Is the closed string an unknot?

In summary: It seems like you are asking if a closed string can be considered as a knot and if it can be added with another closed string, similar to how knots can be added. However, it is not clear what you mean by "adding" closed strings and how it relates to the concept of knots. Can you clarify your question?
  • #1
Master replies:
A unknot is pretty much a circle or a 2-sphere, so is a closed string, maybe a bit more irregular but approximatly the same. Of course more is needed to identify the closed string as an unknot than the shape.
I assume that it is not so, yet I have no reason to deny it. I hope you may give me a reason.
Knots can also be added simply connecting the two knots. Is such a addition also possible with closed strings, if they are in fact unknots? Can, if it is a unknot, the closed string me knoted further?
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  • #2
An unknot is a simple closed curve in 3D Euclidean space that is homotopic to a circle. Ie there must be a continuous deformation that maps it to, say the curve
##f:[0,1]\to\mathbb{R}^3:\ \ f(t)=(1,t,0)## where the latter representation is in spherical coordinates. Defining a knot is easy. The hard bit is working out whether any particular simple closed curve in ##\mathbb{R}^3## is a knot.

It's not clear what your question is. You ask whether an unknot can be knotted 'further'. That depends what operations you allow. If you allow cutting and splicing then yes - just cut it, do a granny knot, then splice the ends together. If not, and the 'knotting' transformation must be continuous, then the answer is no, because whatever transformation you do to try to knot it can be reversed to transform it back into the unit circle.
  • #3
Master replies: said:
A unknot is pretty much a circle or a 2-sphere, so is a closed string, maybe a bit more irregular but approximatly the same. Of course more is needed to identify the closed string as an unknot than the shape.
I assume that it is not so, yet I have no reason to deny it. I hope you may give me a reason.
Knots can also be added simply connecting the two knots. Is such a addition also possible with closed strings, if they are in fact unknots? Can, if it is a unknot, the closed string me knoted further?

To a physicist or mathematician, a knots is defined as a closed curve. All closed curves are knots, all knots are closed curves. This is NOT the definition used in standard English. It is quite different from the "knots" encountered in everyday life, which we won't discuss here.

The only way to change a knot to a topologically different knot is to cut the string, move it around, then paste it back together. This is a definition of "topologically different."

The circle is called the "unknot" because in physics often it can dissipate by shrinking to a point. No other knot can do that. So the unknot is often less stable than the other knots.
  • #4
andrewkirk said:
It's not clear what your question is. You ask whether an unknot can be knotted 'further'. That depends what operations you allow. If you allow cutting and splicing then yes - just cut it, do a granny knot, then splice the ends together. If not, and the 'knotting' transformation must be continuous, then the answer is no, because whatever transformation you do to try to knot it can be reversed to transform it back into the unit circle.

My question was not if the unknot may be knoted further, I apologize if that was unclear, but rather if the unknot is a primitve form of a higher more complex knot. I do not imagine so but...
But more importantly if the closed string may be considered as one and if it is any help to mathematics or the physics and if one may add two closed strings as one may do with knots.
  • #5
Master replies: said:
My question was not if the unknot may be knoted further, I apologize if that was unclear, but rather if the unknot is a primitve form of a higher more complex knot.
No, it isn't.
But more importantly if the closed string may be considered as one and if it is any help to mathematics or the physics and if one may add two closed strings as one may do with knots.
I'm afraid I do not understand what you are trying to ask here.

FAQ: Is the closed string an unknot?

1. Is the closed string always an unknot?

No, the closed string can sometimes form a knot, depending on its configuration and the number of twists it contains.

2. How can we determine if a closed string is an unknot?

There are various mathematical techniques, such as knot theory and topological invariants, that can be used to analyze the closed string and determine whether it is an unknot or not.

3. What is the significance of the closed string being an unknot?

The closed string being an unknot has important implications in fields such as string theory and topology. It can also provide insights into the structure and behavior of knots in general.

4. Can the closed string transform from an unknot to a knot?

Yes, through processes like knotting and unknotting, the closed string can change from an unknot to a knot and vice versa.

5. How does the closed string being an unknot affect the behavior of other strings?

The closed string being an unknot can influence the interactions and entanglement of other strings, as well as their overall topology and geometry.

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