the box has to be lifted.

Then, since the ramp is frictionless and therefore the only work done is against gravity, 680J is also the work done by moving the box that way so you can work out the distance moved along the ramp. As someone said above you can think about projection of forces, but it's just as easy to say 320N x distance = 680J.

Then your height and the length of the ramp allow you to find the angle.
Edited to add - However, since this is really about ratio and proportion, as @haruspex says above you can do it more simply by using just the ratio of the forces

so instead of sinθ = x1/x2, we'd have sinθ = F2/F1
  • #8
rsk said:
The 680J allows you to work out the vertical height the box has to be lifted.
It's still irrelevant to the question asked. You could change the 680J to any other value and still get the same answer for the force.
  • #9
haruspex said:
It's still irrelevant to the question asked. You could change the 680J to any other value and still get the same answer for the force.
You could, yes. But in any class of students you will have some who instantly spot a mathematical short cut and some who only see that having tried it first with numbers and thinking about the physics.

Since both give the same answer, and since the work was given in the question, there will be no penalty for using it. In the end, the best method is the one which aids the understanding of the individual student.
  • #10
haruspex said:
It's still irrelevant to the question asked. You could change the 680J to any other value and still get the same answer for the force.
Yes. I tried to salvage the 680 J but it's unsalvageable.
  • #11
rsk said:
You could, yes. But in any class of students you will have some who instantly spot a mathematical short cut and some who only see that having tried it first with numbers and thinking about the physics.

Since both give the same answer, and since the work was given in the question, there will be no penalty for using it. In the end, the best method is the one which aids the understanding of the individual student.
I take a very different view.
It is right and proper that question setters should salt the questions with extraneous information. It's not done often enough. Figuring out what's relevant is all part of gaining a proper understanding, and better reflects the real world.
The penalty for the inefficient approach is time lost in the exam. Full credit to @walking for avoiding the trap here.
  • #12
haruspex said:
I take a very different view.
It is right and proper that question setters should salt the questions with extraneous information. It's not done often enough. Figuring out what's relevant is all part of gaining a proper understanding, and better reflects the real world.
The penalty for the inefficient approach is time lost in the exam. Full credit to @walking for avoiding the trap here.

In my experience, figuring out what's necessary often comes as a consequence of using what isn't and hence discovering that it isn't necessary. Indeed, problem sets are often created with that in mind and some students will better understand why the work is unnecessary once they have used it a few times.

FAQ: Is the 680J mentioned in this problem a red herring?

1. What is a red herring in a scientific problem?

A red herring in a scientific problem is a piece of information or data that is intentionally included to mislead or distract from the actual problem or solution. It is often used to throw off the reader or researcher and can be a waste of time and resources if not recognized.

2. How can I identify if the 680J mentioned in this problem is a red herring?

The best way to identify if the 680J mentioned in a problem is a red herring is to carefully analyze the problem and determine if the information is relevant to finding a solution. If the 680J does not contribute to solving the problem or seems out of place, it is likely a red herring.

3. Can a red herring be intentionally included in a scientific study?

Yes, a red herring can be intentionally included in a scientific study. This can be done to test the critical thinking skills of researchers or to see if they will be able to identify and eliminate irrelevant information from their analysis.

4. How can a red herring affect the outcome of a scientific study?

A red herring can significantly impact the outcome of a scientific study by leading researchers to incorrect conclusions or wasting time and resources. It can also create confusion and make it difficult to determine the true cause of a problem or phenomenon.

5. Is it important to recognize and eliminate red herrings in scientific research?

Yes, it is crucial to recognize and eliminate red herrings in scientific research. Doing so ensures that the research is focused and efficient, leading to accurate results and meaningful conclusions. It also helps to avoid wasting time and resources on irrelevant information.
