Is the locality of the propagator affected by the value of M?

In summary: So I'm not sure how to make sense of that last equation.In summary, the propagator G(x,x') is a mathematical expression used in quantum field theory to describe the probability amplitude for a particle to propagate from point x' to point x. The form of the propagator depends on the chosen pole prescription and can be either local or non-local. The advanced and retarded propagators are local and supported only within the forward and backward light cones, while the Feynman propagator is non-local and exponentially suppressed for large spacelike separations. It is not possible to determine the support of a function from the form of its Fourier transform without evaluating it. The last equation presented in the conversation may not make sense as it is unclear how
  • #1
What does it mean to say that the propagator

[tex]G(x,x')=\int \frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}\left(\frac{e^{ip(x-x')}}{p^2+M^2}\right) [/tex]

is nonlocal? Does that mean that if x and x' are space-like in separation, this expression is non-zero? If you did have something local represented by a Fourier transform f(p):

[tex]G(x,x')=\int \frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}f(p)e^{ip(x-x')} [/tex]

how could you tell just from the form of f(p) that G(x,x') vanished for space-like separations?

For large M

[tex]G(x,x')=\left(\frac{1}{M^2}+\frac{\Box}{M^4}+...\right)\delta(x-x') [/tex]

becomes local because the delta function only allows influences at x=x'. That means the interaction is no longer just local, but instantaneous. Does being local mean being instantaneous, or the broader meaning: being time-like?
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  • #2
I think I can help out part of the way. However, these are tough integrals to get out.

For your first question, you haven't chosen a pole prescription (that is the i\epsilon in the denominator); without this the integral is undefined. The four possible choices of pole prescription give: the advanced and retarded propagators, and the Feynman propagator and its complex conjugate. Any of these, or any linear combination, is a green's function of the KG equation in the sense that they satisfy
(\Box^2 + m^2) G(x) = \delta^4(x)
(up to normalising by a suitable constant factor). The pole prescription let's you do the p^0 integral, leaving a d^3p integral. If you are good with integrals you can evaluate the 3d integrals to get G(x); each of the propagators can be expressed in closed form, involving Bessel functions.

Once they're evaluated, the expressions show that the advanced and retarded propagators are local and supported entirely within the forward and backward light cones, while the Feynman propagator is non-local, in the sense that it is non-zero for spacelike x. It is exponentially suppressed for large spacelike separation r, in fact it goes like e^(-mr)/r for large r.

Not sure whether you can tell the support of a function from the form of its Fourier transform, except by evaluating it!

I don't think the last equation even makes sense. Does the series even converge?

Let me know if you want me to expand on the results above. There may be some glitches as I'm recalling them from memory! You might like to check in Bogoliubov & Shirkov if you don't mind cracking a nut with a sledgehammer.


  • #3
schieghoven said:
I don't think the last equation even makes sense. Does the series even converge?

Yeah, I'm not sure if the last equation converges either. In fact, I'm not sure how to even derive that last equation from the first. Presumably d^4p is integrated only to a cutoff, so that when M goes to infinity, M^2 can overwhelm p^2. But if d^4p is not integrated to infinity, you don't get the delta function after the binomial expansion.

FAQ: Is the locality of the propagator affected by the value of M?

What is locality in the propagator?

Locality in the propagator refers to the principle that the probability of a particle's position and momentum at a certain point in time is only affected by its immediate surroundings. In other words, the particle's behavior is independent of events happening at a distance from it.

Why is locality important in physics?

Locality is important in physics because it allows for the simplification of complex systems and enables us to make accurate predictions about the behavior of particles. It also plays a crucial role in the development of theories and models in quantum mechanics.

How does locality affect quantum entanglement?

Locality is closely related to the concept of quantum entanglement, where two or more particles become connected in a way that their quantum states cannot be described independently. According to the principle of locality, this entanglement should not be able to occur over large distances, but recent experiments have shown that entanglement can indeed occur over long distances, challenging our understanding of locality in quantum mechanics.

Are there any exceptions to the principle of locality?

While locality is a fundamental principle in physics, there are some exceptions to it. For example, in certain situations involving strong gravitational or electromagnetic fields, the effects of non-locality may become significant. Additionally, in theories such as non-local hidden variables, the principle of locality is not upheld.

How does the concept of locality relate to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty, is closely related to the principle of locality. This is because the uncertainty principle is a result of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, which is based on the principle of locality. In other words, the uncertainty principle is a consequence of the particle's behavior being affected by its immediate surroundings, rather than by distant events.

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