Is the Rank of Matrix A Equal to the Rank of Matrix M?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the true or false statement that the rank of a matrix A is equal to the rank of the matrix M, where M is the matrix of a linear transformation TA with respect to bases B of R^m and B' of R^n. The reasoning for this statement being true is explained, taking into consideration the dimensions and invertibility of the matrices involved. The question of what T stands for is also clarified, and a suggestion is made to rephrase the original question for better understanding. The concept of rank and its relation to linear transformations and matrices is also briefly discussed.
  • #1
This is a T/F - prove type of question:

A is m x n, M is matrix of TA with respect to bases B of R^m and B' of R^n. Then rank of A = rank of M.

My reasoning is that it is true, since the lin. transf. is R^n->R^m, which means that in this formula:

M = CB' A PB (CB' (coord matrix) is inverse of PB', and PB or PB' stands for point matrix with respect to the B or B' basis, respectively)

PB has dimension n and PB' has dimension m, and CB' has the same dimension as PB' (inverting a matrix should not change dimension, right?). And it also should be true that both PB and CB' are square matrices (?) because they are invertible and we can invert only square matrices (?), so what I have is following composition of dimensions of the matrices in the formula for M:

(m x m) (m x n) (n x n) = (m x n)

Is this correct?
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
What is T? you've just introduced TA without explaining what it T is.
  • #3
matt grime said:
What is T? you've just introduced TA without explaining what it T is.
Oh, sorry, T stands for linear transformation.
Here is the full definition of the formula:
M = CB' A PB,
A is (m x n) matrix, B basis for R^n , B' basis for R^m, M matrix of TA: R^n->R^m with respec to basis B and B'.
  • #4
Your question still confuses me a little.

Can I suggest: let A be linear map from V to W, and T a linear marp from W to itself, Is the rank of A the same as the rank of TA?

The answer is trivially no: let A be non-zero, and T be zero.

Unless, by linear transformation you mean something other than what I take it to mean.
  • #5
the rank of a matrix is the dimension of the image of the corresponding linear map. hence it makes no difference what basis you use to express it.

FAQ: Is the Rank of Matrix A Equal to the Rank of Matrix M?

What is a matrix rank?

A matrix rank is the number of linearly independent rows or columns in a matrix. It can also be thought of as the maximum number of non-zero rows or columns that can be selected in a matrix.

Why is verifying the rank of a matrix important?

Verifying the rank of a matrix is important because it helps us understand the properties and behavior of the matrix. It also allows us to determine the solvability of a system of linear equations or the existence of inverse matrices.

How do you verify the rank of a matrix?

To verify the rank of a matrix, we can use various methods such as row reduction, determinant, or eigenvalues. The end result should be the same, with the rank being equal to the number of non-zero rows or columns in the matrix.

Can a matrix have a rank of 0?

Yes, a matrix can have a rank of 0 if all its elements are 0. This means that all rows and columns are linearly dependent and can be obtained by a linear combination of other rows or columns.

What is the significance of a full-rank matrix?

A full-rank matrix is a matrix with a rank equal to its number of rows or columns. It has linearly independent rows and columns, making it useful for solving systems of linear equations and finding inverse matrices. It also has a unique solution for every right-hand side in a system of equations.

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