Is the classical relation between energy and momentum valid in QM?

In summary: T} = \hat{p}^2 / 2m$$where ##p^2## is the expectation value of the wave function at position ##x##. But you don't have a wave-function equation for the case where V depends on x. Instead, you have an equation for the case where V is a function of x. This doesn't look very quantum mechanical to me.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
When can we use kinetic energy [tex]T = E - V = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex] in QM? If it is valid then that would imply definite momentum in stationary states which doesn’t sound right.
Here we are talking about non-relativistic quantum physics. So we all know kinetic energy [tex] T = E - V = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 [/tex] in classical physics. Here V is the potential energy of the particle and E is the total energy. Now what I am seeing is that this exact same relation is being used in quantum physics with impunity. For example when it comes to a free particle, this relation was used to get relation between its wave number and angular frequency.

From what I understand, this classical relation still holds, but the only thing new here is that E and p are not known precisely but instead we have a statistical distribution for them and so therefore even though the classical relation holds we cannot use it (because it requires exact values to be fed into it and not expectation values). Am I getting it right?

But then again we know that for a stationary state energy E is fixed and so by above reasoning p must always be fixed for a stationary state as well. This doesn’t sound right. So what am I missing?
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  • #2
shankk said:
From what I understand, this classical relation still holds, but the only thing new here is that E and p are not known precisely but instead we have a statistical distribution for them

No, the new thing in QM is that ##E## and ##p## are not numbers any more, they're operators. So what you are calling the "kinetic energy" is now a relationship between operators, specifically, that ##\hat{T} = \hat{p}^2 / 2 m##. The total energy operator, the Hamiltonian, is then ##\hat{H} = \hat{p}^2 / 2m + V##.

shankk said:
we know that for a stationary state energy E is fixed and so by above reasoning p must always be fixed for a stationary state as well.

No. First, when you say that "E is fixed" in a stationary state, what you actually mean is that the wave function is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian ##\hat{H}##. But an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian does not have to be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}##. A stationary state must be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}^2## since that is what appears in ##\hat{H}##. But there are many different eigenstates of ##\hat{p}## that are eigenstates of ##\hat{p}^2## with the same eigenvalue (states with the same magnitude of momentum but in different directions), and a superposition of multiple such states will not be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}##, so it won't have a "fixed" momentum, but it will be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}^2##, so it will have a fixed energy.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
No, the new thing in QM is that ##E## and ##p## are not numbers any more, they're operators. So what you are calling the "kinetic energy" is now a relationship between operators, specifically, that ##\hat{T} = \hat{p}^2 / 2 m##. The total energy operator, the Hamiltonian, is then ##\hat{H} = \hat{p}^2 / 2m + V##.
No. First, when you say that "E is fixed" in a stationary state, what you actually mean is that the wave function is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian ##\hat{H}##. But an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian does not have to be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}##. A stationary state must be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}^2## since that is what appears in ##\hat{H}##. But there are many different eigenstates of ##\hat{p}## that are eigenstates of ##\hat{p}^2## with the same eigenvalue (states with the same magnitude of momentum but in different directions), and a superposition of multiple such states will not be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}##, so it won't have a "fixed" momentum, but it will be an eigenstate of ##\hat{p}^2##, so it will have a fixed energy.
Okay. So that cleared up some of my doubts. Now I think that the relation of ##T = E - V = \frac{p^2}{2m}## still holds but here E is now the eigenvalue of the hamiltonian, p is the positive square root of the eigenvalue of ##\hat{p}^2## and V is the potential energy. But now here, p would depend on x coordinate in case V is a function of x. For the free particle we were able to write p as a constant because V was constant (0). Am I getting it now?
  • #4
shankk said:
Okay. So that cleared up some of my doubts. Now I think that the relation of ##T = E - V = \frac{p^2}{2m}## still holds but here E is now the eigenvalue of the hamiltonian, p is the positive square root of the eigenvalue of ##\hat{p}^2## and V is the potential energy. But now here, p would depend on x coordinate in case V is a function of x. For the free particle we were able to write p as a constant because V was constant (0). Am I getting it now?
This doesn't look very quantum mechanical to me. You have an equation of expectation values:
$$\langle T \rangle = \langle E \rangle - \langle V \rangle$$ But, in general, the quantities ##T, E## and ##V## are not well-defined in QM (*). As above, you have operators representing these observables.

(*) Well-defined in terms of the state, You can, of course, get single-measurement values for these.

In terms of the free particle, the energy and momentum eigenstates are not physically realisable, so you will always have a superposition of eigenstates (a so-called wave packet).
  • #5
shankk said:
Now I think that the relation of ##T = E - V = \frac{p^2}{2m}## still holds but here E is now the eigenvalue of the hamiltonian

No. The relationship is a relationship between operators, not eigenvalues. There is also a relationship between expectation values, as @PeroK points out, which is implied by the relationship between operators. But expectation values are not the same as eigenvalues.

shankk said:
now here, p would depend on x coordinate in case V is a function of x.

Again, p is an operator, not a number or a function. It makes no sense to say it "depends" on a coordinate.

Related to Is the classical relation between energy and momentum valid in QM?

1. What is the classical relation between energy and momentum?

The classical relation between energy and momentum states that the momentum of a particle is equal to its mass times its velocity, and the kinetic energy of the particle is equal to one-half its mass times the square of its velocity.

2. Is the classical relation between energy and momentum valid in quantum mechanics?

The classical relation between energy and momentum is not valid in quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, the concept of momentum and energy are described by operators, and their values are subject to the uncertainty principle.

3. How does the relation between energy and momentum differ in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the relation between energy and momentum is described by the commutation relation between the energy and momentum operators. This means that the values of energy and momentum cannot be precisely measured at the same time.

4. Why is the classical relation between energy and momentum not valid in quantum mechanics?

The classical relation between energy and momentum is not valid in quantum mechanics because classical mechanics assumes that particles have definite positions and momenta, while quantum mechanics describes particles as having a wave-like nature and their properties are described by probability distributions.

5. Are there any situations where the classical relation between energy and momentum can be used in quantum mechanics?

In certain cases, the classical relation between energy and momentum can be used in quantum mechanics as an approximation. This is known as the correspondence principle, which states that classical mechanics is a valid approximation of quantum mechanics in the macroscopic world.

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