Is the Sign in the Covariant Derivative Important for Local Gauge Invariance?

In summary, the fermionic part of the QCD Lagrangian is not invariant under local gauge transformations of the fields. To achieve local gauge invariance, a covariant derivative with a gauge field is introduced, and the sign of the derivative does not matter. The transformation behavior of the gauge field must be adjusted to maintain local gauge invariance. Ultimately, the choice of sign is a matter of convention and consistency with other fields.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the fermionic part of the QCD Lagrangian: $$\mathcal{L} = \bar\psi (\mathrm{i} {\not{\!\partial}} - m) \psi \; ,$$ where I used a matrix notation to supress all the colour indices (i.e., ##\psi## is understood to be a three-component vector in colour space whilst each component is a Dirac four spinor).

To achieve local gauge invariance, we introduce a covariant derivative ##D_\mu## containing a gauge field with a transformation property that ensures local gauge invariance of ##\mathcal{L}##.

My question: Does the sign in the covariant derivative really matters? Or is it more like a convention and every author choose its own? I wrote down my thoughts in section 3.

Homework Equations

Covariant derivative: ##D_\mu = \partial_\mu \pm A_\mu##.

The Attempt at a Solution

##\mathcal{L}## is not invariant under local gauge transformations ##U = U(x) \in \mathrm{SU}(3)## of the fields since $$\partial_\mu \psi \to \partial_\mu \psi' = \partial_\mu U \psi = U \partial_\mu \psi + (\partial_\mu U) \psi \; .$$ Now we introduce a modified derivative ##D_\mu## and demand that it transforms like the fields, i.e., $$D_\mu \psi \stackrel{!}{\to} U D_\mu \psi \; .$$This would lead to a locally gauge invariant Lagrangian.

Now the sign of the covariant derivative comes into play:
  • The choice ##D_\mu = \partial_\mu + A_\mu## implies that the gauge field has to transform as ##A_\mu \to U A_\mu U^{-1} - (\partial_\mu U)U^{-1}## to achieve local gauge invariance.
  • The choice ##D_\mu = \partial_\mu - A_\mu## implies that the gauge field has to transform as ##A_\mu \to U A_\mu U^{-1} + (\partial_\mu U)U^{-1}## to achieve local gauge invariance.

Thus, from my point of view the sign in the covariant derivative does not really matters since we simply have to demand a slighty different transformation behaviour of the gauge field. Is this correct?
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  • #2
That's my understanding -- one simply has to maintain consistent conventions for all the fields.
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Likes Ravendark
  • #3
Anything that keeps your Lagrangian invariant under a local SU(3) transformations should work. If you think about calculating the amplitude for a process the distinction between the two signs disappears also both describe the same principal bundle.
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FAQ: Is the Sign in the Covariant Derivative Important for Local Gauge Invariance?

What is a covariant derivative?

A covariant derivative is a mathematical operation used to describe the change of a vector field along a given direction. It takes into account the curvature of the underlying space and ensures that the resulting vector is properly aligned with the tangent space at each point.

What is the difference between covariant and contravariant derivatives?

Covariant derivatives are used to describe the change of a vector along a given direction, while contravariant derivatives describe the change of a dual vector along a given direction. In other words, covariant derivatives are used for vector fields, while contravariant derivatives are used for one-forms.

How is a covariant derivative calculated?

A covariant derivative is calculated by taking the partial derivative of the vector field with respect to each coordinate, and then adding a correction term that takes into account the curvature of the underlying space. This correction term is often expressed in terms of the Christoffel symbols, which are related to the metric tensor of the space.

What is the significance of the covariant derivative in physics?

The covariant derivative is used extensively in physics, particularly in the fields of general relativity and differential geometry. It is a fundamental tool for describing how quantities change in curved spaces, and is essential in understanding concepts such as geodesics, parallel transport, and curvature.

Can the covariant derivative be extended to other mathematical objects?

Yes, the covariant derivative can be extended to other mathematical objects such as tensors and spinors. This allows for a more general description of how these objects change in curved spaces, and is crucial for many advanced applications in physics and mathematics.

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