Is the Moon's Gravity Calculation Correct?

In summary, the conversation revolves around determining the correct calculus for calculating the gravitational force of the moon and its comparison to the Earth's gravitational force. The conversation also briefly touches on using higher order derivatives and includes links to relevant Google searches.
  • #1
Is this calculus correct, or do the decimals points have to be converted ?
Thanks so much , cause I'm stuck

The gravitational constant is 6.673 * 10 to the -11th power.
The radius of the moon is 1737400 meters.
Its mass (which is independent of gravity) is 7.35 * 10 to the 22nd power kg.
Now, given that F=ma and F=GmM/r squared, we can set
a = GM/r squared.
a = (6.67300f * (Math.Pow(10, -11)) * 7.36f * Math.Pow(10, 22))/(1737400f*1737400f)
Running this I get a = 1.62704402190015.
Now, since F (the force of gravity) = ma, then for the same object, F1/F2 = ma1/ma2. This means that the ratio of the forces is equal to the ratio of accelerations since the m cancels out: F1/F2 = a1/a2.
Finally, we take acceleration on the earth, which is roughly 9.8m/s/s. Dividing our calculated value for a by that, we get:
1.62704402190015 / 9.8 = 6.02319
And there it is, our 1:6 ratio.
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  • #2
Please does anyone have an answer for me. I just read this in another forum,but I don't know if its correct or not.
  • #3
Looks like this person has some trouble with both arithmetic and physics.

- Warren
  • #4
Chroot, thank you so much for answering - I really appreciate it
could you tell me what's wrong with this calculus ?
It's troubling me a lot

Thnak you - I'm kind of getting desperate :(
  • #5
Oh, it suppose to determine why the gravity of the moon is 1/6 of the earth's
  • #6
It appears you are trying to calculate tidal forces. In that case, you need to use a higher order derivative.
  • #7
Hi Chronos
Thanks for answering
What do you mean ? What's meant by a higher order derivative ?
  • #8
It looks like you're just calculating what the acceleration due to gravity is on the surface of the Moon and then comparing it to the on the surface of the Earth. Looks good to me, but what do I know.
  • #10
Now I get it. thanks you guys

Related to Is the Moon's Gravity Calculation Correct?

What is the radius of the moon?

The radius of the moon is approximately 1,737.1 kilometers (km).

How is the radius of the moon calculated?

The radius of the moon is calculated by measuring the distance from the center of the moon to its surface. This can be done using various methods, such as radar measurements or lunar probes.

Why is knowing the radius of the moon important?

Knowing the radius of the moon is important for various reasons, such as understanding the moon's internal structure, studying its gravitational pull, and planning future space missions.

Is the radius of the moon constant?

No, the radius of the moon is not constant. It changes slightly due to various factors, such as gravitational forces from the Earth and other celestial bodies, tides, and internal processes.

How does the radius of the moon compare to the radius of the Earth?

The radius of the moon is about one-fourth the size of the Earth's radius, making the moon significantly smaller. The Earth has a radius of approximately 6,371 km.

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