- #1
- 970
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If you have a Lagrangian of the form:
[tex]L=\phi \partial^2 \phi[/tex]
how would you derive its equation of motion? All the books seem to say to treat this Lagrangian as if it were only a function of the field, and not derivatives of the field.
So to calculate this they seem to do a product rule:
[tex]\partial^2 \phi+\phi \partial^2=0[/tex]
The latter term is somehow equal to the first term, so you get:
[tex]2\partial^2 \phi=0[/tex]
Is this generally true, that if you have some scalar operator D sandwiched between two fields:
[tex] L=\phi D \phi [/tex]
then the EOM is:
[tex]2 D \phi=0 [/tex] ?
[tex]L=\phi \partial^2 \phi[/tex]
how would you derive its equation of motion? All the books seem to say to treat this Lagrangian as if it were only a function of the field, and not derivatives of the field.
So to calculate this they seem to do a product rule:
[tex]\partial^2 \phi+\phi \partial^2=0[/tex]
The latter term is somehow equal to the first term, so you get:
[tex]2\partial^2 \phi=0[/tex]
Is this generally true, that if you have some scalar operator D sandwiched between two fields:
[tex] L=\phi D \phi [/tex]
then the EOM is:
[tex]2 D \phi=0 [/tex] ?