Is the natural behavior of matter to lose energy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of energy and its relationship to temperature in a closed system with no input of radiated energy. It is mentioned that all matter radiates energy based on its temperature and that in a closed system, over time, everything will reach the same temperature. The implications of this on Newton's first law of motion are also briefly discussed. It is clarified that emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation require the acceleration of a charge and that the atmosphere is mainly clear due to the lack of charge acceleration at ambient temperatures. It is also noted that different substances have different levels of emissivity and that in a steady state, bodies will emit and absorb EMR in the same power distribution as they receive it from the ambient space.
  • #1
Hello everyone this is my first post here. I'm sorry if my spelling is terrible.

I am no physicists so I would like to ask if my thinking was going in the right direction.
When I say energy I really mean electromagnetic radiation. The Earth receives it constantly from the sun but there is no constant increase of the Earth's temperature. Presumably because it's radiated into the cosmos. I also know that all matter radiates depending on it's temperature.
Know that is leading me to think that in a closed system with no input of radiated energy all the matter would drop down to the lowest energy state?

Also I am interested to now if that is true then what implications does it make on Newtons first law of motion (also I have no idea if that law holds in general relativity)? Is it possible that a body flying trough proposed closed system will not change it's speed as a whole but the individual atoms would drop to 0 K. Sounds logical but then again not really, just more questions.
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  • #2
Goran said:
Know that is leading me to think that in a closed system with no input of radiated energy all the matter would drop down to the lowest energy state?
If the system is closed, then no energy can escape. Over time, everything would reach the same temperature. If you have a lot of empty space in your system, this temperature can be very low, but it won't be zero. If you put an object into space far away from stars, it will reach a temperature of about 3 K, then it is in equilibrium between its own outgoing radiation and the incoming radiation.
Goran said:
Also I am interested to now if that is true then what implications does it make on Newtons first law of motion
None. Temperature is related to unordered motion within the object, the net motion of the object as a whole has nothing to do with temperature.
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  • #3
mfb said:
If the system is closed, then no energy can escape. Over time, everything would reach the same temperature. If you have a lot of empty space in your system, this temperature can be very low, but it won't be zero. If you put an object into space far away from stars, it will reach a temperature of about 3 K, then it is in equilibrium between its own outgoing radiation and the incoming radiation.

Thank you for replaying (and moving the thread, that was my original intention :) ).
So I'm correct in assuming that matter will lose energy if there is no incoming radiation ?
I get that energy can't escape a closed system I just didn't considered that some of that radiation might come back. But that is a consequence of the system being finite?
If it was infinite original matters temperature should converge to 0 K ?
  • #4
Goran said:
So I'm correct in assuming that matter will lose energy if there is no incoming radiation ?
If it has a temperature above 0 K, yes.
Goran said:
But that is a consequence of the system being finite?
Goran said:
If it was infinite original matters temperature should converge to 0 K ?
Not if you have a non-zero energy density everywhere, like we have in space today (mainly from the cosmic microwave background).
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  • #5
Read up a little bit on the Law of Entropy ... 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. :)
  • #6
Goran said:
all matter radiates depending on it's temperature.
Not so fast. You appear to be thinking of black body radiation. That's an idealised circumstance.
In practice, emission / absorption of electromagnetic radiation requires the acceleration of a charge. Diatomic gases in the atmosphere do not readily do either at their ambient temperatures.
Each molecule is electrically neutral, so there's no net acceleration of charge during molecular collisions.
The atoms within the molecule are also electrically neutral, so there's no net charge acceleration in the spinning of the molecule or in the internal vibrations.
To get these molecules involved in EMR, you need to go to ionising energy levels. These are higher than visible light energies. This explains why the atmosphere is clear and, in turn, forms part of the explanation of why our eyes are sensitive to the frequency ranges that they are. (No point in being sensitive to frequencies that don't penetrate the atmosphere.)
Triatomic gases, such as H2O and CO2, are another matter. They have vibrational modes which do involve charge acceleration. This is why they can absorb and emit certain bands within the IR range.
Metals have free electrons. These can easily undergo accelerations which interact with any frequency. Of course, the interaction often consists of reflection, though.
The surface of a planet is generally such a mishmash of complex molecules that it can be largely treated as a 'black body', absorbing anything, and correspondingly emitting according to whatever thermal energy it has.
Goran said:
a closed system with no input of radiated energy all the matter would drop down to the lowest energy state
To add a little to mfb's answer, emission and absorption are highly symmetric. The facility with which a given substance at a given temperature emits EMR of a given frequency equals that with which it would absorb the same frequency. 'Emissivity' covers both. That is why a steady state can be reached in which the bodies emit EMR in exactly the same power distribution as they absorb it from the ambient space. (But note that if they are distinctly not black bodies, the bodies could theoretically settle at different temperatures. You could have one subset only emitting and absorbing in one narrow band, with another only doing so in a separate narrow band.)
  • #7
haruspex said:
You could have one subset only emitting and absorbing in one narrow band, with another only doing so in a separate narrow band.)
Then you would need exactly zero emissivity over some large range - you won't get that. Not even the diatomic or even monoatomic gases have that. They still absorb and emit a tiny bit of radiation based on collisions.
  • #8
mfb said:
Then you would need exactly zero emissivity over some large range - you won't get that. Not even the diatomic or even monoatomic gases have that. They still absorb and emit a tiny bit of radiation based on collisions.
Yes, that's true... the rate of interchange could be very low, but it won't vanish.
  • #9
Does entropy state that the amount of unusable energy increases naturally in the Universe? My physics book did a bad job explaining it for me.
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  • #10
unsable is one letter away from both unusable and usable.
The amount of unusable energy increases, neglecting some technical details.
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  • #11
mfb said:
unsable is one letter away from both unusable and usable.
The amount of unusable energy increases, neglecting some technical details.
Right, thx.

Related to Is the natural behavior of matter to lose energy?

1. What is the natural behavior of matter?

The natural behavior of matter refers to the way that matter behaves without any external influence or intervention. It is how matter behaves according to the natural laws and principles of physics.

2. Does matter always lose energy?

No, matter does not always lose energy. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted into different forms. So while matter can lose energy, it can also gain or transfer energy to other systems.

3. What factors can cause matter to lose energy?

There are several factors that can cause matter to lose energy. These include friction, radiation, and collisions with other particles or objects. Additionally, matter can lose energy through chemical reactions, phase changes, and nuclear reactions.

4. Is the natural behavior of matter to lose energy related to the concept of entropy?

Yes, the natural behavior of matter to lose energy is closely related to the concept of entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system, and as matter loses energy, it becomes more disordered and its entropy increases.

5. Can matter ever regain lost energy?

Yes, matter can regain lost energy through various processes, such as absorbing energy from external sources or undergoing chemical reactions that release energy. However, the total amount of energy in a closed system will always remain constant according to the law of conservation of energy.

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