Is the Integral of arctan(x)/(xln^2(x)) Convergent?

  • Thread starter TheForumLord
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In summary, the problem is to check whether the integral \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx converges, with problematic points at 0, 1, and \infty. The integral can be split into three parts, with the second integral converging. The first integral can be rewritten and compared to a known series, but the ln term causes difficulty. An expansion for the logarithm may be useful. The third integral may also be problematic. Proving the convergence of the first integral is necessary for a complete proof.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Check whether the integral [tex] \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx [/tex] converges.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The problematic points are: [tex] 0, 1, \infty [/tex] . So I said:
[tex] \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx
= \int_{0}^{1}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx+ \int_{1}^{2}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx+ \int_{2}^{\infty}\frac{arctanx}{xln^{2}x}dx[/tex] .

The second integral converges [I've proved this by substition: [tex] x=1+t [/tex] and then comparison to the series [tex]g(x)=\frac{1}{x^{2}}[/tex]... I did it by knowing that in 0:
[tex] ln(1+x)\approx x[/tex]...
I have no idea how to deal with the two other integrals... The ln is my problem...

Hope you'll be able to help

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
The first integral has two problems again
you should rewrite it as(you could choose any number in (0,1) not only half):

[tex]\int_0^{\frac{1}{2}} \frac{arctan x}{x ln^2x} \, dx + \int_{\frac{1}{2}}^1 \frac{arctan x}{x ln^2x} \, dx[/tex]

you should know that

[tex]\frac{arctan x}{x ln^2x} \leq \frac{\pi}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{xl n^2 x}[/tex]

[tex]\int \frac{1}{x ln^2 x} \, dx[/tex]

is easy.
  • #3
System's idea is a good one, but I believe that it shows that the new integral diverges. If it had converged, then you would be ok, but since it diverges, then you still don't know if your original integral converges.

There is an interesting expansion for the logarithm.

[tex] {\rm ln}(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n+1}{{(x-1)^n}\over{n}}[/tex]

valid for [tex]0<x\le 2[/tex]

This may be useful for looking at the problem point x=1.
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  • #4
Hmmmm... How did you prove that this integral convergs? (I mean the integral:
[tex] \int_{0}^{0.5} \frac{1}{xln^{2}x} dx [/tex] ) ...

I think this is what is missing for my proof...

Thanks for the fast reply!
  • #5
TheForumLord said:
Hmmmm... How did you prove that this integral convergs? (I mean the integral:
[tex] \int_{0}^{0.5} \frac{1}{xln^{2}x} dx [/tex] ) ...

I think this is what is missing for my proof...

Thanks for the fast reply!

The antiderivative is -1/ln(x) I believe. This makes it clear that that integral converges. However, the next integral with the limit at 1 will diverge. This makes the situation a little more complicated. You now have to ask the question whether the divergence of the upper-bound integral proves the divergence of the actual integral. Maybe it does, but you need to make a proper argument to prove it.
  • #6
Thanks a lot!

FAQ: Is the Integral of arctan(x)/(xln^2(x)) Convergent?

1. What is an integral in calculus?

An integral in calculus is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve. It is used to calculate the total change or accumulation of a quantity over a continuous range. It is denoted by the symbol ∫ and is the inverse operation of differentiation.

2. What is an infinite integral?

An infinite integral, also known as an improper integral, is an integral where one or both of the limits of integration are infinite. This means that the function being integrated does not have a definite area under the curve, but instead extends to infinity. Infinite integrals are often used to solve problems involving infinite series.

3. How is an infinite integral evaluated?

To evaluate an infinite integral, the function being integrated must first be rewritten in terms of an infinite series. Then, limits of integration can be set and the integral can be solved as a limit of a finite integral. If the limit exists, the integral is said to converge and its value can be calculated.

4. What are the applications of infinite integrals?

Infinite integrals have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used to solve problems involving infinite series, such as calculating the total area under a curve with infinitely many peaks and valleys. They are also used to calculate the average value of a function over an infinite range and to solve problems involving infinite sequences.

5. How does the concept of infinity affect infinite integrals?

The concept of infinity plays a crucial role in infinite integrals. Without the concept of infinity, it would not be possible to evaluate an integral where the limits of integration are infinite. Infinity also allows us to solve problems involving infinite series and sequences, which have many real-world applications.

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