Is the Demand for Automotive Engineering Decreasing?

In summary, the automotive/rail companies are making a lot of money, but the demand for automotive/rail engineers is decreasing.
  • #1
So a great deal of the population uses some form of rail or automotive transport daily so obviously the automotive/rail companies are making a lot of money but what I don't understand is why the demand for automotive/rail engineers is decreasing?
I ask this question because I initially started off my studies preparing to be an automotive engineer, there is a course at a local university "Mechanical & Low Carbon Transport" which I was planning on studying, this would teach me about automotive/rail design and how to make transport more efficient but after doing more research on the topic I see that automotive engineers can not find jobs and that it is a tough industry to get into.
If I did go into it I know I would do really well and additionally I also have 2 years hands on experience on vehicle maintenance & repairs which I also got qualifications for, do you think I should pursue my dream in becoming an automotive/rail engineer or should I start looking elsewhere?
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  • #2
Depends what you mean by 'automotive engineering' with respect to decreasing demand.

All engineering is basically the same, and automotive is just an area that is constantly evolving like all other areas of engineering.
People will still need to move around the planet, and people will still need products designed to make that happen.I don't know if you are in the UK or not, but companies like JLR are snapping up people like there is no tomorrow (I say them first because they have been prolific for the last 12 months). BMW have also been recruiting, as have Nissan, etc, etc. And these are just OEM's, imagine all the T1 companies that are hiring to supply them.
  • #3
Wow, I did not know that, I have been researching and every forum post I look on asking about becoming an automotive engineer gets told that he/she should go find a different career since automotive engineers are not that much in demand, also, yes I am in the UK and I will look up them companies because I did not know they were recruiting.

When I say Automotive Engineer I mean the engineer who designs the components of the vehicle or testing the components is a overview of the course modulus, might clear things up a bit:

Stage 1

Compulsory modules

Electrical Engineering I (for MECH)
Engineering Mathematics
Materials Science I
Fundamentals of Thermofluid Dynamics
Design and Manufacturing
Mechanics I
Mechanical Engineering Professional Skills I

Stage 2

Compulsory modules

Statistics in Process Industries 1
Electrical Engineering II
Accounting, Finance and Law for Engineers
Engineering Mathematics II with Applications
Materials Science II
Applications of Thermofluid Dynamics
Design and Manufacturing II
Mechanical Engineering Professional Skills II
Mechanics II

Stage 3

Compulsory modules

Materials Degradation and Component Life
Computational Modelling
Instrumentation and Drive Systems
Managing Engineering Operations
Design for Industry
Structural Optimisation and Crashworthiness
Mechanical Engineering Project

Stage 4

Compulsory modules

Energy Sources and Storage
Vehicle Drives and Dynamics
Design for Human-Systems Integration
Design of Mechanical Power Transmissions
Mechanical Engineering Team Project

As you may have noticed this 4 year course (3 years honours 1 years masters) starts off as a mechanical engineering course and toward the end leans towards automotive/rail engineering, it is Mechanical & Low Carbon Transport.
Do you think that I will be able to get a good job in the UK if I do very well in this course?

  • #4
I'd go for a normal mechanical engineering degree.
You can take the modules as you wish, but you don't want to be pigeon holed by an overly specific degree title.

I mean it doesn't really matter from a technical perspactive, I did motorsports then worked in Oil and Gas for two years. It's just for when the plums are sifting through CV's you don't want something silly ruling you out.
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  • #5
Would the degree title really make that much of a difference even though the first 2 and a half years of the course is the exact same modulus as a mechanical engineering degree course and the rest of the course is also almost the same but with just 2-3 topic changed over for example in mechanical there is robotics and in automotive there is power transmission?
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  • #6
xxChrisxx said:
I'd go for a normal mechanical engineering degree.

I second that. The degree title does make a difference to many people, especially HR reps doing the resume sifting. "Automotive" Engineering sounds like a trade degree or something that isn't accredited like Engineering Mechanics. Actually, I don't think ABET has an accreditation for automotive engineering.

And the demand for engineers in the auto industry isn't decreasing. If anything its as big as ever. I could literally walk 10 minutes down the street from my uni, ask for a job at a few places, and be working somewhere by Monday. Although, I live in the very center of the automotive capital of the world so your results may vary. While there are a lot of engineers from the auto industry that are out of work its not because there's no demand, its because there's a huge lack of knowledge and skills. There's a lot of middle aged guys and old timers that spent their entire careers doing something like designing door handles. Once the recession hit they lost their jobs and where replaced by a younger and cheaper work force.

If you go for a specialization (meaning grad school) like batteries and fuel cells, or electric propulsion systems for automotive applications you are basically guaranteed a job for the rest of your life and could rather easily be making six figures by the time you're 30.
  • #7
Thank you for the great advice! I will do just that, also it has really motivated me and made me happy that there is demand for automotive engineers and that what I had read on the internet was lies. Thank You!
  • #8
Topher925 said:
I second that. The degree title does make a difference to many people, especially HR reps doing the resume sifting. "Automotive" Engineering sounds like a trade degree or something that isn't accredited like Engineering Mechanics. Actually, I don't think ABET has an accreditation for automotive engineering.

And the demand for engineers in the auto industry isn't decreasing. If anything its as big as ever. I could literally walk 10 minutes down the street from my uni, ask for a job at a few places, and be working somewhere by Monday. Although, I live in the very center of the automotive capital of the world so your results may vary. While there are a lot of engineers from the auto industry that are out of work its not because there's no demand, its because there's a huge lack of knowledge and skills. There's a lot of middle aged guys and old timers that spent their entire careers doing something like designing door handles. Once the recession hit they lost their jobs and where replaced by a younger and cheaper work force.

If you go for a specialization (meaning grad school) like batteries and fuel cells, or electric propulsion systems for automotive applications you are basically guaranteed a job for the rest of your life and could rather easily be making six figures by the time you're 30.

I call BS on that big time, last time I visited Detroit and Alabama, they had boards on windows of offices, unless you know someone you can't go into a job interview blind, stop trying to get his hopes up, automotive engineering is probably the worst, those jobs are covered with less people now. I know, I searched for two years. Plant jobs are hot, I agree on that point. UK can't be any better, you don't need that many people to design a car, those jobs are covered. My brother built a small military tank with less than 100 people on the team and even he couldn't hire me, they laid off Phd's left and right.

Engineering is dead.

You can still pursue the degree because you need one to land a ok job in any field but that doesn't mean you have to stay in that field.
  • #9
kazx9r said:
automotive engineering is probably the worst
I know, I searched for two years.
Engineering is dead.


That is all.
  • #10
Prove me wrong, show me an automotive engineer job listing for GM, Ford or Chrysler for a recent graduate?
  • #11
xxChrisxx said:

That is all.


Detroit has no automotive industry anymore with the exception of GM's WHQ. Thats why it looks like the movie Mad Max. If you want an automotive job in Michigan you need to go to Dearborn or Oakland County. Here's a listing for GM, you can find the rest;
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  • #12
Topher925 said:

Detroit has no automotive industry anymore with the exception of GM's WHQ. Thats why it looks like the movie Mad Max. If you want an automotive job in Michigan you need to go to Dearborn or Oakland County. Here's a listing for GM, you can find the rest;

I found like 3 and they are not in Michigan, we're looking at about 50k graduates a year for 3 openings, still laughing?
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  • #13
Do you think I will have a better chance finding a job in the UK if I do a Masters in Mechatronics or Automotive engineering?

(The masters is after doing a Honors degree in Mechanical Engineering)
  • #14
kazx9r said:
I found like 3 and they are not in Michigan, we're looking at about 50k graduates a year for 3 openings, still laughing?

I found half a dozen that were in Michigan easily just on the first page. You can't tell me you looked through all 300 in such a short amount of time and only found 3. It sounds like you're just making excuses.

Bottom line, I've never had a problem getting job in the automotive field, especially not around here. I turn down interviews from head hunters on a monthly basis. If you're having such a hard time finding anything you are either in your mid to late 50's, not trying hard enough, or don't know how to market yourself.
  • #15
Topher925 said:
I found half a dozen that were in Michigan easily just on the first page. You can't tell me you looked through all 300 in such a short amount of time and only found 3. It sounds like you're just making excuses.

Bottom line, I've never had a problem getting job in the automotive field, especially not around here. I turn down interviews from head hunters on a monthly basis. If you're having such a hard time finding anything you are either in your mid to late 50's, not trying hard enough, or don't know how to market yourself.

I typed in junior which is the topic at hand, I'm sure with 5-6 years experience its a totally different ball game but we're talking about a junior engineer wanting to get in the automotive engineering field, not happening dude.
  • #16
kazx9r said:
I typed in junior which is the topic at hand, I'm sure with 5-6 years experience its a totally different ball game but we're talking about a junior engineer wanting to get in the automotive engineering field, not happening dude.

I don't really know what a "junior" engineer is but there's plenty of listings which only require a degree and no work experience. Very much happening.
  • #17
Topher925 said:
I don't really know what a "junior" engineer is but there's plenty of listings which only require a degree and no work experience. Very much happening.

Your going to hire someone to do CFD using Ansys with no work experience, now I'm laughing.

Only one way for a recent grad to get into that field in this economy, know someone.
  • #18
kazx9r said:
Your going to hire someone to do CFD using Ansys with no work experience, now I'm laughing.

Only one way for a recent grad to get into that field in this economy, know someone.

One of my colleagues started working at GM last year doing CFD analysis without prior work experience. He had to work contract for 6 months first but after that he became direct hire. Of coarse to do actual CFD work one requires a PhD, which he has.
  • #19
Topher925 said:
One of my colleagues started working at GM last year doing CFD analysis without prior work experience. He had to work contract for 6 months first but after that he became direct hire. Of coarse to do actual CFD work one requires a PhD, which he has.

Its a tough out there right now. That's the last I'll say on it.
  • #20
I don't understand why there isn't a demand for automotive engineers when things like global warming are starting to reach a critical point, automotive/transport engineers need to come up with more efficient methods of engineering transport then why is automotive engineering not in demand?
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  • #21
examorph just do mechanical, it's by far the best for getting a job.

There is a massive demand for mechanical engineers, both in general, and specifically in the automotive industry in the UK. We are now a net exporter of cars, and the industry is doing well (finally).

The downside is, if you want to work in the automotive industry, you will have to move to the midlands.

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The future of automotive engineering is focused on creating more efficient, safe, and sustainable vehicles. This includes advancements in electric and autonomous vehicles, as well as improvements in fuel efficiency and alternative fuels.

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Electric vehicles are expected to have a major impact on the automotive industry. They have the potential to reduce emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, but also pose challenges such as infrastructure development and battery technology advancements. The industry is currently working on addressing these challenges to make electric vehicles a more viable option for consumers.

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Self-driving cars are already a reality and are being tested and used in various locations. However, there are still technological and regulatory challenges that need to be addressed before they become widely available. It is predicted that self-driving cars will become more common in the future, but the timeline is uncertain.

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Some emerging technologies in automotive engineering include artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and connected vehicles. These technologies have the potential to improve safety, efficiency, and the overall driving experience.

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Automotive engineering is already making significant contributions to sustainability through the development of electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as improvements in fuel efficiency. In the future, the industry will continue to focus on creating more sustainable transportation options through advancements in technology and alternative fuels.

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