Is R_h=ct a more accurate cosmological model than wCDM/LCDM?

In summary, Melia and McClintock have carried out a one-on-one comparison between the R_h=ct Universe and wCDM/LCDM using the latest high-z measurements of H(z). They find that the model-independent cosmic chronometer data prefer R_h=ct over wCDM/LCDM, providing strong support for earlier results from Type Ia SNe and the Alcock-Paczynski test. However, their analysis has been met with criticism and there is still a need for truly model-independent observations to be used in cosmological tests.
  • #1
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Not according to this paper. arXiv:1507.08279 [pdf, ps, other]
A Test of Cosmological Models using high-z Measurements of H(z)
Fulvio Melia, Thomas M. McClintock
Comments: 22 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal
Subjects: Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)

The recently constructed Hubble diagram using a combined sample of SNLS and SDSS-II Type Ia SNe, and an application of the Alcock-Paczynski (AP) test using model-independent Baryon Acoustic Oscillation data, have suggested that the principal constraint underlying the cosmic expansion is the total equation-of-state of the cosmic fluid, rather than that of its dark energy. These studies have focused on the critical redshift range (0 < z < 2) within which the transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion is thought to have occurred, and they suggest that the cosmic fluid has zero active mass, consistent with a constant expansion rate. The evident impact of this conclusion on cosmological theory calls for an independent confirmation. In this paper, we carry out this crucial one-on-one comparison between the R_h=ct Universe (an FRW cosmology with zero active mass) and wCDM/LCDM, using the latest high-z measurements of H(z). Whereas the Type Ia SNe yield the integrated luminosity distance, while the AP diagnostic tests the geometry of the Universe, the Hubble parameter directly samples the expansion rate itself. We find that the model-independent cosmic chronometer data prefer R_h}=ct over wCDM/LCDM with a BIC likelihood of ~95% versus only ~5%, in strong support of the earlier SNeIa and AP results. This contrasts with a recent analysis of H(z) data based solely on BAO measurements which, however, strongly depend on the assumed cosmology. We discuss why the latter approach is inappropriate for model comparisons, and emphasize again the need for truly model-independent observations to be used in cosmological tests.
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  • #2
Their Figure 1 from the OP eprint.

They stop at z = 2, of course they could have taken the red shift out to z ~ 2.4 as illustrated by the diagram in my thread 'Utility of observational Hubble parameter data on DE', here: Utility of observational Hubble parameter data on DE. (Ignore my comments on that post for now).

At z < 1 the earlier analysis clearly favours [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM and the two plots for [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM and R = ct cross around z = 1.7 so predictions of the two theories are the same there, however beyond z > 2 that data set points clearly favours R = ct. It is therefore interesting here that Melia and McClintock concentrate on the lower red shift range and still find that they favour linear expansion.

Once a model derived from interpreted data has been established to be the standard one it will take "extraordinary evidence" to support the "extraordinary claim" that it might be wrong, I doubt whether the OP eprint provides such evidence, however their analysis is intriguing.

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  • #3
I agree it will take extraordinary evidence to beat the LCDM model, however people are all ways pecking around the edges of it.
  • #4
It is hard to believe that the data set in Figure 1 really distinguishes between the two scenarios at a 19-1 odds. It looks quite inconclusive to me just eyeballing it carefully.
  • #6
One thing that struch me was his rather peculiar focus on discrediting work by Daniel Shafer. Melia offers little new to his long standing feud over an R_h=ct universe with other reputable cosmologists. Futhermore the argument that his approach is model independent appears poorly subtantiated and possibly circular.
  • #7
As a theoretical model the linearly expanding model will get nowhere unless there is a 'mechanism' that delivers the "zero effective mass" requirement i.e. an equation of state [itex]\omega = - \frac{1}{3}[/itex].

On the other hand, as far as observations go, the question of how the universe is expanding is now being explored out to higher and higher red shifts.

It will be interesting to see what the next generation of surveys at higher red shift bring in, in the regime where the H(z) v z plots really diverge.

As it said in the paper Utility of observational Hubble parameter data on dark energy evolution
As putting into operation of future space and ground-based telescopes (James Webb Space Telescope, Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, planned adaptive optics systems with Keck, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, and Thirty Meter Telescope et al.), more high-redshift, high-accuracy H(z) determinations from BAO observations will undoubtedly perform a very useful role in the future study of the DE.

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  • #8
Garth said:
As a theoretical model the linearly expanding model will get nowhere unless there is a 'mechanism' that delivers the "zero effective mass" requirement i.e. an equation of state ω=−13 \omega = - \frac{1}{3}.

Perhaps you can embellish upon that a bit... it would seem to me that the w = -1/3 is tantamount to a mandated state for a net zero energy universe. i.e., expanding negative pressure creates positive energy (a la McCrea) at the same rate that negative potential grows due to the expanding volume - if the cosmological constant is left out of the equation, the expansion is linear i.e., R double dot is zero, whereas if the CC is included, the expansion is exponential, and the acceleration corresponds to q = -1. What other equation of state corresponds to zero energy during expansion?

FAQ: Is R_h=ct a more accurate cosmological model than wCDM/LCDM?

1. Is there evidence to support the LCDM model?

Yes, there is overwhelming evidence from various sources such as observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxy clusters, and the large-scale structure of the universe that supports the LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) model.

2. How does the LCDM model explain the expansion of the universe?

The LCDM model explains the expansion of the universe through the inclusion of dark energy, which is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

3. What is dark matter and why is it important in the LCDM model?

Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light and cannot be directly observed. It is important in the LCDM model because it helps explain the observed gravitational effects on galaxies and galaxy clusters that cannot be accounted for by visible matter alone.

4. Are there any challenges to the LCDM model?

While the LCDM model is currently the most widely accepted model for describing the universe, there are some challenges and discrepancies that have been observed, such as the discrepancy between the predicted and observed amount of dark matter in certain regions of the universe. However, these challenges are still being actively researched and do not necessarily disprove the overall validity of the LCDM model.

5. How does the LCDM model relate to the Big Bang theory?

The LCDM model is closely related to the Big Bang theory, as it is based on the idea that the universe began with a rapid expansion from a single point in space and has been expanding ever since. However, the LCDM model also incorporates additional components such as dark energy and dark matter to better explain and account for the observed properties of the universe.
