Is the Speed Calculation for an Artificial Satellite Accurate?

  • Thread starter bullroar_86
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the speed of an artificial satellite at an altitude of 230 km above the Earth's surface, assuming a gravitational acceleration of 9.0 m/s^2 and a radius of 6370 km for the Earth. It also mentions the force needed for the satellite's centripetal acceleration and how this force would look like at the stated altitude. The conversation further suggests that the satellite's kinetic energy can be calculated if its mass is known, and that its period can be easily determined if its velocity and trajectory radius are known.
  • #1
Would you agree with the calculation reagarding the speed of an artificial satelite, v = 3 x 10^4 m/s, assuming that it is traveling at an altitude h = 230 km above the Earth's surface where g = 9.0 m/s^2. ?

The radius of the Earth is 6370 km.

Also, how long would it take for the satelite to complete one revolution?

not sure where to start here.. any help would be great
Physics news on
  • #2
Which force must provide the satelite's centripetal acceleration, and how does that force look like in the case where you are 230 km above the Earth's surface?
  • #3
U can find its KE,but u still would have to know its mass in order to determine its speed (the modulus of its tangential velocity).

If u know the velocity & assume the trajectory is a circle whose radius u already know,then u can easily find the period,wouldn't u say...?


EDIT:Arildno's approach is the right one.You needn't the mass in this case...

FAQ: Is the Speed Calculation for an Artificial Satellite Accurate?

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