Is the Empty Set Bounded? Proof and Contradiction

In summary, the conversation discusses whether or not the empty set has a least upper bound, and if so, what that bound would be. It is determined that, by convention, the empty set is bounded by -\infty in the extended real numbers. However, there is no proof provided for this convention. The completeness axiom is mentioned, which states that non-empty subsets of R with upper bounds have least upper bounds, but it does not apply to the empty set. It is argued that the empty set has no real least upper bound, but it could have -\infty as an extended real upper bound. The conversation also delves into different types of proofs and logic, but no concrete proof for the empty set's upper bound is
  • #36
LukeD said:
Depending on the axioms that you use for logic, that A => B is true whenever A is false can be either an axiom or a theorem.

Vacuous Truth is just what it's called when A is false because it doesn't at all matter what B is.

up to now i was informed of three possibilities:

morphism said a definition with a question mark, you said a theorem or an axiom depending on the set of axioms. You succeeded in making me to open the books of logic to find out
so wait i get back to you
Physics news on
  • #37
Your logic book will only tell you the formalism preferred by its author.
  • #38
The laws and the facts about logic are eternal and no author and his preferred formalism
can change that
  • #39
evagelos said:
The laws and the facts about logic are eternal and no author and his preferred formalism can change that

Some logic books define [itex]\phi \vee \psi[/itex] as [itex]\neg\phi\rightarrow\psi[/itex] while others define it as its own privative with 3-4 axioms (for example, in paraconsistent logics). What would you say to that?
  • #40
evagelos said:
The laws and the facts about logic are eternal and no author and his preferred formalism
can change that

It's as if you're talking about a religion.
  • #41
Dragonfall said:
It's as if you're talking about a religion.

If you subtract religion from our life we will live in a better world,but if you take away

logic can you live in para consistent logic as GR put it
  • #42
You sound just like a postmodernist mathematician! You wouldn't happen to be a disciple of Jacques Lacan, would you?
  • #43
pardon me but i like to postmortem mathematics.

Who the hell is that Lucas guy anyway
  • #44
evagelos said:
The laws and the facts about logic are eternal and no author and his preferred formalism
can change that

Why do you think that the laws of mathematics are such? Why are they "true" and "eternal"? Did you prove this in some way? Did some higher power tell you that this must be true? Is it just intuitive?

I'm not trying to goad you into an argument. I'm just curious about your answer, and I wanted to illustrate something.
  • #45
evagelos said:
The laws and the facts about logic are eternal and no author and his preferred formalism
can change that
And this is true because you SAY so?
  • #46
The F----->T, F----->F implications are just part of the conditional definition of two statements p and q......p----->q.

So the ' vacuously true' expression is not an axiom is not a theorem in the axiomatic
foundation of the predicate calculus.

It can be used in a semantical type of proof and not in a syntactical type where all the mathematical proofs are.

Anyway to get rid of the 'vacuously true' myth here is a proof that the empty set is bounded

We want to prove that:...Ea(x)[ xεΦ====>absvalue(a)>=x]........

Let...xεΦ====>( xεΦ v absvalue(a)>=x) <=====> ( ~xεΦ===> absvalue(a)>=x) and
since ~xεΦ ( because no object belongs to the empty set) we have...absvalue(a)>=x.

Thus......xεΦ====>absvalue(a)>=x ..........

And......Ea(x)[ xεΦ====>absvalue(a)>=x].........

Where (x) means for all x, Ea means there exists an a, ~xεΦ means x does not belong to the empty set.

Perhaps an easier and shorter proof is the following:

We know...(x)[ ~xεΦ]====> ~xεΦ====>(~xεΦ v absvalue(a)>=x) <=====>
........xεΦ====>absvalue(a)>=x .........

And.......Ea(x)[ xεΦ====>absvalue(a)>=x]........
  • #47
p -> q is a shorthand way of writing [tex] \neg p \vee q [/tex]. The other operators (such as "not" and "or") are defined, you can call them axioms but its a bit pointless because they really do not tell you anything. As for the rest of the post with the proof, I can't read it, please use" to write it, ascii is not made for maths, it makes my eyes bleed.
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  • #48
evagelos said:
pardon me but i like to postmortem mathematics.

Who the hell is that Lucas guy anyway
So you think mathematics is dead? That's explains a lot about your posts!
  • #49
the law that i used in my proof is the tautology or theorem of the propositional calculus :


If we give values to p and q , (T,F) all the values of 1 will be true,thus 1 is a tautology,

meaning that pvq and ~p--->q are logically equivalent ,meaning that pvq logically implies
~p--->q and ~p---->q logically implies pvq,written as pvq <====> ~p---->q,notice the double line in the double implication.

If we now put p= ~xεΦ and q= absvalue(x)=<a, we have:

we have p......a fact not an assumption
but p===>pvq ( because of the law called disjunction introduction) <=====> ~p---->q (because of the above law).

hence...~p=====>q and if we substitute p and q we we have that the empty set is

  • #50
Another maybe understandable proof is to reason by contradiction:

Assume that the empty set is not bounded ,then we must have : Αn x belonging to the empty set, xεΦ,and an absolute x bigger than a, absvalue(x)> a.

But since no x belongs to the empty set ,~xεΦ, we have a contradiction :

xεΦ & ~xεΦ

Thus,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the empty set is bounded

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