Is the SAANI Software Available for Public Download?

  • Thread starter Argus90
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In summary, The conversation is about the search for a specific open source software called "SAANI" which is used for spectrum analysis. The speaker is asking for help in finding the software and mentions that they have tried using another open source program called OpenGamma, but it is not working for them. They are asking for suggestions or help in finding SAANI.
  • #1
Hello :) I hope its ok/allowed to ask for help.. Since I'm looking for a software I don't know where I should post it :/

I would like to know if you have an idea whether its possible to download the open soure software called "SAANI" which is described here or if it is just available to the university where it was develeoped or if there is some common place to share opensource software where I could download it to analyse some of my spectra. I didnt found a link by using google, but I found the name of it in some papers which compare software for spectrum analysis, but in each of them the reference was just to the paper I linked above.

I also trief to use the program OpenGamma which is also opensource, but it does not open the spectrum files i Openend. It would really help me if any of you had an idea where I could find SAANI as the functions described in the paper are exactly what I need.

Thanks in advance,

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  • #2
If it's open source it should be free to anyone, but I'd check with the company, person, or university offering it.
  • #3
Well, that seems to be the problem. I can't find it anywhere, but I found a program they were also working on I think. It is OpenGamma :

I installed it and tried to open any of my spectrum files, but nothing happened. When I clicked on an option under "Analyse" the app just crashed. Can someone verify this or give me a hint what I am doing wrong? Because all 5 reviews on the site were positive and the screenshots look quite promising.

FAQ: Is the SAANI Software Available for Public Download?

1. What is gamma spectroscopy and how is it used?

Gamma spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze the energy distribution of gamma rays emitted by radioactive materials. It is commonly used in scientific research and nuclear medicine to identify and quantify radioactive isotopes in a sample.

2. What is SAANI and how does it relate to gamma spectroscopy?

SAANI stands for Source Acceleration and Analysis of Neutrons and Ions. It is a type of gamma spectroscopy that uses a particle accelerator to produce neutrons and ions, which are then used to induce gamma ray emissions from a sample. This allows for more precise analysis of the sample's radioactivity.

3. What types of samples can be analyzed using gamma spectroscopy/SAANI?

Gamma spectroscopy/SAANI can be used to analyze a wide range of samples, including environmental samples such as soil and water, industrial materials, and biological samples. It is especially useful for identifying low levels of radioactive contaminants in these types of samples.

4. What are the advantages of using gamma spectroscopy/SAANI over other techniques?

One major advantage of gamma spectroscopy/SAANI is its high sensitivity, allowing for the detection of very low levels of radioactivity. It is also a non-destructive technique, meaning the sample can be reused for further analysis. Additionally, it is a relatively fast and cost-effective method compared to other techniques.

5. Are there any safety considerations when using gamma spectroscopy/SAANI?

Yes, there are important safety considerations when working with radioactive materials and using gamma spectroscopy/SAANI. It is important to have proper training and follow all safety protocols, such as using protective equipment and handling radioactive materials with caution. It is also important to properly dispose of any radioactive waste generated during the analysis.
