Is the Relativity of Simultaneity Always True?

In summary, Einstein said that events which are simultaneous with reference to one frame of reference are not necessarily simultaneous with respect to another frame of reference.
  • #1
I also have a question about the Relativity of Simultaneity ( S&G part 1 sec. 9 ). In Einstein's thought experiment lightning strikes the tracks at each end of a train. The embankment observer who is equidistant from the strikes sees them as simultaneous. The onboard ( moving ) train observer, moving to one strike and 'away' from the other, sees them as separate events. If we alter this so that the flashes strike the tracks at the front left and right of the train, and place an observer on a footbridge who is aligned with the observer in the train, along the trains long axis, then both observers will be equidistant from the flashes and see them as simultaneous, despite being in different frames.
Einstein said events which are simultaneous in the embankment frame are not simultaneous in the train frame. Can you explain.
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  • #2
DAC said:
Einstein said events which are simultaneous in the embankment frame are not simultaneous in the train frame. Can you explain.
He said such events are not necessarily simultaneous. He did not say that they were never simultaneous. You've identified one of the special cases in which a particular pair of events just happens to be simultaneous for some observers who are not at rest relative to one another.
  • #3
DAC said:
I also have a question about the Relativity of Simultaneity ( S&G part 1 sec. 9 ). In Einstein's thought experiment lightning strikes the tracks at each end of a train. The embankment observer who is equidistant from the strikes sees them as simultaneous. The onboard ( moving ) train observer, moving to one strike and 'away' from the other, sees them as separate events. If we alter this so that the flashes strike the tracks at the front left and right of the train, and place an observer on a footbridge who is aligned with the observer in the train, along the trains long axis, then both observers will be equidistant from the flashes and see them as simultaneous, despite being in different frames.
Einstein said events which are simultaneous in the embankment frame are not simultaneous in the train frame. Can you explain.
If the train is moving along the x-direction and you use the common Lorentz Transformation, you will see that two events that have the same x and t coordinates in one frame will have the same x and t coordinates in all frames and therefore will be simultaneous in all frames. They can have different y (or z) coordinates but those variables are not in the equation for the t transform.
  • #4
Simultaneity is not absolute. One can observe a simultaneous event in one frame, but then not on the other frames.
Try watching this animation,

In general, the order of events is not necessarily preserved. If in one frame event A is observed to happen before event B, the same order (event A happens before event B) can only be preserved in another frame if the two events are time-like.
  • #5
Nugatory said:
He said such events are not necessarily simultaneous. He did not say that they were never simultaneous. You've identified one of the special cases in which a particular pair of events just happens to be simultaneous for some observers who are not at rest relative to one another.

"We thus arrive at the important result: Events which are simultaneous with reference to the embankment are not simultaneous with respect to the train, and vice versa." SG 1.9

" but that two events which viewed from a system of co-ordinates are simultaneous, can no longer be looked on as simultaneous events when envisaged from a system which is in motion relatively to that system." On The Electrodynamics, Section 2, last para.

Could you explain?
  • #6
DAC said:
Could you explain?

You are reading the words and not the math that they go with. As ghwellsjr pointed out in #3 of this thread, there is absolutely no ambiguity in the math, and it is quite clear what Einstein is saying.
  • #7
The question in the original post has been answered, so I am closing this thread.

Related to Is the Relativity of Simultaneity Always True?

1. What is the concept of "Relativity of Simultaneity" in Einstein's theory of relativity?

The concept of "Relativity of Simultaneity" states that the perception of simultaneity between two events may differ for observers in different frames of reference. This means that what one observer may see as happening simultaneously, another observer in a different frame of reference may perceive as happening at different times.

2. How does the "Relativity of Simultaneity" challenge our understanding of time?

The "Relativity of Simultaneity" challenges our understanding of time by showing that it is not an absolute concept, but rather a relative one that can vary depending on the observer's frame of reference. This means that the idea of a single, universal "now" is not applicable in Einstein's theory of relativity.

3. Can the "Relativity of Simultaneity" be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the "Relativity of Simultaneity" can be observed in everyday life. For example, if two people are standing at opposite ends of a moving train, they may have a different perception of when a lightning bolt strikes the ground. One person may see the lightning strike before the other, depending on their relative positions and velocities.

4. How does the speed of light play a role in the "Relativity of Simultaneity"?

The speed of light is a fundamental constant in Einstein's theory of relativity and plays a crucial role in the "Relativity of Simultaneity". According to the theory, the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of their frame of reference. This means that the perception of time and simultaneity can change, but the speed of light remains constant.

5. What are the implications of the "Relativity of Simultaneity" in the study of the universe?

The "Relativity of Simultaneity" has significant implications in the study of the universe, particularly in the field of cosmology. It helps explain phenomena such as time dilation and the expanding universe, and has led to the development of theories such as the Big Bang theory. It also plays a crucial role in our understanding of space-time and the fabric of the universe.

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