Is the discretization for the PDE correct?

In summary, the conversation discusses trying to finite difference a PDE involving a thin film equation with a disjoining pressure term. The approach is to use a FTCS scheme and discretize the equation using a time and space index. The conversation also mentions the boundary conditions and initial height for the equation. The poster asks for confirmation on the correctness of the discretization.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!

I'm trying to finite difference a FTCS PDE $$h_t+\partial_x\left[h^3(h_{xxx}+(Kf'(h)-G)h_x\right] = 0$$ where ##K## and ##G## are constants. ##f'(h) = -(n(h^*/h)^n-m(h^*/h)^m)/h##. Boundary conditions are ##h_x=h_{xxx}=0## at both ends of the ##x## domain (however long you want to make it) and some initial height, call it ##h_0(1+\epsilon \cos(2 \pi x/\lambda)##. If we index such that ##h_1## is the first gridpoint, then the two BC's imply ##h_{-1}=h_3## and ##h_0 = h_2##, and similarly at the other end of the domain. Can you tell me if the following, which is my approach, is correct?

I should say, since ##h_0## and ##h_{-1}## don't exist in our indexing, to satisfy the boundary conditions I concatenate ##h## by 4 components, 2 on each side. These are ghost points that I use to satisfy the BC. Code wrote in MATLAB.

However, a rough stability check implies a parameter ##dt/dx^4## which is very large for the specified ##dx## value. Does anyone have any ideas on how to handle this problem, perhaps a different way?
%% Parameters
hstar = 0.01;
n = 3;
m = 2;
theta = 50*pi/180;
K = 2*(1-cos(theta))/hstar;
G = 1;
eps = 10^(-3);
lambda = 2.66;

%% Numerics
tf = 200;% final time
dt = 0.01;% time step
t = 0:dt:tf;% time vector

xmin = 0;
xmax = 2.5;
dx = 0.01;% spatial step
x = xmin:dx:xmax;% x-vector

xc = xmin-2*dx:dx:xmax+2*dx;% concatenate h by 4 fictitious values (two at each
    % domain endpoint) to accommodate BC. Then h actually starts at i=3 and
    % ends at i = N-2.

%% IC
h0 = 0.1;% IC
hi = h0*(1+eps*cos(2*pi*xc/lambda));% IC
h = hi;

% preallocate
hnew = h;
h2x = zeros(size(x));
hxx = zeros(size(x));
hxxxx = zeros(size(x));
fh = zeros(size(x));
fhh = zeros(size(x));

N = length(h);

%% FTCS difference equations for eq. (4)
for j = 1:size(t,2)
    fh = (m*(hstar./h).^m-n*(hstar./h).^n)./h;% f'(h)
    fhh = ((hstar./h).^n*n*(n+1)-(hstar./h).^m*m*(m+1))./h.^2;% f''(h)
    % BC
    h(1) = h(5);
    h(2) = h(4);
    h(N) = h(N-4);
    h(N-1) = h(N-3);
    % FTCS
    for i = 3:N-2
        h2x(i) = (h(i+1)^2-h(i-1)^2)/(2*dx);% (h^2)'(x)
        hxx(i) = (h(i-1)-2*h(i)+h(i+1))/dx^2;% h''(x)
        hxxxx(i) = (h(i-2)-4*h(i-1)+6*h(i)-4*h(i+1)+h(i+2))/dx^4;% h''''(x)
        hnew(i) = h(i) - dt*h(i)^3*(hxxxx(i)+(K*fh(i)-G)*hxx(i)+K*h2x(i)*fhh(i));
    end% for i
    h = hnew;% update time
end% for j

h = h(3:N-2);% delete fictitious points used for BC
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  • #2
Shoot, I can't edit the code above but here is an update:

%% Parameters
hstar = 0.01;
n = 3;
m = 2;
theta = 50*pi/180;
K = 2*(1-cos(theta))/hstar;
G = 1;
eps = 10^(-3);
lambda = 2.66;

%% Numerics

xmin = 0;
xmax = lambda;
dx = 0.01;% spatial step
x = xmin:dx:xmax;% x-vector

xc = xmin-2*dx:dx:xmax+2*dx;% concatenate h by 4 fictitious values (two at each
    % domain endpoint) to accommodate BC. Then h actually starts at i=3 and
    % ends at i = N-2.

%% IC
h0 = 0.1;% IC
hi = h0*(1+eps*cos(2*pi*xc/lambda));% IC
h = hi;

% preallocate
hnew = h;
hx = zeros(size(x));
h2x = zeros(size(x));
h3x = zeros(size(x));
hxx = zeros(size(x));
hxxx = zeros(size(x));
hxxxx = zeros(size(x));
fh = zeros(size(x));
fhh = zeros(size(x));
p1 = zeros(size(x));
p2 = zeros(size(x));

N = length(h);

dt = 0.01^4;% time step
tmax = 5;% max time
t = 0:dt:tmax;% time vector

%% FTCS difference equations for eq. (4)
for j = 1:size(t,2)
    fh = (m*(hstar./h).^m-n*(hstar./h).^n)./h;% f'(h)
    fhh = ((hstar./h).^n*n*(n+1)-(hstar./h).^m*m*(m+1))./h.^2;% f''(h)
    % BC
    h(1) = h(5);
    h(2) = h(4);
    h(N) = h(N-4);
    h(N-1) = h(N-3);
    % FTCS
    for i = 3:N-2
        hx(i) = (h(i+1)-h(i-1))/(2*dx);% h'(x)
        h2x(i) = (h(i+1)^2-h(i-1)^2)/(2*dx);% (h^2)'(x)
        h3x(i) = (h(i+1)^3-h(i-1)^3)/(2*dx);% (h^3)'(x)
        hxx(i) = (h(i-1)-2*h(i)+h(i+1))/dx^2;% h''(x)
        hxxx(i) = (-h(i-2)/2+h(i-1)-h(i+1)+h(i+2)/2)/dx^3;% h'''(x)
        hxxxx(i) = (h(i-2)-4*h(i-1)+6*h(i)-4*h(i+1)+h(i+2))/dx^4;% h''''(x)
        p1(i) = h3x(i)*(hxxx(i)+(K*fh(i)-G)*hx(i));% 1/2 product rule
        p2(i) = h(i)^3*(hxxxx(i)+K*fhh(i)*h2x(i)+(K*fh(i)-G)*hxx(i));% 2/2 product rule
        hnew(i) = h(i) - dt*(p1(i)+p2(i));
    end% for i
end% for j

h = h(3:N-2);% delete fictitious points used for BC
  • #3
This seems to be the thin film equation with a disjoining pressure included... When I was studying that subject myself, I unfortunately didn't attempt to finite difference that equation myself but used a commercial finite element solver. There was some difficulty in forming a Crank-Nicolson scheme when there's that disjoining pressure that goes infinite at zero film thickness, if I remember correctly. That kind of equations are a quite specialized field, and it may be difficult to find anyone here who's familiar with them, but good luck.
  • #4
Thanks for your input hilbert2 (and you're spot on regarding the thin film)! Would you be able to tell me if you agree with the following discretization (where superscript j denotes time--only used on LHS for simplicity, as RHS is all at time j--and subscript i denotes space) for the following PDE, as this is really my question

h_t+\partial_x\left[h^3(h_{xxx}+(Kf'(h)-G)h_x\right] = 0 \implies\\
h_t + \partial_x h^3 \left(h_{xxx}+(Kf'(h)-G)h_x\right) + h^3 \left(h_{xxxx}+Kf''(h)h_x^2+(Kf'(h)-G)h_{xx}\right) = 0 \implies\\
h^{j+1}_i = h_i - \Delta t \left[ \partial_x h^3 \left(h_{xxx}+(Kf'_i-G)h_x\right) + h^3 \left(h_{xxxx}+Kf_i''h_x^2+(Kf'(h)-G)h_{xx}\right) \right]:\\
h_x = \frac{h_{i+1}-h_{i-1}}{2\Delta x}\\
h_x^2 = \frac{h^2_{i+1}-h^2_{i-1}}{2\Delta x}\\
h_x^3 = \frac{h^3_{i+1}-h^3_{i-1}}{2\Delta x}\\
h_{xx} = \frac{h_{i+1}-2h_i+h_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2}\\
h_{xxx} = \frac{-h_{i-2}/2+h_{i-1}-h_{i+1}+h_{i+2}/2}{\Delta x^3}\\
h_{xxxx} = \frac{h_{i-2}-4h_{i-1}+6h_i-4h_{i+1}+h_{i+2}}{\Delta x^4}$$
Boundary conditions are ##h_x=h_{xxx}=0## at both ends of the ##x## domain (however long you want to make it) and some initial height, call it ##h_0(1+\epsilon \cos(2 \pi x/\lambda)##. If we index such that ##h_1## is the first gridpoint, then the two BC's imply ##h_{-1}=h_3## and ##h_0 = h_2##, and similarly at the other end of the domain. Can you tell me if the above is correct?

Related to Is the discretization for the PDE correct?

1. What is the concept of Finite Difference?

Finite Difference is a numerical method used for solving differential equations by approximating derivatives using differences between values of a function at discrete points. It is widely used in scientific and engineering applications where exact solutions are difficult to obtain.

2. How does Finite Difference differ from other numerical methods?

Finite Difference is a simple and straightforward approach that only requires a few data points and basic arithmetic operations. It is less computationally intensive compared to other numerical methods such as Finite Element Method or Boundary Element Method, making it suitable for solving problems with simple geometries and boundary conditions.

3. What are the advantages of using Finite Difference?

One of the main advantages of Finite Difference is its flexibility in handling different types of boundary conditions. It also allows for easy implementation of different types of equations, including higher-order derivatives. Additionally, Finite Difference is a stable and robust method that can handle complex problems with high accuracy.

4. What are the limitations of Finite Difference?

Finite Difference may not be suitable for problems with irregular boundaries or complex geometries. It also requires a large number of grid points to achieve high accuracy, which can increase computational time and memory usage. In some cases, it may also suffer from numerical instabilities, leading to inaccurate solutions.

5. How is Finite Difference used in real-world applications?

Finite Difference is extensively used in various fields, including fluid dynamics, heat transfer, structural analysis, and electromagnetics. It is also commonly used in financial modeling, image processing, and data analysis. Its simplicity and efficiency make it a popular choice for solving differential equations in a wide range of applications.

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