Is the magnetic flux in a neuron star creation constant? Why?

In summary: So, the flux stays high even though the magnetic field has decreased. In summary, the flux stays high even though the magnetic field has decreased.
  • #1
I did this problem on this British Physics Olympiad paper and it assumed that when a star bigger than the sun collapses under its own gravity to create a neuron star the magnetic flux stays constant.

Please explain

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  • #2
nicksbyman said:
I did this problem on this British Physics Olympiad paper and it assumed that when a star bigger than the sun collapses under its own gravity to create a neuron star the magnetic flux stays constant.

Please explain


magnetic flux over what? A closed surface? Then yes, magnetic flux is always 0 over a closed surface since there is no magnetic monopole.
  • #3
mathfeel said:
magnetic flux over what? A closed surface? Then yes, magnetic flux is always 0 over a closed surface since there is no magnetic monopole.

I don't think the magnetic flux is 0. Here is the whole question: As the core of the star collapses to form a neutron star (sorry not neuron, neutron), the electrical conductivity becomes very high. In this case the star's magnetic field lines become frozen to the material of the star and collapse down with the star, increasing the flux density. The neutron star will thus have a very strong magnetic field. If we take the flux = BR^2, with B being the magnetic field strength whose initial value is 10^-2 T, then determine the final magnetic field strength after the collapse. I would need to give you information from the other two problems for you to solve this, but I just want to understand why they assumed the change in flux (I don't know what you mean by "over") to be 0).
  • #4
nicksbyman said:
I did this problem on this British Physics Olympiad paper and it assumed that when a star bigger than the sun collapses under its own gravity to create a neuron star the magnetic flux stays constant.

Please explain


Hmm. It was a problem, so it doesn't necessarily reflect reality.

What I understand is this. When stars of a certain range of size go supernova they implode. The result is an exploding gas cloud and a neutron star. Magnetic flux is unaffected by the explosion, and the flux is divided between the gas cloud and the neutron star. The flux that the star has increases with 1/r^2, so if the radius decreases by a factor of a million then the flux density near the star increases by a factor of a trillion. So the amount of flux stays the same, but is very concentrated in the vicinity of the star. The flux travels mostly through empty space, which doesn't dissipate it, and the star is very conductive so going through the star hardly dissipates the flux at all, so this all can go on for a very long time.

So why does the flux have anything to do with the star at all? Why doesn't it just stay in the same diffuse configuration it had before? This is because flux going through very conductive material strongly tends to continue to do that, so as the star contracts the flux is concentrated. It's like a corset.


By the way, some newly created and very hot neutron stars become dynamos and most of their rotational energy is transformed into a magnetic field. This field is limited to about 10^15 gauss because any stronger than that and the energy will condense into electron-positron pairs that annihilate into gamma rays which carry away the energy.
  • #5
nicksbyman said:
As the core of the star collapses to form a neutron star (sorry not neuron, neutron), the electrical conductivity becomes very high.

The electrical conductivity was already quite high before the collapse of the star. A star is composed of plasma which is conductive enough to tend to "freeze" the lines of flux. The conductivity becomes even higher after the star has cooled, but the magnetic field has already contracted before this.

FAQ: Is the magnetic flux in a neuron star creation constant? Why?

1. Is the magnetic flux in a neutron star creation constant?

The magnetic flux in a neutron star creation is not constant. It changes depending on the stage of the star's life cycle. Initially, during the formation of a neutron star, the magnetic flux increases due to the conservation of magnetic flux. However, as the star ages and cools, the magnetic field gradually decreases.

2. How does the magnetic flux affect the formation of a neutron star?

The magnetic flux plays a crucial role in the formation of a neutron star. It is responsible for the strong magnetic field that is characteristic of these stars. The collapse of the star's core during a supernova explosion causes an increase in magnetic flux, resulting in the formation of a neutron star.

3. What is the relationship between the magnetic flux and the rotation of a neutron star?

The magnetic flux and the rotation of a neutron star are closely related. As the star's magnetic field decreases, its rotation rate also slows down. This is because the magnetic field is responsible for the braking of the star's rotation through the emission of electromagnetic radiation.

4. Can the magnetic flux in a neutron star change over time?

Yes, the magnetic flux in a neutron star can change over time. As the star cools and ages, the magnetic field weakens, resulting in a decrease in the magnetic flux. However, this process can also be affected by external factors such as the accretion of material from a companion star, which can increase the magnetic flux.

5. Why is the magnetic flux important in understanding the properties of a neutron star?

The magnetic flux is essential in understanding the physical properties of a neutron star. It is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the strong magnetic field that is characteristic of these stars. The magnetic field also affects the star's rotation and can influence other phenomena such as the emission of radiation and the formation of jets. Therefore, studying the magnetic flux can provide valuable insights into the nature of neutron stars.
