Is the Fundamental Group onto for a Path Connected Space?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, the Fundamental Group of a Path Connected Space is a mathematical concept used to study the properties of a topological space by representing the group of all continuous loops that can be contracted to a point. It can be calculated using the concept of homotopy, and if it is onto, it means that every loop in the space can be represented by an element of the group. The onto property can be proven using the Seifert-van Kampen theorem and is important for understanding and classifying topological spaces, as well as having applications in various fields.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem.


Problem: Recall that the fundamental group $\pi_1(X,x_0)$ is the set of homotopy classes of base point preserving maps $(S^1,s_0)\rightarrow (X,x_0)$. Let $[S^1,X]$ be the set of free homotopy classes of maps without conditions on base points. There there exists a map $\Phi:\pi_1(X,x_0)\rightarrow [S^1,X]$ obtained by ignoring base points.

Show that:

(a) $\Phi$ is onto if $X$ is path connected.
(b) $\Phi([f])=\Phi([g])$ if and only if $[f]$ and $[g]$ are conjugate in $\pi_1(X,x_0)$.


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  • #2
No one answered this week's question. You can find my solution below.
Proof: Let $f,g\in\pi_1(X,x_0)$. Ignoring the base point, we will show that $fgf^{-1}\simeq g$ (here, $\simeq$ means "homotopic to"). WLOG, assume that $fgf^{-1}$ transverse $f$, $g$, and $f^{-1}$ on three intervals: $[0,1/3]$, $[1/3,2/3]$, and $[2/3,1]$, respectively. Thinking of $S^1$ as $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$, we can instead start at $1/3$ and end at $4/3$ (this, in return, corresponds to a free homotopy that moves the base point). Hence, $fgf^{-1}$ is free homotopic to $gff^{-1}$, which is homotopic to $g$. Thus, the conjugacy classes map into homotopy classes of maps $S^1\rightarrow X$. Now, any homotopy class of maps $S^1\rightarrow X$ can be represented by some loop in $X$. If $X$ is path connected, this can be extended to a loop based at $x_0$, and such a loop will be mapped by $\Phi$ to this homotopy class. Therefore, $\Phi$ is surjective (onto).

To show that $\Phi$ is injective, we again let $f,g\in \pi_1(X,x_0)$ be elements that are homotopic if we ignore base points (i.e. $\Phi([f])=\Phi([g])$). Then there is a continuous map $H:[0,1]^2\rightarrow X$ such that $H(0,t)=H(1,t)$ for all $t$, and $H(t,0)=f(t)$ and $H(t,1)=g(t)$. Let $h:[0,1]\rightarrow X$ be defined by $h(t)=H(0,t)$ so that $h$ keeps track of the basepoint change along $H$. Then $h(0)=H(0,0)=f(0)$ and $h(1)=H(0,1)=g(0)$, so $h\in\pi_1(X,x_0)$.Claim: $hgh^{-1}\simeq f$.Proof of Claim: Write
\[f\simeq \begin{cases}h(3t) & \text{if $0\leq r\leq \frac{1}{3}$}\\ H(t,0) & \text{if $\frac{1}{3}\leq t\leq\frac{2}{3}$}\\ h^{-1}(3t-2) & \text{if $\frac{2}{3}\leq t\leq 1$}\end{cases}\]
\[hgh^{-1}\simeq \begin{cases}h(3t) & \text{if $0\leq t\leq \frac{1}{3}$}\\ H(3(t-\frac{1}{3}),1) & \text{if $\frac{1}{3}\leq t\leq \frac{2}{3}$}\\ h^{-1}(3t-2) & \text{if $\frac{2}{3}\leq t\leq 1$}.\end{cases}\]
This observation suggests using the following homotopy $\tilde{H})(t,s):[0,1]^2\rightarrow X$ from $f$ to $hgh^{-1}$:
\[\tilde{H}(t,s) = \begin{cases}h(3t) & \text{if $0\leq t\leq \frac{s}{3}$}\\ H((2s+1)(t-\frac{s}{3}),s) & \text{if $\frac{s}{3}\leq t\leq 1-\frac{s}{3}$}\\ h^{-1}(3t-2) & \text{if $1-\frac{s}{3}\leq t\leq 1$}\end{cases}\]
Then $\tilde{H}(t,0)=f(t)$ and $\tilde{H}(t,1)=hgh^{-1}$, and $\tilde{H}(0,s) =\tilde{H}(1,s) =h(0) =x_0$; thus $f$ and $g$ come from the same conjugacy class of $\pi_1 (X,x_0)$, and hence $\Phi$ is injective.$\hspace{.25in}\blacksquare$

FAQ: Is the Fundamental Group onto for a Path Connected Space?

What is the Fundamental Group of a Path Connected Space?

The Fundamental Group of a Path Connected Space is a mathematical concept used in algebraic topology to study the properties of a topological space. It represents the group of all continuous loops in a given space that can be contracted to a point. In other words, it is a measure of the number of "holes" or "handles" in a space.

How is the Fundamental Group Calculated?

The Fundamental Group can be calculated using the fundamental groupoid or the fundamental group, both of which are based on the concept of homotopy. Homotopy is a continuous deformation of one loop into another, where the starting and ending points remain fixed. By studying the different homotopy classes of loops in a space, the Fundamental Group can be determined.

What Does it Mean for the Fundamental Group to be Onto?

If the Fundamental Group is onto, it means that every possible loop in the space can be represented by an element of the group. In other words, for every loop in the space, there exists a path in the group that is homotopic to it. This is a desirable property as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the topological space.

How is the Onto Property of the Fundamental Group Proven?

The onto property of the Fundamental Group can be proven using the Seifert-van Kampen theorem, which states that the Fundamental Group of a space is the quotient of the free product of the Fundamental Groups of its path-connected components. If the path-connected components of a space are themselves path-connected, then the Fundamental Group will be onto.

Why is the Onto Property of the Fundamental Group Important?

The onto property of the Fundamental Group is important because it allows for a more complete understanding of the topological space. It enables us to classify and compare different spaces based on the number of holes or handles they have. Additionally, the onto property has many applications in fields such as physics and engineering, where understanding the topology of a space is crucial for solving problems.
