Is the Function f a Homomorphism for Symmetry Group of a Circle?

In summary, In order to prove that f is a homomorphism between two groups, you first need to show that the symmetry group of a circle is isomorphic to a permutation group (which turns out to be of arbitrary large degree).
  • #1
I have a question that I have approached, but want to check if I'm on the right track.

Let G denote the group of symmetries of a circle. There are infinitely many reflections and rotations. There are no elements besides reflections and rotations. The identity element is the rotation by zero degrees. Let H denote the subgroup of H consisting of only the rotations.

Question: Define f: G--> {1,-1} by f(x) = 1 if x is a rotation and f(x) = -1 if x is a reflection. Is f a homomorphism?

What I did was check if f(xy)=f(x)f(y). So f((-1)*1)=f(-1)f(1)=-1, and f((1)*1)=f(1)f(1)=1, etc. It all checks out, so f is a homomorphism.

Did I do it right? Thanks!
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  • #2
kalish said:
I have a question that I have approached, but want to check if I'm on the right track.

Let G denote the group of symmetries of a circle. There are infinitely many reflections and rotations. There are no elements besides reflections and rotations. The identity element is the rotation by zero degrees. Let H denote the subgroup of H consisting of only the rotations.

Question: Define f: G--> {1,-1} by f(x) = 1 if x is a rotation and f(x) = -1 if x is a reflection. Is f a homomorphism?

What I did was check if f(xy)=f(x)f(y). So f((-1)*1)=f(-1)f(1)=-1, and f((1)*1)=f(1)f(1)=1, etc. It all checks out, so f is a homomorphism.

Did I do it right? Thanks!
A homomorphism between two groups is a function $f:G\to H$ that satisfies
where $g_1,g_2\in G$, $\cdot_G$ is the group operation in G, and $\cdot_H$ is the group operation in H. The way you performed your calculations looks like you have mistaken the group operation in the symmetry group to be multiplication.
  • #3
So... is this the correct approach?

We need to show that f(x) f(y) = f(xy) for any x, y in G.

We prove this by cases:
(i) x and y are rotations. Then, xy is also a rotation.
So, f(x) f(y) = 1 * 1 = 1 = f(xy).

(ii) x and y are reflections. Then, xy is a rotation.
So, f(x) f(y) = -1 * -1 = 1 = f(xy).

(iii) x is a reflection and y is a rotation. Then, xy is also a reflection.
So, f(x) f(y) = -1 * 1 = -1 = f(xy).

(iv) x is a rotation and y is a reflection. Then, xy is also a reflection.
So, f(x) f(y) = -1 * 1 = -1 = f(xy).
  • #4
I don't know what the best way to solve this problem is. What I would do is the following: first, we know that the sign homomorphism which maps each permutation to its sign, is indeed a homomorphism. Now try to prove that the symmetry group of a circle is isomorphic to a permutation group (which turns out to be of arbitrary large degree).
  • #5
eddybob123 said:
What I would do is the following: first, we know that the sign homomorphism which maps each permutation to its sign, is indeed a homomorphism.
Isn't the sign of a permutation defined only for finite sets?

eddybob123 said:
Now try to prove that the symmetry group of a circle is isomorphic to a permutation group (which turns out to be of arbitrary large degree).
There are definitely more permutations (i.e., bijections) of a circle than rotations and symmetries. Besides, this approach would require proving that the sign of a symmetry is -1 and the sign of a rotation is 1 or vice versa.

In my opinion, the solution in post #3 is fine.
  • #6
Evgeny.Makarov said:
In my opinion, the solution in post #3 is fine.
I agree
  • #7
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Isn't the sign of a permutation defined only for finite sets?

eddybob123 said:
Now try to prove that the symmetry group of a circle is isomorphic to a permutation group (which turns out to be of arbitrary large degree).
There are definitely more permutations (i.e., bijections) of a circle than rotations and symmetries. Besides, this approach would require proving that the sign of a symmetry is -1 and the sign of a rotation is 1 or vice versa.

In my opinion, the solution in post #3 is fine.

I would also agree with this, PROVIDED:

you can PROVE that:

a) two rotations composed yield a rotation
b) a rotation and reflection composed in any order yield a reflection
c) two reflections composed yield a rotation.

In my humble opinion, one needs a specific "form" of rotations and reflections to do this. One possible approach:

DEFINE a rotation as a linear map:

$T(x,y) = (x\cos\alpha - y\sin\alpha ,x\sin\alpha + y\cos\alpha)$

for some real number $\alpha \in [0,2\pi)$

Similarly, DEFINE a reflection as:

$T \circ R$, where:

$T$ is a rotation, and; $R(x,y) = (x,-y)$

(other definitions are possible, be aware of this).

Note that to prove (a) through (c) using these definitions one must find some "angle" that works for the composition.


Also, in my humble opinion, the EASIEST way to prove the original assertion of post #1 is by noting this is just a special case of the homomorphism:

$\det:\text{GL}_2(\Bbb R) \to \Bbb R \setminus\{0\}$

restricted to the subgroup $\text{O}_2(\Bbb R)$ consisting of all linear plane isometries (which of necessity must map any circle centered at the origin (including the unit circle) to itself), using the multiplicative property of the determinant map.

FAQ: Is the Function f a Homomorphism for Symmetry Group of a Circle?

1. What is a homomorphism of symmetry group?

A homomorphism of symmetry group is a function that maps one symmetry group to another while preserving the group operations. It is a mathematical concept used to study the properties and relationships of symmetry groups.

2. How is a homomorphism different from an isomorphism?

A homomorphism preserves the group operations, while an isomorphism also preserves the individual elements of the group. In other words, a homomorphism only looks at the group structure, while an isomorphism looks at both the structure and the elements themselves.

3. What are some real-world applications of homomorphism of symmetry groups?

Homomorphism of symmetry groups has applications in various fields, such as computer science, chemistry, and physics. In computer science, it is used in cryptography to encrypt data. In chemistry, it can be used to study the symmetry of molecules. In physics, it is used to understand the symmetries of physical systems.

4. Can a homomorphism of symmetry groups be bijective?

No, a homomorphism of symmetry groups cannot be bijective because it does not necessarily preserve individual elements. This means that there can be multiple elements in one group that map to the same element in the other group, making it impossible for the homomorphism to be bijective.

5. How is homomorphism of symmetry groups related to group theory?

Homomorphism of symmetry groups is a concept within group theory, which is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of groups. It specifically looks at how groups can be mapped to one another while preserving their structure and operations. Homomorphism is an important tool in group theory, as it helps to understand the relationship between different groups.

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