Is the Change of Basis Matrix in My Book Wrong?

In summary, the book states that if beta is a basis for X and A : X \rightarrow X is an isomorphism, then the change of basis matrix _\beta^{A\beta} is exactly the matrix ([A]_\beta^\beta)^{-1}. However, if beta is different from the basis A\beta, the identity map between the bases will not be equal to A^{-1}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have posted this problem on another website (mathhelpforum) but have received no replies. I don't know whether this is because no one knows what I am talking about or if it's just that no one can find a fault with my reasoning. Please please please could you post a reply even if it's just to say "Looks ok to me, but what would I know?" as there is the (remote) possibility that the book is wrong here and it'd really do me good to know this - the more replies saying it looks ok the happier I'll be. It's playing havok with my confidence.

My book (Tensor Geometry - Poston & Dodson) says the following:

If [itex]\beta = (b_1,..., b_n)[/itex] is a basis for X, and [itex]A : X \rightarrow Y[/itex] is an isomorphism, then [itex] A\beta = (Ab_1,..., Ab_n)[/itex] is a basis for Y.
If [itex]\beta[/itex] is a basis for X and [itex]A : X \rightarrow X[/itex] is an isomorphism, the change of basis matrix [itex]_\beta^{A\beta}[/itex] is exactly the matrix [itex]([A]_\beta^\beta)^{-1}[/itex].

I just can't seem to agree with this result!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

After hours of tearing my hair out I have come up with the following argument...

For some basis [itex]\beta[/itex], some vector [itex]\mathbf{x}[/itex] and its representation [itex]x^\beta[/itex] in the [itex]\beta[/itex] coords.

[tex]\beta x^\beta=\mathbf{x}[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow x^\beta=\beta^{-1}\mathbf{x}[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{\beta'} x^\beta=_\beta^{\beta'} \beta^{-1}\mathbf{x}[/tex]

for some other basis [itex]\beta'[/itex] where [itex]_\beta^{\beta'} [/itex] is the change of basis matrix from [itex]\beta[/itex] to [itex]\beta'[/itex] coordinates. so

[tex] _\beta^{\beta'} x^\beta=_\beta^{\beta'} \beta^{-1}\mathbf{x}= x^{\beta'}[/tex] --(*)

We also know the coordinates of [itex]\mathbf{x}[/itex] in the [itex]\beta'[/itex] coords using the [itex]\beta'[/itex] basis:

[tex]\beta' x^{\beta'}=\mathbf{x}[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow x^{\beta'}=\beta'^{-1}\mathbf{x}[/tex] --(**)

(*) and (**) combine to give

[tex]_\beta^{\beta'} \beta^{-1}\mathbf{x}=\beta'^{-1}\mathbf{x}[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{\beta'} \beta^{-1}=\beta'^{-1} [/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{\beta'}=\beta'^{-1}\beta[/tex]

This seems like a nice neat result to me, but if [itex]\beta'=A\beta[/itex] as it is in the book, we have

[tex] _\beta^{\beta'}=\beta'^{-1}\beta[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{A \beta}=(A\beta)^{-1}\beta[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{A \beta}=\beta^{-1}A^{-1}\beta[/tex]

However, if [itex]\beta'=\beta A[/itex]
[tex] _\beta^{\beta A}=\beta'^{-1}\beta[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{\beta A}=(\beta A)^{-1}\beta[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow _\beta^{\beta A}=A^{-1}\beta^{-1}\beta[/tex]

which is the required result...

I have tried some basic examples with actual numbers and the results support what I have here... Unless I have some fundamental misunderstanding of all this and what it is supposed to mean, which is quite possible...
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Physics news on
  • #2
It id a linear isomorphism isn't it? Seems really basic and straightforward I must say.
  • #3
Outlined said:
It id a linear isomorphism isn't it? Seems really basic and straightforward I must say.
Yes, it's linear. So you would say I'm right then?
or are you saying it's straightforward to get the required result?
  • #4
I did not check your #3 point but you can easily check it is a basis by definition:

A basis B of a vector space V over a field F is a linearly independent subset of V that spans (or generates) V.

Would this help you?
  • #5
Outlined said:
I did not check your #3 point but you can easily check it is a basis by definition:

A basis B of a vector space V over a field F is a linearly independent subset of V that spans (or generates) V.

Would this help you?

I know [itex]A\beta[/itex] is definitely a basis, the question is whether the identity map between the two bases is equal to [itex]A^{-1}[/itex].
ie does [itex]A^{-1}\mathbf{x^{\beta}}=\mathbf{x^{A\beta}}[/itex]
My reasoning says it should be [itex]A^{-1}\mathbf{x^{\beta}}=\mathbf{x^{\beta A}}[/itex]

notation: [itex]\mathbf{x^{\beta}}[/itex] meaning the vector [itex]\mathbf{x}[/itex] under the [itex]\beta[/itex] basis
[itex]\mathbf{x^{A\beta}}[/itex] meaning the vector [itex]\mathbf{x}[/itex] under the [itex]A\beta[/itex] basis
  • #6
Th identity map is just a function which leaves the input unchanged.
  • #7
Outlined said:
Th identity map is just a function which leaves the input unchanged.

In this case I am changing bases, so the identity map leaves the vector unchanged but changes the components...if you see what i mean...
I'm beginning to get the feeling that the terminology used in this book isn't standard!
  • #8
In that case it comes down to looking at the (easy) equation

[b1 b2 ... bn]x = [Ab1 Ab2 ... Abn]y = A[b1 b2 ... bn]y

Here [ ] is a matrix with elements inside as columns
By multiplying with A or A-1 you can get your vector in the coordinate representation you want.
  • #9
Outlined said:
In that case it comes down to looking at the (easy) equation

[b1 b2 ... bn]x = [Ab1 Ab2 ... Abn]y = A[b1 b2 ... bn]y

Here [ ] is a matrix with elements inside as columns
By multiplying with A or A-1 you can get your vector in the coordinate representation you want.

Right! which is what I did and got
\text{conversion matrix from }\beta \text{ to } A\beta=\beta^{-1}A^{-1}\beta
rather than the [itex]A^{-1}[/itex] which the book claims. Am I right?
  • #10
y = [b1 b2 ... bn]-1A-1[b1 b2 ... bn]x

I think you are right indeed. But maybe the book is talking about [b1 b2 ... bn]x while you are about x, which is a difference. Look carefully at what the book means.
  • #11
so using your notation:
[b1 b2 ... bn]x = [Ab1 Ab2 ... Abn]y = A[b1 b2 ... bn]y

where x is in [itex]\beta[/itex] coords and y is in [itex]A \beta[/itex] coords

taking the first and last of these equalities:

[tex][b_1 b_2 ... b_n]x = A[b_1 b_2 ... b_n]y[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow A^{-1}[b_1 b_2 ... b_n]x = [b_1 b_2 ... b_n]y[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow [b_1 b_2 ... b_n]^{-1}A^{-1}[b_1 b_2 ... b_n]x = y[/tex]
  • #12
I edited my post, please read again. I think you as well as the book are right but your are talking about slightly different things.
  • #13
Outlined said:
y = [b1 b2 ... bn]-1A-1[b1 b2 ... bn]x

I think you are right indeed. But maybe the book is talking about [b1 b2 ... bn]x while you are about x, which is a difference. Look carefully at what the book means.

but even then you would have the matrix being [b1 b2 ... bn]-1A-1
  • #14
Outlined said:
In that case it comes down to looking at the (easy) equation

[b1 b2 ... bn]x = [Ab1 Ab2 ... Abn]y = A[b1 b2 ... bn]y

Here [ ] is a matrix with elements inside as columns
By multiplying with A or A-1 you can get your vector in the coordinate representation you want.

OK... but
[b1 b2 ... bn]x = A[b1 b2 ... bn]y

multiplying by A-1 gives A-1[b1 b2 ... bn]x = [b1 b2 ... bn]y

but [b1 b2 ... bn]y is meaningless right? it's the components in Ab paired with the b basis!
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  • #15
It seems that you fully understand what is going on, I wouldn't worry about a possible mistake in the book and just work on some exercises. May you have a problem with one of those exercises you can always come back here.

btw: From your opening post I see you write something like [tex](A^{\beta}_{\beta})^{-1}[/tex] (quote from the book) so that is something like what you say. Again: most important point is that you do understand what is going on and in that case you are fine.
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  • #16
Outlined said:
It seems that you fully understand what is going on, I wouldn't worry about a possible mistake in the book and just work on some exercises. May you have a problem with one of those exercises you can always come back here.

btw: From your opening post I see you write something like [tex](A^{\beta}_{\beta})^{-1}[/tex] (quote from the book) so that is something like what you say. Again: most important point is that you do understand what is going on and in that case you are fine.

Thanks, that helps a lot.

Did you notice that in my first post I mentioned that if you choose the second basis as [itex]\beta A[/itex] rather than [itex]A\beta[/itex] then you get the desired result?

& \beta x=(\beta A)y\\
\Rightarrow & A^{-1}\beta^{-1}\beta x=y\\
\Rightarrow & A^{-1}x=y\end{aligned}[/tex]Unfortunately the basis [itex]\beta A[/itex] isn't as nice geometrically as [itex]A\beta[/itex].
[itex]A\beta[/itex] is the image of [itex]\beta[/itex] under A (which turns out to be a basis for the image of A). Whereas what is [itex]\beta A[/itex]? The vectors that A represents in the basis [itex]\beta$[/itex]? (yuk!) (I'm not even sure if this is a basis for the image of A...Probably not...)

I sort of hoped that the nice geometrical object would have the nice Identity map. I suppose I really wanted to be wrong!
  • #17

I've figured it out...

At last...

My mistake was in thinking that [itex]A=\left[A\right]_{\beta}^{\beta}[/itex].

The map [itex]A:X\rightarrow X[/itex] maps a vector in the vector space X to a new vector in X.

Wheras [itex]\left[A\right]_{\beta}^{\beta}[/itex] maps the components of a vector in the [itex]\beta[/itex] basis to new components in the [itex]\beta[/itex] basis.

The result is the same but the maps are different.

You can do the map [itex]\left[A\right]_{\beta}^{\beta}[/itex] in terms of [itex]A[/itex] by first converting components into a vector ([itex]\beta(x^{\beta})[/itex]), then applying A ([itex]A(\beta x^{\beta})[/itex]) and then converting back into components ([itex]\beta^{-1}(A\beta x^{\beta})[/itex]).



My result in my first post was [itex]\left[I\right]_{\beta}^{A\beta}=\beta^{-1}A^{-1}\beta[/itex] which completely confused me (I was expecting [itex]\left[I\right]_{\beta}^{A\beta}=A^{-1}[/itex])

But now I can take this further

\left[I\right]_{\beta}^{A\beta} & =\beta^{-1}A^{-1}\beta\\
& =(A\beta)^{-1}\beta\\
& =(\beta^{-1}A\beta)^{-1}\\
& =(\left[A\right]_{\beta}^{\beta})^{-1}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Hoorah... What a great feeling.

I am finally feeling at one with my book again...

FAQ: Is the Change of Basis Matrix in My Book Wrong?

1. What is an identity map between bases?

An identity map between bases is a function that maps a vector from one basis to the same vector in a different basis. It is used to convert between coordinate systems and is often used in linear algebra and geometry.

2. Why is an identity map between bases useful?

An identity map between bases allows for easier understanding and manipulation of vectors in different coordinate systems. It also allows for more efficient computations, as the conversion between bases can be done through a simple function rather than complex calculations.

3. How is an identity map between bases different from other types of maps?

An identity map between bases is unique in that it maps the same vector in one basis to the same vector in a different basis. Other types of maps may change the magnitude or direction of the vector when converting between bases.

4. Can an identity map between bases be represented as a matrix?

Yes, an identity map between bases can be represented as a square matrix known as the identity matrix. The size of the matrix will depend on the dimension of the vector space and will have 1s along the diagonal and 0s everywhere else.

5. In what fields of study is an identity map between bases commonly used?

An identity map between bases is commonly used in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science. It is an important concept in linear algebra and is used in applications such as computer graphics, robotics, and signal processing.

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