Is the Space with Ricci Scalar Zero Flat?

In summary: Spacetime is curved, not space.In summary, the conversation discusses the metric ds2=dr2-r2dθ2 and the corresponding Riemann tensor and Ricci scalar. It is determined that the spacetime in question is flat, as all components of the Riemann tensor are zero. The conversation also clarifies the use of Rindler coordinates and their relation to Minkowski spacetime. Finally, there is a brief discussion about the Ricci tensor and its role in describing the curvature of spacetime.
  • #1
Given metric ds2=dr2-r22
Gamma comes as Γ122=r,Γ212221=1/r
The Reimann tensor comes as
R11=R2121=∂1Γ212m12Γ21m=0,only non zero terms .
Similary R22=R1212=∂1Γ122m21Γ1m2=0,only non zero terms.
Therefore R(ricci scaler)=0
Is the space flat??
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  • #2
All of the terms of the Riemann tensor are zero so yes, this spacetime (it's got a Lorentzian signature) is flat. Presumably it's just a funny set of coordinates on Minkowski spacetime.

Note that the Ricci scalar being zero is not enough to determine whether or not the spacetime is flat. It's always zero in vacuum, whether the spacetime is flat or not.
  • #3
For what it's worth, it is Riemann, not Reimann, and scalar, not scaler.
As to your question, the Ricci scalar will be zero anywhere the stress-energy tensor is zero. For example the space outside a black hole event horizon has a zero Ricci scalar. Is this space flat? (Ibix beat me to it).
  • #4
Note that your line element is just the line element for Rindler coordinates on Minkowski space in 1+1 dimensions. Minkowski space is, as should be expected, flat regardless of what coordinates you happen to use.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
Rindler coordinates
Knew I should have recognised it...
  • #6
Orodruin said:
Note that your line element is just the line element for Rindler coordinates on Minkowski space in 1+1 dimensions. Minkowski space is, as should be expected, flat regardless of what coordinates you happen to use.
But every flat space doesn't have R to be 0 ,as expected instead of -ve sign in between if +ve sign is there (which reduces to 2-D polar flat) then R is not zero,isn't it?!
  • #7
Apashanka said:
But every flat space doesn't have R to be 0 ,as expected instead of -ve sign in between if +ve sign is there (which reduces to 2-D polar flat) then R is not zero,isn't it?!
The definition of a flat space is one for which all components of the Riemann tensor are zero. Thus the Ricci scalar is zero.

I can't follow what you are saying exactly. I think you are claiming that some elements of the Riemann tensor are non-zero in flat space in polar coordinates. This is not correct.
  • #8
Ibix said:
The definition of a flat space is one for which all components of the Riemann tensor are zero. Thus the Ricci scalar is zero.

I can't follow what you are saying exactly. I think you are claiming that some elements of the Riemann tensor are non-zero in flat space in polar coordinates. This is not correct.
I was misunderstood ,
I got it now
  • #9
Apashanka said:
Given metric ds2=dr2-r2dθ2
An usulal thus plain metric is [tex]ds^2=dr^2+r^2d\theta^2[/tex]. Your case has different sign
Would you show me what kind of space your geometry says about?
  • #10
sweet springs said:
Would you show me what kind of space your geometry says about?
As noted by @Orodruin in #4, it's Rindler coordinates on flat Minkowski spacetime.
  • #11
Ibix said:
As noted by @Orodruin in #4, it's Rindler coordinates on flat Minkowski spacetime.
Indeed it is, but an unusual choice of letters. The Rindler metric would usually be written as $$ds^2 = dx^2 - x^2 dt^2$$
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  • #12
Now I know theta is time. Wrongly I interpreted it angle in xy plane. Thanks.
  • #13
DrGreg said:
Indeed it is, but an unusual choice of letters. The Rindler metric would usually be written as $$ds^2 = dx^2 - x^2 dt^2$$
Alternatively, with the opposite sign convention, it is the Milne model coordinates on the future light-cone of a point in 1+1D Minkowski space:
ds^2 = dt^2 - t^2 dx^2
  • #14
sweet springs said:
Now I know theta is time. Wrongly I interpreted it angle in xy plane. Thanks.
Well, it is "hyperbolic angle" in the XT plane where ##X = x \cosh t## and ##T = x \sinh t## (under the usual convention ##c = 1##).
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Likes sweet springs
  • #15
Yea, the angle starts from $$-\infty$$ to $$+\infty$$, not from 0 to $$2\pi$$.
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  • #16
Can anyone please provide any information how is the Ricci tensor arises due to curvature of space??
  • #17
Apashanka said:
how is the Ricci tensor arises due to curvature of space?

The Ricci tensor doesn't "arise due to" the curvature of spacetime. It describes the curvature of spacetime (more precisely, the part of the curvature of spacetime that is due to the presence of stress-energy at the location where the tensor is evaluated).

Also, as in what I just wrote, it's the curvature of spacetime, not space.

FAQ: Is the Space with Ricci Scalar Zero Flat?

1. What is the Ricci scalar?

The Ricci scalar, also known as the Ricci curvature, is a mathematical quantity used in the study of differential geometry. It is a measure of the intrinsic curvature of a space or manifold at a given point.

2. How is the Ricci scalar calculated?

The Ricci scalar is calculated by taking the trace of the Ricci tensor, which is a mathematical object that describes the curvature of a space. This involves performing a series of mathematical operations on the components of the Ricci tensor.

3. What is the significance of the Ricci scalar in physics?

In physics, the Ricci scalar plays a key role in Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is used to describe the curvature of spacetime, which is related to the distribution of matter and energy in the universe.

4. Can the Ricci scalar be negative?

Yes, the Ricci scalar can take on both positive and negative values. A positive Ricci scalar indicates a space with positive curvature, while a negative Ricci scalar indicates a space with negative curvature. In general relativity, a negative Ricci scalar is associated with regions of spacetime where matter and energy are concentrated, such as near a black hole.

5. How is the Ricci scalar used in cosmology?

In cosmology, the Ricci scalar is used to study the evolution of the universe and the properties of spacetime. It is an important component of the Einstein field equations, which describe how matter and energy affect the curvature of spacetime and vice versa.

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