Is the Delta Function a Scalar?

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  • Thread starter kent davidge
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In summary, the delta function ##\delta^4(x-y)## is invariant under Lorentz transformations, meaning that it does not depend on coordinates. This is due to its property as a relative tensor, which transforms in a specific way to counteract the scaling of the volume element. The resulting quantity ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{g}} \delta^{(4)}\left(x\right)## is a scalar and does not affect basic Lorentzian boosts.
  • #1
kent davidge
I read that ##\delta^4(x-y)## is invariant under Lorentz transformations. I was trying to show myself this, so I procceded as follows.

The following integrals are both equal to 1 ##\int \delta^4(x-y) d^4 x## and ##\int \delta^4 (x'-y') d^4x'## so I assume they are equal to one another, as long as we integrate them over all ##\mathbb R^4##. Now ##d^4 x = d^4 x'## because the Lorentz metric has ##\sqrt {| \eta |} = 1##. So I conclude that ## \delta^4(x-y) = \delta^4(x'-y') ##. Is this correct?
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  • #2
Pretty much correct.

A more detailed explanation follows. The delta function is what Lovelock and Run called a relative tensor. In essence the delta function must transform so that ##\int \delta^{(4)}\left(x\right) d^4 x## does not depend on coordinates. However, the "volume" form ##d^4 x## does depend on coordinates. If we switch coordinates using a map ##\phi: x\to\bar{x}##, then ##\int_V \dots d^4 x = \int_\bar{V} \dots \frac{\partial\left(x\right)}{\partial \left(\bar{x}\right)} d^4 \bar{x}##, where ## \frac{\partial\left(x\right)}{\partial \left(\bar{x}\right)}## is the Jacobian.

It follows that:

## \frac{\partial\left(x\right)}{\partial \left(\bar{x}\right)} \delta^{(4)}\left(x(\bar{x})\right) = \delta^{(4)}\left(\bar{x}\right)##

to counteract the scaling of the volume element. With some work (Lovelock & Rund, "Tensors, Differential forms ...", Chap 4) you can show that ##\frac{\partial\left(\bar{x}\right)}{\partial \left(x\right)}=\sqrt{\frac{g}{\bar{g}}}##, where ##g## is the determinant of the metric in the initial coordinate system.

Finally, you can conclude that whilst delta function is not a scalar, the following quantity:

##\frac{1}{\sqrt{g}} \delta^{(4)}\left(x\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar{g}}} \delta^{(4)}\left(\bar{x}\right)##

is. It does not come into play for basic Lorentzian boosts, because, as you noted ##\sqrt{g}=1## at all times.
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FAQ: Is the Delta Function a Scalar?

1. What is the definition of a scalar?

A scalar is a mathematical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude, or size, alone. It does not have a direction associated with it, unlike vectors which have both magnitude and direction.

2. Why is ##\delta^4## considered a scalar?

##\delta^4## is considered a scalar because it is a mathematical quantity that only has magnitude and no direction. It represents the fourth derivative of a function, which is a measure of the rate of change of the third derivative. As it only has magnitude, it is classified as a scalar.

3. How is ##\delta^4## used in physics?

In physics, ##\delta^4## is used to represent the fourth derivative of a function, which is a measure of the rate of change of the third derivative. It is often used in equations involving acceleration, such as in Newton's second law of motion, where acceleration is the second derivative of position.

4. Can ##\delta^4## have a negative value?

Yes, ##\delta^4## can have a negative value. In mathematics, scalars can be positive, negative, or zero. This is determined by the direction of the rate of change of the third derivative, which ##\delta^4## represents. If the rate of change is decreasing, the value will be negative.

5. How is ##\delta^4## different from other scalars?

##\delta^4## is different from other scalars because it represents the fourth derivative of a function, while most other scalars represent a single quantity, such as mass or temperature. It is also different because it is a higher order derivative, which means it measures the rate of change of a rate of change. This makes it a more complex and specialized scalar compared to others.
