Is the Quaternion Higgs the Particle Detected at the LHC?

In summary, the conversation discusses the discovery of the Higgs boson and the questions that arise from it. The speakers also mention a proposal for quaternion quantum mechanics from 1963, which explains the difficulties in formulating a theory of quantum mechanics using quaternions and proposes a solution by requiring invariance under quaternion transformations. The Lagrangian and equations of motion for this theory are also discussed, along with its potential to explain the Higgs boson and other particles. The conversation ends with a question about whether this theory is still relevant and if anyone has explored similar ideas in the context of the Dirac field.
  • #1
As everyone knows, since the fourth of July, the family of elementary particles has been re-united with its long-lost son, the Higgs boson. Of course, as every discovery, so this one, too, serves to open up further questions. The first one that presents itself is certainly: So, is this the Higgs? Really? I mean, really really? It could always be something else, something strange, something no-one had yet on the cards. But the agreement with standard predictions is too good (almost conspicuously so) to really make this a likely option.

I'm more interested in the question: so, what kind of Higgs is this? And to this end, I would like to review an old, almost forgotten, proposal by Finkelstein, Jauch, Schiminovich, and Speiser, dating from 1963 (yes, the year before the famous papers by Higgs, Guralnik, Hagen and Kibble, and Brout and Englert; but a year after Anderson's).

Already in 1962, they had proposed a concrete realization of quaternion quantum mechanics (QQM) [1]. The problem of formulating a theory of quantum mechanics using quaternions essentially is that due to their non-commutativity, the definition of the tensor product becomes ambiguous, and hence, treatment of multi-particle systems is difficult to do in a consistent way. Essentially, they solved this problem by requiring that the physics should be unaffected by this ambiguity, i.e. invariant under transformation of the form [itex]\psi \to q \psi q^{-1}[/itex], where q is some arbitrary unit quaternion. This makes any theory of QQM into an SU(2)-gauge theory, since the unit quaternions is just [itex]S^3[/itex], and the quaternion multiplication (under which the set is closed) gives it the requisite group structure. They also showed that the appropriate Schrödinger equation takes the form [itex]H\psi = \eta\dot{\psi}[/itex], with [itex]\eta[/itex] being a pure imaginary ([itex]\eta^2=-1[/itex]), but otherwise arbitrary, quaternion. However, this Schrödinger equation is only 'q-covariant' if [itex]\eta[/itex] itself transforms like a dynamical field.

In order to formulate the theory, in [2] they devise the theory of quaternion parallel transport to find a suitable covariant derivative, which proceeds much as in the Yang-Mills case (see also [3], [4] for a more recent explanation of the techniques, albeit in a different context). From this, they build a 'q-curvature' [itex]K_{\mu \nu}[/itex], and propose the Lagrangian:
[tex]L=\frac{1}{4\alpha} K_{\mu \nu} K^{\mu \nu} + \frac{1}{2\beta}(D^\mu \cdot \eta)(D_\mu \cdot \eta)[/tex]

From this, the equation of motion for the [itex]\eta[/itex] follows: [itex]\frac{1}{\beta}D^\mu D_\mu \eta + \lambda\eta = 0[/itex], where [itex]\lambda[/itex] is a Lagrange multiplier arising from the constraint [itex]\eta^2=-1[/itex]. This looks a lot like the Klein-Gordon equation for a particle with mass [itex]m=\sqrt{\beta\lambda}[/itex], though they don't explicitly say so. This field naturally has a VEV, as it is constrained to be of unit modulus.

Their further analysis of the [itex]\frac{1}{4\alpha} K_{\mu \nu} K^{\mu \nu}[/itex] term shows that it yields a massless, uncharged boson that fulfills Maxwell's equations, and two charged bosons of mass [itex]m=\sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{\beta}}[/itex] (which I'll tentatively identify as the W bosons). Singling out one special direction for [itex]\eta[/itex] effectively breaks the symmetry from SU(2) to the U(1) of electromagnetism.

It seems to me that they get very much for very little -- symmetry breaking, massive vector bosons, a massive scalar with a nonvanishing VEV, all just from their principle of general q-covariance. They don't get the [itex]Z^0[/itex], but I think that could be fixed by considering an extra U(1) added in by local complex transformations.

The question is, of course, could their [itex]\eta[/itex] field be what the LHC's seeing? Or does it lead to some unacceptable phenomenology? Are there ideas even correct, or is there something obviously wrong with them that I'm just not seeing?

I'm very much not a high energy theorist, so it might be that these things are obviously obsolete for some reason, and my understanding is just insufficient to see this. But any way, I'd be very thankful for any and all input!

[1] D. Finkelstein, J. M. Jauch, S. Schiminovich, and D. Speiser, J. Math. Phys. 3, 207 (1962)
[2] D. Finkelstein, J. M. Jauch, S. Schiminovich, and D. Speiser, J. Math. Phys. 4, 788 (1963)
[3] S.P. Brumby, G.C. Joshi, Global Effects in Quaternionic Quantum Field Theory, arXiv:hep-th/9610033v1
[4] S.P. Brumby, B.E. Hanlon, G.C. Joshi, Implications of Quaternionic Dark Matter, arXiv:hep-th/9610210v1
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  • #2
Also, it predates Connes :-D
  • #3
S.Daedalus said:
From this, the equation of motion for the [itex]\eta[/itex] follows: [itex]\frac{1}{\beta}D^\mu D_\mu \eta + \lambda\eta = 0[/itex], where [itex]\lambda[/itex] is a Lagrange multiplier arising from the constraint [itex]\eta^2=-1[/itex]. This looks a lot like the Klein-Gordon equation for a particle with mass [itex]m=\sqrt{\beta\lambda}[/itex], though they don't explicitly say so. This field naturally has a VEV, as it is constrained to be of unit modulus.

Makes me wonder...

They get the extra Lagrange multiplier term [itex]\lambda\eta[/itex] in the equation of motion
because of the Euler Lagrange differentiation of a field with a constraint.

Now, the Dirac field has a constraint as well because the four-momentum
is encoded twice, in the co-variant derivatives as well as in the vector
current. Has anyone ever tried to figure out a corresponding Lagrange
multiplier term in the corresponding equation of motion?

The Q-covariance paper can be found here also.

In the acknowledgments it says: "C.N. Yang contributed much constructive
so I assume the non-Abelian connection they worked out is sound.


Related to Is the Quaternion Higgs the Particle Detected at the LHC?

1. What is the Quaternion Higgs and its significance at the LHC?

The Quaternion Higgs is a theoretical extension to the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It proposes the existence of four Higgs bosons instead of the single Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. This theory is being studied at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to potentially explain some of the unanswered questions in particle physics, such as the existence of dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.

2. How is the LHC being used to search for the Quaternion Higgs?

The LHC is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. It is used to collide protons at high speeds, recreating the conditions of the early universe. By analyzing the data from these collisions, scientists can search for evidence of the Quaternion Higgs and other new particles that may exist beyond the Standard Model.

3. What are some potential implications of discovering the Quaternion Higgs at the LHC?

If the Quaternion Higgs is discovered at the LHC, it would be a major breakthrough in particle physics. It could potentially provide a better understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe and help explain some of the mysteries of the universe, such as the origins of mass and the existence of dark matter. It could also open up new avenues for research and technology, potentially leading to advancements in fields such as medicine and energy production.

4. How is the LHC able to study the properties of the Higgs boson in detail?

The LHC is able to study the properties of the Higgs boson in detail by producing a large number of collisions and collecting vast amounts of data. By measuring the particles that are produced from these collisions, scientists can infer the properties of the Higgs boson. Additionally, the LHC is constantly being upgraded to increase its energy and collision rates, allowing for even more precise measurements of the Higgs boson and other particles.

5. What are some potential challenges in the search for the Quaternion Higgs at the LHC?

One potential challenge in the search for the Quaternion Higgs is the large amount of data that is produced from the collisions at the LHC. This data must be carefully analyzed and interpreted to look for any potential signals of the Quaternion Higgs. Additionally, the existence of the Quaternion Higgs is still a theoretical concept, so there is no guarantee that it will be found at the LHC. It may require further experiments and collaborations with other particle accelerators to fully confirm its existence.

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