Is the kinetic mixing gauge-invariant for non-Abelian gauge fields?

In summary, the conversation discusses non-Abelian gauge fields and their kinetic mixing. It is mentioned that the kinetic mixing of the form ##F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{'a\mu\nu}## is not gauge-invariant, unlike the usual non-Abelian kinetic term ##F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{a\mu\nu}##. A paper is referenced which discusses the kinetic mixing of an Abelian U(1) gauge field with the electroweak isospin fields, showing that the Abelian field strength tensor is gauge-invariant while the non-Abelian one is not. The conversation also touches on the transformation of gauge fields under the adjoint representation
  • #1
Consider two non-Abelian gauge fields ##A_\mu^a## and ##A_\mu^{'a}## belonging to the same symmetry group. An example could be the SM electroweak isospin fields and another exotic SU(2) hidden sector where ##a=1, \dots 3##.
Is the kinetic mixing of the following form gauge-invariant?
$$ F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{'a\mu\nu} $$
where ## F_{\mu\nu}^a## and ## F_{\mu\nu}^{'a}## denote the corresponding field strength tensors.
What is the difference between this case and a usual non-Abelian kinetic term ## F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{a\mu\nu}##?
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  • #2
You need to have a different "gauge index" on the F' tensor than a. I think... But gauge fields always transform under the fundemantal representation, so I think FF' should be gauge invariant. Here is a paper on it

We do have kinetic mixing if we have more than one abelian gauge symmetry.
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  • #3
malawi_glenn said:
You need to have a different "gauge index" on the F' tensor than a. I think... But gauge fields always transform under the fundemantal representation, so I think FF' should be gauge invariant. Here is a paper on it

We do have kinetic mixing if we have more than one abelian gauge symmetry.
That paper discusses kinetic mixing of an Abelian U(1) gauge field with the electroweak isospin fields as shown in equations (1.1) and (1.3). The Abelian field strength tensor ##X_{\mu\nu}## is gauge invariant. This is not true for non-Abelian field strength tensor ##F^a_{\mu\nu}##. But the bilinear ## F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{a\mu\nu}## is gauge-invariant.
In this paper Arxiv 2104.01871 [hep-ph] , in the introduction, it is claimed that non-Abelian kinetic mixing is not gauge invariant. But the author does not explain why.
  • The gauge indices are contracted ##tr (F_{\mu\nu}^a T^a F^{ 'b\mu\nu} T^b) = \frac{1}{2} F_{\mu\nu}^a F^{ 'a\mu\nu}##
  • I think you mean "gauge fields always transform under the adjoint representation".
  • #4
Ramtin123 said:
gauge fields always transform under the adjoint representation".
Yes I did.

I did some calculations, the coupling constant ##g## is included in the transformation matrices, ##U(x) = \text{exp}(- \text{i} g\theta(x)^a T^a)##.

## \text{Tr} ( F^{\mu \nu} B_ {\mu \nu}) \to \text{Tr} (U F^{\mu \nu} U^\dagger V B_ {\mu \nu} V^\dagger) \neq \text{Tr} ( F^{\mu \nu} B_ {\mu \nu})## because ##U^\dagger V \neq I ## and ##U^\dagger V \neq I ## because of different gauge-couplings.
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FAQ: Is the kinetic mixing gauge-invariant for non-Abelian gauge fields?

What is kinetic mixing in the context of gauge fields?

Kinetic mixing refers to the phenomenon where the field strength tensors of different gauge fields mix in the Lagrangian. This can occur between gauge fields of different gauge groups, leading to a coupling between them even if they are associated with different symmetries. It was originally proposed in the context of Abelian gauge fields but can also be considered for non-Abelian gauge fields.

Is kinetic mixing gauge-invariant for non-Abelian gauge fields?

In general, kinetic mixing is not gauge-invariant for non-Abelian gauge fields. The gauge invariance of the kinetic term requires that the field strength tensors transform covariantly under gauge transformations. For non-Abelian gauge fields, the mixing terms typically do not satisfy this requirement, leading to a lack of gauge invariance.

How does kinetic mixing differ between Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields?

For Abelian gauge fields, kinetic mixing can be gauge-invariant because the field strength tensors are gauge-invariant by themselves. However, for non-Abelian gauge fields, the field strength tensors transform covariantly under gauge transformations, and their mixing generally does not preserve gauge invariance. This difference arises from the more complex structure of non-Abelian gauge groups and their associated field strength tensors.

Can kinetic mixing occur naturally in non-Abelian gauge theories?

While kinetic mixing is more straightforward and naturally occurring in Abelian gauge theories, it is less common and more problematic in non-Abelian gauge theories due to the gauge invariance issues. However, specific mechanisms or extensions of the theory could potentially allow for kinetic mixing in non-Abelian gauge fields, though these would need to address the gauge invariance problem.

What are the implications of kinetic mixing for physical theories?

Kinetic mixing can have significant implications for physical theories, especially in the context of beyond Standard Model physics. It can lead to new interactions between different gauge sectors and potentially observable effects such as additional forces or modifications to existing interactions. However, ensuring gauge invariance and consistency of the theory is crucial, particularly for non-Abelian gauge fields where kinetic mixing is more challenging to incorporate.

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