Is the given function continuous at x= 0? f(x) = {sin(1/x) if x≠0, 1

In summary, the conversation discusses the function g(x) = sin(1/x) and its infinite oscillations when x gets closer to 0, resulting in a non-existent limit. The topic of continuity for piecewise defined functions is also brought up, with an example of g(x) = xsin(1/x) on the domain [0, infinity). The conversation ends with a discussion about finding a suitable delta value for a given epsilon value in order to show continuity at the point 0.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Prove or disprove that f(x) = { sin (1/x) if x≠0, 1 if x =0} is continuous on [0,infinity] by definition of continuity or one of its equivalent definitions.
Relevant Equations
Definition of continuity:

Let f: D → R^q. Let a∈D. We say that f is continuous at a if every neighborhood V of f(a) ∃ a neighborhood U of a (which depends on V) such that if x∈D∩U, then f(x)∈V. (Note that neighborhood of a point in X^n was defined to be a set that contains an open set containing the point x).

The equivalent definitions:

(1)If ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 such that if ||x-a|| < δ, then ||f(x) - f(a)|| < ∈. (note ||. || is defined to be the standard metric on R^n).

(2) If (Xn) is any sequence of elements of D which converges to a, then the sequence (f(xn)) converges to f(a).

Discontinuity is also defined by (2), ie., showing that the negation of (2) holds, or

The function f is not continuous on a∈D iff there is a sequence (Xn) in D which converges to a, but (f(Xn)) does not converge to f(a).
I know that the function, g(x)= sin(1/x) has infinite oscillations when the values of x get closer and closer to 0. So its limit does not exist (from graphing it). However, the way that we defined f(x), at x=0, f(x)=1, but f(x)= sin(1/x) on (0,infinity).

I have an issue in general showing that piecewise defined functions are continuous/not continuous at a point without resorting to a limit argument.

I am assuming that the way how the function is defined, it fixes the discontinuity issue of g(x) at x=0. ?
I want to show |f(x) - f(0)| <ε, whenever |x-0|<δ.

I know that sin(1/x ≤ |1| x∈R.

Busy work:

So |f(x)- f(o)| = |sin(1/x) - f(0)|≤ |sin(1/x)| + 1 ≤ 1+1=2

but |f(x) -f(o)|= |1 -1|=o.

So my confusion about continuity regarding piecewise defined functions is preventing me from going forward.
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  • #2
MidgetDwarf said:
So |f(x)- f(o)| = |sin(1/x) - f(0)|≤ |sin(1/x)| + 1 ≤ 1+1=2

but |f(x) -f(o)|= |1 -1|=o.
The last equation isn't true -- you're essentially saying that f(x) = 1 for any x. Notice that for some values of ##\epsilon## there is no ##\delta > 0## for which ##|x - 0| < \delta \Rightarrow |f(x) - f(0)| < \epsilon##
  • #3
Mark44 said:
The last equation isn't true -- you're essentially saying that f(x) = 1 for any x. Notice that for some values of ϵ there is no δ>0 for which |x−0|<δ⇒|f(x)−f(0)|<ϵ
Hmm. I have to think more about your statement. I know that f(x)=1when x=0. So if I pick ε very small (near 0), then the second equation is true. But it is not always the case? I will think about your comment some more. Analysis is not that straightforward for me.

Ahh. I noticed an error in my problem statement. The domain is [0, infinity). We want to prove/disprove that f is continuous at the point 0, not that it is continuous on [0,infinity). So would my previous work still not be true in this case?

I tried an easier problem to practice a bit.

g(x) = { xsin (1/x) if x≠0, 1 if x =0} is continuous at x=0, where the domain of g is [0, infinity) , is this continuous. Yes/No?

I am assuming no.

Proof. Note that {Xn} = 1/n is defined on [0,infinity) , and converges to 0,
but |g(Xn) - g(0)|= |(1/n)(sin(n) - 1|≤ |1/n - 1 |, but g(Xn) does not converge to 1. Therefore, g is not continuous at 0.

Does this work?
  • #4
I think I have the proof. I will post tomorrow. Thank you Mark for pointing out the error.
  • #5
MidgetDwarf said:
Hmm. I have to think more about your statement. I know that f(x)=1when x=0. So if I pick ε very small (near 0), then the second equation is true. But it is not always the case? I will think about your comment some more. Analysis is not that straightforward for me.
##\epsilon## doesn't even need to be all that small -- take ##\epsilon = .5##.
Can you find a number ##\delta## so that for all x within ##\delta## of 0, then sin(1/x) will be within 1/2 of 1? Think about things in terms of the graph of f(x) = sin(1/x).

FAQ: Is the given function continuous at x= 0? f(x) = {sin(1/x) if x≠0, 1

1. What is continuity in a function?

Continuity in a function means that the graph of the function has no breaks or jumps and can be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper.

2. How can we determine if a function is continuous at a specific point?

To determine if a function is continuous at a specific point, we need to check three conditions: the function is defined at that point, the limit of the function at that point exists, and the limit is equal to the value of the function at that point.

3. What is the definition of continuity at a point?

The definition of continuity at a point is that a function f(x) is continuous at a point x = a if the limit of the function as x approaches a is equal to the value of the function at that point, i.e. lim x→a f(x) = f(a).

4. How do we determine if a function is continuous at x = 0?

To determine if a function is continuous at x = 0, we need to check if the function is defined at x = 0, and then calculate the limit of the function as x approaches 0. If the limit exists and is equal to the value of the function at x = 0, then the function is continuous at x = 0.

5. Is the given function f(x) = {sin(1/x) if x≠0, 1 continuous at x = 0?

Yes, the given function is continuous at x = 0. Although the function is not defined at x = 0, the limit of the function as x approaches 0 is 0, which is equal to the value of the function at x = 0 (which is 1). Therefore, the three conditions for continuity at a point are satisfied, and the function is continuous at x = 0.

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