Is the end of Blockbuster Video finally here?

  • Thread starter jtbell
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In summary, Blockbuster closed because they didn't provide a useful product or service anymore. They raised their late fees and the last rental was "This is the End."
  • #1
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Your late fees are waived: Blockbuster closes (

I don't think my wife and I ever rented a video. :rolleyes: We've never been really "into" movies, and seldom have enough time at home in the evening to sit down and watch one through. If we get bitten by the bug after we're both retired, I guess we'll just have to use Netflix et al. on our Apple TV box. We'd have to upgrade our Internet connection to get enough bandwidth to make it usable for serious video streaming, though.
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  • #2
It is pretty natural for businesses to close which no longer provide a useful product or service.

Almost every DVD I rented from Blockbuster had playback issues during some parts due to scratches. I had to skip whole chapters quite often. Part of why I made the decision to go to online distribution only, about two years ago.

You don't need a ridiculously fast connection to watch movies. I'm on 3 Mbps DSL and I can watch Netflix just fine.
  • #4
Where do places like this go when they die? Are photo mats floating around somewhere in another dimension. I had some pictures that I forgot to pick up. Sorry that is just silly. It must be the wine I drank after my last post in the American Dream thread.
  • #5
I only ever went to Blockbuster when I needed game cards for this MMO called Cabal that I used to play back in junior high/high school xP
  • #6
Back when I was a kid I rented tons of SNES and N64 games from them. Those were fun times.
  • #7
Ben Niehoff said:
You don't need a ridiculously fast connection to watch movies. I'm on 3 Mbps DSL and I can watch Netflix just fine.

We have what most people would consider a ridiculously slow connection: 0.75 Mbps "DSL Lite". :-p It's not even fast enough to watch most YouTube videos. When I find something I want to watch for more than a minute or two, I download it with a Firefox plugin and play it offline.

That connection started out at $15 per month, then AT&T raised it to $25 about a year ago. When we feel really cramped by it, we'll upgrade to a faster service. Right now it's not a high priority.
  • #8
I think I've used BlockBuster once in my life.
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  • #10
I used to rent video games for the PlayStation 1 from Blockbuster all the time as a little kid. Great memories; felt like a kid in a candy store.
  • #11
South Park called this years ago.

Related to Is the end of Blockbuster Video finally here?

1. What is "Bye-bye Blockbuster Video"?

"Bye-bye Blockbuster Video" refers to the decline and eventual bankruptcy of the once-popular video rental chain, Blockbuster Video. With the rise of online streaming services and digital downloads, the demand for physical video rentals decreased, leading to the closure of most Blockbuster stores.

2. When did Blockbuster Video go out of business?

Blockbuster Video filed for bankruptcy in 2010 and closed all of its remaining stores by 2014.

3. What caused the downfall of Blockbuster Video?

The rise of online streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu, and the popularity of digital downloads through platforms like iTunes, led to a decrease in demand for physical video rentals. Blockbuster also faced competition from Redbox, which offered cheaper and more convenient DVD rentals through vending machines.

4. Was Blockbuster Video the only video rental store to go out of business?

No, there were other video rental stores that faced a similar fate, such as Hollywood Video and Movie Gallery. However, Blockbuster was the largest and most well-known of these stores.

5. Are there any Blockbuster Video stores still open?

Yes, there are still a few independently owned and operated Blockbuster Video stores in the United States, but they are becoming increasingly rare. There are also a few stores in other countries, such as Australia and Mexico, that still operate under the Blockbuster name.
