Is the Apophis Asteroid a Serious Threat and What is NASA Doing About It?

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In summary, some recent articles have discussed the possibility of an asteroid named Apophis potentially colliding with Earth in 36 years. While some sources are taking this threat seriously, it is currently being discussed and debated among experts in the field. There is an open discussion thread on this topic in the forum for further information.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

Recently, i have read several articles about Apophis, an asteroid which may hit the Earth in about 36 years. Some articles take it quite serious saying that Nasa begins to prepare a plan to deal with this asteroid. Is it really serious or just some kind of rumour ?.
I am a newbie to this field and hope experts in this forum will explain it to me.

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  • #3
for bringing up this topic, Zz. Apophis is indeed a real asteroid that has been closely monitored by NASA since its discovery in 2004. At that time, there were concerns that it may potentially collide with Earth in 2029, but further observations ruled out this possibility. However, there is still a small chance that it could collide with Earth in 2068, which is why NASA continues to track its trajectory and assess potential impact risks.

While there is no need to panic, it is important for scientists and organizations like NASA to constantly monitor and prepare for potential asteroid impacts. In the case of Apophis, NASA has already developed several potential plans to deflect or mitigate its impact if necessary. This includes studying its composition and structure, as well as developing technologies that could potentially alter its trajectory.

So to answer your question, it is not just a rumor, but it is also not a cause for immediate concern. Rest assured that experts are actively monitoring the situation and taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our planet.

FAQ: Is the Apophis Asteroid a Serious Threat and What is NASA Doing About It?

1. Will Apophis actually hit Earth?

There is a very small chance of Apophis actually hitting Earth, estimated to be about 1 in 150,000. However, scientists are constantly monitoring its trajectory and any potential changes in its orbit.

2. When is Apophis expected to pass by Earth?

Apophis is expected to make a close approach to Earth on April 13, 2029. This is when it will come within 19,000 miles of our planet, which is closer than the orbit of many satellites.

3. How big is Apophis and what kind of damage could it cause?

Apophis is estimated to be about 1,100 feet in diameter, which is smaller than the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. If it were to hit Earth, it could potentially cause significant damage to the impact area and surrounding regions.

4. What is being done to prevent or mitigate the potential impact of Apophis?

Scientists are constantly monitoring Apophis and its trajectory, and will continue to do so leading up to its close approach in 2029. If necessary, efforts could be made to deflect or destroy the asteroid using various methods, such as a kinetic impactor or nuclear explosion.

5. How can we be sure that Apophis won't hit Earth in the future?

As mentioned earlier, Apophis's trajectory is constantly being monitored and any potential changes in its orbit will be closely studied. Additionally, continued research into asteroid detection and deflection methods can help increase our ability to predict and prevent potential impacts in the future.
