Is the (ε, δ)-Definition of Limits Sufficient for Uniqueness?

In summary: So we can't find a δ such that 3.6 ≤ x ≤ 4.4.Hence we can't find a δ such that |f(x)-L| < 2 is true for all x. So 3 is NOT a limit point of the function f(x)=5x. So the limit doesn't exist.In summary, the (ε, δ)-definition of the limit of a function states that for every real ε > 0, there exists a real δ > 0 such that for all x within δ units of c, the function's output is within ε units of L. However, this definition may be insufficient in certain cases, such as when
  • #1
These words have been pulled directly from Wikipedia, although I find the exact logical construction in my textbooks:

The (ε, δ)-definition of the limit of a function is as follows:

Let ƒ be a function defined on an open interval containing c (except possibly at c) and let L be a real number. Then the formula:

[tex]\lim_{x \to c} f(x)=L[/tex]

means for each real ε > 0 there exists a real δ > 0 such that for all x with 0 < |x − c| < δ, we have |ƒ(x) − L| < ε.

My problem is that this seems to be an insufficient definition. A corresponding δ can be found for every positive value of ε even if δ is increasing as ε is decreasing. The inequalities can be satisfied for any limit L.

Say f(x) = 5x, and we claim the limit as x->3 is 20.

For every positive ε in |5x − 20| < ε, I can find a corresponding 0 < |x − 3| < δ, although in this case x will go to 4 in order to satisfy small ε.

My question is: should an added clause exist such that as ε tends to 0 so must δ, or that the product of their derivatives with respect to x must be greater than or equal to zero (so they both increase or decrease simultaneously), or is it implicitly assumed that one is choosing x closer to c. If it is the last case, it seems it would be more precise to explicitly mention this fact, as then there can only be one L.

I understand this question might be borderline, or full-line, pedantic, but I think we all understand the necessity for precision in mathematics and logic, and I'm concerned as to whether I am in fact missing a subtle nuance--say a subtle nuance that would indeed make the limit L unique despite what originally seems insufficient constraints.
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  • #2
I believe I've discovered the subtle nuance.

The inequality: 0 < |x − c| < δ does not admit the difference to be equal to zero, hence there is not a corresponding δ in my example for x = 3.

So it seems that the given logical construction is adequate.

If anyone can validate these thoughts and perhaps provide further insight or extensions, that would be awesome.
  • #3
Noesis said:
These words have been pulled directly from Wikipedia, although I find the exact logical construction in my textbooks:

The (ε, δ)-definition of the limit of a function is as follows:

Let ƒ be a function defined on an open interval containing c (except possibly at c) and let L be a real number. Then the formula:

[tex]\lim_{x \to c} f(x)=L[/tex]

means for each real ε > 0 there exists a real δ > 0 such that for all x with 0 < |x − c| < δ, we have |ƒ(x) − L| < ε.

My problem is that this seems to be an insufficient definition. A corresponding δ can be found for every positive value of ε even if δ is increasing as ε is decreasing. The inequalities can be satisfied for any limit L.

Say f(x) = 5x, and we claim the limit as x->3 is 20.

For every positive ε in |5x − 20| < ε, I can find a corresponding 0 < |x − 3| < δ, although in this case x will go to 4 in order to satisfy small ε.
No, this won't work. Suppose ε = .1 is given, so I want 5x to be within .1 of 20.

|5x - 20| < .1 ==> 5|x - 4| < .1 ==> |x - 4| < .02
What does that tell me? It says that x is within .02 of 4, or that 3.98 < x < 4.02. That's not very close to 3.

If I take smaller values for ε, it turns out that x will be even closer to 4, hence farther away from 3. This suggests to me that
[tex]\lim_{x \to 3} 5x \neq 20[/tex].

In other words, if x is arbitrarily close to 3 (i.e., small δ), then 5x is NOT arbitrarily close to 20 (small ε).

As I'm sure you know,
[tex]\lim_{x \to 3} 5x = 15[/tex].

This is easy to prove. Let ε > 0 be given.

|5x - 15| < ε ==> 5|x - 3| < ε ==> |x - 3| < ε/5
Let δ = ε/5

So for any ε that is given, we can find a positive number δ, so that if x is within δ units of 3, then f(x) = 5x will be within ε units of 15.

Noesis said:
My question is: should an added clause exist such that as ε tends to 0 so must δ, or that the product of their derivatives with respect to x must be greater than or equal to zero (so they both increase or decrease simultaneously), or is it implicitly assumed that one is choosing x closer to c. If it is the last case, it seems it would be more precise to explicitly mention this fact, as then there can only be one L.

I understand this question might be borderline, or full-line, pedantic, but I think we all understand the necessity for precision in mathematics and logic, and I'm concerned as to whether I am in fact missing a subtle nuance--say a subtle nuance that would indeed make the limit L unique despite what originally seems insufficient constraints.
  • #4
We don't need to assume anything about the behavior of δ based upon that of ε.
Given an ε for |f(x)-L|<ε, can we find a δ>0 where -δ < x-c < δ?

If we choose f(x)=5x,L=20,c=3,as in your example above,and (how about) ε=2,

|5x-20| < 2
-2 < 5x-20 < 2
.6 < x-3 < 1.4

In other words the x-interval where |5x-20| < 2 is always true is 3.6 < x < 4.4.
Can you find a δ such that 3.6 ≤ -δ+3 < x < δ+3 ≤ 4.4?

On the one hand 3.6 ≤ -δ+3,so δ ≤ -.6. But we' re looking for positive δ.
On the other hand δ+3 ≤4.4,so δ ≤1.4.We must have 3.6 ≤ -δ+3,but 3.6 > 1.6.In fact for any 0 <δ ≤ 1.4, 1.6 ≤ -δ+3 < 3.

There is no such δ,so lim(x→3) 5x ≠ 20. The definition says "for every number ε>0", it does not matter how close to zero.

If ε=.0000001, the x-interval is .99999998 < x-3 <1.00000002, and we cannot find δ to satisfy .999999998 ≤ -δ < x-3 < δ ≤ 1.00000002 either.
  • #5
Thanks for the input. I was missing the line of: such that for all x with in the original definition and was only trying to find ordered pairs of epsilon-delta, which was why I thought their definition was insufficient.

That was an interesting way of looking at it JThompson.
  • #6
Note that if f(x) is a constant, say f(x)= C for all x, then [itex]\displaytype\lim_{x\to c} f(x)= C[/itex] for all c and by shown by observing that [itex]|f(x)- C|= 0< \epsilon[/itex] no matter what [itex]\delta[/itex] is. It is NOT necessary that "an added clause exist such that as ε tends to 0 so must δ".

FAQ: Is the (ε, δ)-Definition of Limits Sufficient for Uniqueness?

1. What is the definition of a limit?

The definition of a limit is a fundamental concept in calculus that describes the behavior of a function as its input approaches a certain value. It is the value that a function approaches as its input becomes closer and closer to a specific value.

2. What does it mean for a limit to be rigorous?

A rigorous definition of a limit is one that is mathematically precise and unambiguous. It is a definition that can be used to prove the existence of a limit and to calculate its value, rather than just providing an intuitive understanding of the concept.

3. How is the concept of a limit used in calculus?

The concept of a limit is used in calculus to calculate derivatives and integrals, which are essential tools for solving problems in physics, engineering, and other fields. It also helps to understand the behavior of functions and their rates of change.

4. What are the key components of a rigorous definition of a limit?

A rigorous definition of a limit includes the concepts of epsilon-delta and convergence. It states that for any small positive number epsilon, there exists a corresponding positive number delta such that if the input is within delta units of the limit, the output is within epsilon units of the limit.

5. Why is a rigorous definition of a limit important?

A rigorous definition of a limit is important because it provides a solid foundation for the study of calculus and allows for precise calculations and proofs. It also helps to avoid misconceptions and errors that can arise when relying on intuition alone.

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