Is the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory Still Valid?

  • Thread starter Russell E. Rierson
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In summary, the Einstein-Schrodinger theory is a theory that tries to unify gravitation and electromagnetism. It is thought to be incorrect by some, but there are some people who think it is still correct. It is related to entropy and black hole thermodynamics.
  • #1
Russell E. Rierson
The Einstein-Schrodinger Theory:

The Einstein-Schrodinger theory is also known as "Einstein's Unified Field Theory" or "Schrodinger's Affine Field Theory" or the "Einstein-Straus Theory" or the "Hermitian Theory of Relativity" or the "Generalized Theory of Gravitation". It was developed by Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger, primarily in the 40s and 50s. It is thought by some to be a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. This was supposedly disproven way back in 1953, but there are a few stubborn souls such as myself who still think it is correct, and who work to prove it.


For the Einstein-Schrodinger theory to unify gravitation and electromagnetism, the field equations must closely approximate the Einstein equations and Maxwells equations. However, it is the small differences from the Einstein equations and Maxwells equations that are interesting. This is the most important reason for pursuing unified field theories, because they can lead to new physics and small corrections to the existing equations of physics.

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  • #2
Dear Russell E. Rierson,

If you ask my opinion, then no real change in any scientific field (abstract or non-abstract) will take place, if we ignore our own cognition's abilities to develop these areas.
  • #3
It seems that a lot of new math has been derived since 1953. The question is how to explain the fundamental forces in terms of a unifying symmetry?

Einstein and the unified field:
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  • #4
Dear Russel E. Rierson, to work about an unification is quite my hobby; you could have a look on my modest contribution at (in french, in englisch or in german language). Compared to all what I can read on the subject, I would say that my work is a kind of development of some other theories trying to include a polarized vacuum (described with Maxwell's Laws) in the general relativity. (e.g. Puthoff). Are you interesting in?
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  • #5
In the secont address ( ) I have found this question:

"The question arises: How can we join to our riemannian spaces in a naturally logical way an additional structure that provides a uniform character of the whole thing ?"

My question therefore is: What is a naturally logical way?
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  • #6
I was wondering can gravity be unified with electromagnetism by the following:

Using only forces and no heavy math, the gravity force, [itex]F^{-}_G[/itex] and antigravity [itex]F^{+}_G[/itex] are both proportional to the difference between electric force, [itex] F_E[/itex] and magnetic force, [itex]F_B[/itex].

[tex] F^{-}_G = k(F_E - F_B)[/tex]

[tex] F^{+}_G = k'(F_B - F_E)[/tex]

where k and k' are the constants of proportionality.
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  • #7
Antonio Lao said:
I was wondering can gravity be unified with electromagnetism by the following:

Using only forces and no heavy math, the gravity force, [itex]F^{+}_G[/itex] and antigravity [itex]F^{-}_G[/itex] are both proportional to the difference between electric force, [itex] F_E[/itex] and magnetic force, [itex]F_B[/itex].

[tex] F^{+}_G = k(F_E - F_B)[/tex]

[tex] F^{-}_G = k'(F_B - F_E)[/tex]

where k and k' are the constants of proportionality.

Entropy and gravity become closely linked, via black hole thermodynamics. The thermodynamic arrow of time is the direction of increased entropy.

Here is mathematician John Nash's "Einstein field equation" where he talks about gravity "compression" waves:

Wave-Like Form of the Scalar Equation
It was discovered only recently by me that the scalar equation naturally derived from the tensor equation for vacuum, particularly in the case of 4 space-time dimensions, has a form extremely suggestive of waves. The scalar derived equation can be obtained by formally
contracting the general vacuum equation with the metric tensor. This results at first in an equation involving G (the scalar derived from the Einstein tensor) and the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature R. And G, being the scalar trace of the Einstein tensor, can be expressed in term of R but this expression involves the number of dimensions, n. So we get
as the scalar equation derived from the original vacuum equation this result:


And now two things are notable about the form of this resulting scalar equation: (1): If n = 2 there is a singularity and this simply corresponds to the fact that the Einstein G-tensor is identically vanishing if n = 2, so there isn't any derived scalar equation of this type for two dimensions. (2): For n = 4 we find the nice surprise that the scalar equation entirely simplifies and then asserts simply that the scalar curvature satisfies the wave operator (which is a d'Alembertian if we think in terms of 3 + 1 dimensions).
So the scalar equation is

[]R = 0 PROVIDED that n = 4


But I don't myself understand either renormalization or the general theory of quantiza-tion. (To me it seems like \quantum theory" is in a sense like a traditional herbal medicine used by \witch doctors". We don't REALLY understand what is happening, what the ulti-mate truth really is, but we have a \cook book" of procedures and rituals that can be used
to obtain useful and practical calculations (independent of fundamental truth).)
  • #8
Tensors are higher dimensional generalized vectors beyond the three we normally encountered. Their transformations created the calculus of tensors. To keep things simple, I am only using tensor of rank 0 and rank 1 in my research. A rank 0 tensor is really just a scalar and a rank 1 is really a vector in the usual sense. A rank 2 is, I think, a matrix. What is a rank 3 tensor? Is it a cube? What is a rank 4 tensor? Is it a hypercube?
  • #9
Expanding the gravity form

[tex]G^{-} = k(qE - qv \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kqL [/tex]

where [itex] L = E - v \times B[/itex] and if the positions of v and B are interchanged then L is the Lorentz force.

But the question is, in reality, who decides the changing of position for v and B? In vector analysis, this distinction is taken care of by the introduction of axial and polar vectors. But is this necessary? Aren't we introducing a directionality into the equation by putting v before B? Aren't all physical equations supposed to be in directionally symmetric forms? It seems that a principle is needed to assert this type of invariance of nature, the Principle of Directional Invariance.

Further, let [itex] L' = v \times B - E [/itex]. So depending on the positions of v and B in the equations:

[itex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/itex] or [itex] G^{-} = kq(E + v \times B)[/itex] and for the antigravity forms: [itex] G^{+} = k'q(v \times B - E)[/itex] or [itex] G^{+} = -k'q(v \times B + E)[/itex].

And [itex] (E - v \times B) \equiv (v \times B - E) [/itex] at only the vacuum where [itex] \nabla \cdot E = 0[/itex] and [itex] \nabla \cdot B = 0 [/itex] and v is equal to the speed of light in vacuum.
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  • #10
food for thought

Einstein's unified field theory (relativistic theory of the non-symmetric field) was not the first such unification theory (Weyl theory, Kaluza-Klein theory) and certainly isn't the last such unification theory, but as far as I know it is the only one whose main result has been written in frosting on a cake.
  • #11
Antonio Lao said:
Expanding the gravity form

[tex]G^{-} = k(qE - qv \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kqL [/tex]

where [itex] L = E - v \times B[/itex] and if the positions of v and B are interchanged then L is the Lorentz force.

But the question is, in reality, who decides the changing of position for v and B? In vector analysis, this distinction is taken care of by the introduction of axial and polar vectors. But is this necessary? Aren't we introducing a directionality into the equation by putting v before B? Aren't all physical equations supposed to be in directionally symmetric forms? It seems that a principle is needed to assert this type of invariance of nature, the Principle of Directional Invariance.

Further, let [itex] L' = v \times B - E [/itex]. So depending on the positions of v and B in the equations:

[itex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/itex] or [itex] G^{-} = kq(E + v \times B)[/itex] and for the antigravity forms: [itex] G^{+} = k'q(v \times B - E)[/itex] or [itex] G^{+} = -k'q(v \times B + E)[/itex].

And [itex] (E - v \times B) \equiv (v \times B - E) [/itex] at only the vacuum where [itex] \nabla \cdot E = 0[/itex] and [itex] \nabla \cdot B = 0 [/itex] and v is equal to the speed of light in vacuum.

The gravity tensor should be able to rotate into the electromagnetic tensor and the electromagnetic tensor should be able to rotate into the gravity tensor.



Here is an interesting quote:

In the well established "General Theory of Relativity", the Einstein equations are the field equations which describe the allowed values of the gravitational field. In the Einstein equations, the gravitational field is not a single number but is instead represented by the metric g_ik, which is a 4x4 matrix containing 4x4=16 components. However it is required to be symmetric, meaning that

g_ik= g_ki (for every combination of i=0,1,2,3 and k=0,1,2,3)

Therefore, g_ik really only has 16-6=10 independent components.

Maxwell's equations are the field equations which describe the allowed values of the electromagnetic field. In Maxwell's equations, the electromagnetic field F_ik is also a 4x4 matrix containing 4x4=16 components. However, it is required to be antisymmetric, meaning that

F_ik= -F_ki (for every combination of i=0,1,2,3 and k=0,1,2,3)

In this case, for elements along the diagonal of the matrix we have
F_ii = -F_ii, which can only be true if they are zero. Therefore, F_ik has just 16-6-4=6 independent components.

In the Einstein-Schrodinger theory, the field equations are written in terms of a matrix N_ik with no symmetry properties, so that it has a full 4x4=16 independent components. Therefore, it could potentially contain both the metric and the electromagnetic field. For example we could have,


By this definition and the symmetry properties of g_ik and F_ik, it is easy to see that the symmetric part of N_ik would be the metric


and the antisymmetric part of N_ik would be the electromagnetic field


This method for combining the metric and the electromagnetic field is meant as a simple example and does not actually work...

It does not work but it is still interesting...
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  • #12
Antonio Lao said:
Expanding the gravity form

[tex]G^{-} = k(qE - qv \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/tex]

[tex] G^{-} = kqL [/tex]

where [itex] L = E - v \times B[/itex] and if the positions of v and B are interchanged then L is the Lorentz force.

But the question is, in reality, who decides the changing of position for v and B? In vector analysis, this distinction is taken care of by the introduction of axial and polar vectors. But is this necessary? Aren't we introducing a directionality into the equation by putting v before B? Aren't all physical equations supposed to be in directionally symmetric forms? It seems that a principle is needed to assert this type of invariance of nature, the Principle of Directional Invariance.

Further, let [itex] L' = v \times B - E [/itex]. So depending on the positions of v and B in the equations:

[itex] G^{-} = kq(E - v \times B)[/itex] or [itex] G^{-} = kq(E + v \times B)[/itex] and for the antigravity forms: [itex] G^{+} = k'q(v \times B - E)[/itex] or [itex] G^{+} = -k'q(v \times B + E)[/itex].

And [itex] (E - v \times B) \equiv (v \times B - E) [/itex] at only the vacuum where [itex] \nabla \cdot E = 0[/itex] and [itex] \nabla \cdot B = 0 [/itex] and v is equal to the speed of light in vacuum.

Sorry that I introduce me in this discussion and sorry if my question seems to be a little bit simple (I am just an amateur and I like physics) but to get an answer to your question who "...decides the changing of position for v and B? In vector analysis, this distinction is taken care of by the introduction of axial and polar vectors. But is this necessary? Aren't we introducing a directionality into the equation by putting v before B? Aren't all physical equations supposed to be in directionally symmetric forms?" ... would it not be relevant to make a systematic analysis of the following equation u x w = [matrix].w + rest (E) -whwere "x" between u and w is here the wedge product- ? (which is indeed one of my preoccupations in the work that you can visit on this forum). This equation (E) is exactly the equation allowing me to calculate the temporal variations of the Poynting's vector making use of the Maxwell's equations in vacuum to get a dynamic equation valid for the vacuum... Blackforest
  • #13
Blackforest said:
would it not be relevant to make a systematic analysis of the following equation u x w = [matrix].w + rest (E) -whwere "x" between u and w is here the wedge product- ?

I'm still not clear about your equation? Please elaborate more. Thanks.
  • #14
some explanations

Antonio Lao said:
I'm still not clear about your equation? Please elaborate more. Thanks.
See the attachment (Discussion.doc) for the answer. Thank you for the question. Blackforest
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  • #15
Abhay Ashtekar has some excellent ideas IMHO:


Imagine there is no space and time in the background; no canvas to
paint the dynamics of the physical universe on. Imagine a play in
which the stage joins the troupe of actors. Imagine a novel in which
the book itself is a character...

Yes, one can still do physics without sacrificing any mathematical
precision. In classical physics, Einstein taught us how to do this by
weaving the gravitational field into the very fabric of space-time. In
the resulting theory, general relativity, there is no background
space-time, no inert arena, no spectators in the cosmic dance. Matter,
through its gravity, tells space-time how to bend and curved
space-time, in turn, tells matter how to move. However, classical
physics is incomplete; it ignores the quantum world. Can we fuse the
pristine, geometric world of Einstein's with quantum physics, without
robbing it of its soul? Can we realize Einstein's vision at the
quantum level?


"Space" could be a Bose Einstein condensate at the Planck scales?


Such equations can be used, for example, in discussing
Bose–Einstein condensates in heterogeneous and highly nonlinear systems.
We demonstrate that at low momenta linearized excitations of the phase of the
condensate wavefunction obey a (3 + 1)-dimensional d'Alembertian equation
coupling to a (3 + 1)-dimensional Lorentzian-signature ‘effective metric' that
is generic, and depends algebraically on the background field. Thus at low
momenta this system serves as an analogue for the curved spacetime of
general relativity. In contrast, at high momenta we demonstrate how one
can use the eikonal approximation to extract a well controlled Bogoliubovlike
dispersion relation, and (perhaps unexpectedly) recover non-relativistic
Newtonian physics at high momenta. Bose–Einstein condensates appear to
be an extremely promising analogue system for probing kinematic aspects of
general relativity.

end quote.

If it can be formulated in terms of "background independence"...?
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  • #16
Isn't the search for a background the same as the search for an absolute rest frame of reference like the aether frame?

I think what both special and general relativity theory are telling us is that spacetime is the absolute background of all of reality which include the quantum reality. Spacetime is used in quantum field theory, in superstring theory, and in M-theory as well.

But in the quantum domain, the reality of quantized spacetime is the same as the quantization of one-dimensional space. A plausible theory can be built and this theory can describe the true meaning of mass and charge.
  • #17
Antonio Lao said:
Isn't the search for a background the same as the search for an absolute rest frame of reference like the aether frame?

I think what both special and general relativity theory are telling us is that spacetime is the absolute background of all of reality which include the quantum reality. Spacetime is used in quantum field theory, in superstring theory, and in M-theory as well.

But in the quantum domain, the reality of quantized spacetime is the same as the quantization of one-dimensional space. A plausible theory can be built and this theory can describe the true meaning of mass and charge.
Stage (geometric structure), players (EM fields), rigth, wrong, theory developing the idea (and the calculations) that there are different forces in vacuum resulting of the random fluctuations 1) of the EM fields 2) of the structure... It's my theory ! But you certainly noticed one of my important hypothesis: we should be able to define frames where all forces vanish to get the sensation that vacuum is a region which can be referred to an inertial frame at rest... and so verify what we usually verify: vacuum is the main part of the volumes defined in the universe and the universe is quasi-flat (Minkowski) ... There is no absolute rest frame but just circumstances giving us a play in which we could believe all players are at rest because they are exactly moving with and like the stage. Maybe not a good description but do you think it is a good approach even if it is a first incomplete scheme?Blackforest
  • #18
Blackforest said:
we should be able to define frames where all forces vanish to get the sensation that vacuum is a region which can be referred to an inertial frame at rest
There is no frame (at rest or in motion) of any kind in my proposed theory. The conserved quantity is the the LIM (local infinitesimal motion). There are two structures for the LIM. These are denoted by [itex]H^{+}[/itex] and [itex] H^{-}[/itex]. Further, in vector notations, they are given by the following

[tex] H^{-} = r_i \times F_i \cdot r_j \times F_j [/tex]

[tex] H^{+} = F_i \times r_i \cdot r_j \times F_j [/tex]
  • #19
Antonio Lao said:
There is no frame (at rest or in motion) of any kind in my proposed theory. The conserved quantity is the the LIM (local infinitesimal motion). There are two structures for the LIM. These are denoted by [itex]H^{+}[/itex] and [itex] H^{-}[/itex]. Further, in vector notations, they are given by the following

[tex] H^{-} = r_i \times F_i \cdot r_j \times F_j [/tex]

[tex] H^{+} = F_i \times r_i \cdot r_j \times F_j [/tex]

Where can I read more details about your theory? How can you verify the validity of your theory if you never precise a frame where you will make experiments and measurements to test it in our reality? As the gravitational force is a central field the conserved quantity in your theory must be 0 except if you introduce a new special definition of the wedge product. But if you do that, you will have to give more precision about the frame where your new definition is valid... Best regards Blackforest
  • #20
Blackforest said:
Where can I read more details about your theory? How can you verify the validity of your theory if you never precise a frame where you will make experiments and measurements to test it in our reality?

I have not published any about my research except what I wrote in this forum. The frame that I must be using is the frame of the vacuum. At this time, I definitely have problem verifying the existence of LIM in the vacuum by thinking of a physical experiment. The grouping of H+ and H- leads to the formation of matter and energy. So how can I use matter and energy going backward to find H+ and H-?

FAQ: Is the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory Still Valid?

1. What is the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory?

The Einstein-Schrodinger Theory is a scientific theory that combines Einstein's theory of general relativity with Erwin Schrodinger's work on quantum mechanics. It attempts to explain the fundamental nature of the universe and how it operates at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels.

2. How does the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory differ from other theories?

The Einstein-Schrodinger Theory differs from other theories in that it attempts to unify two previously separate and seemingly incompatible theories: general relativity and quantum mechanics. It also introduces the concept of a wave function, which describes the probability of a particle's position and momentum.

3. What evidence supports the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory?

There is currently no direct evidence that supports the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory. However, it is widely accepted by scientists due to its ability to explain various observed phenomena, such as the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, the bending of light in the presence of massive objects, and the expansion of the universe.

4. What are the implications of the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory?

The implications of the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory are far-reaching and have led to many advancements in science and technology. It has helped us understand the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, provided a basis for modern cosmology, and has led to the development of technologies such as nuclear power and quantum computing.

5. Is the Einstein-Schrodinger Theory universally accepted?

The Einstein-Schrodinger Theory is not universally accepted, as there are still some unresolved issues and unanswered questions within the theory. However, it is widely accepted by the scientific community and has been extensively tested and supported by various experiments and observations.

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