Is the Spin of Electrons Aligned Opposite to Net Magnetization in Ferromagnets?

In summary, the conversation discusses the band structure of a ferromagnet and how it affects net magnetization. It is explained that the total number of electrons for both spins is added up to determine the net magnetization. It is also mentioned that a ferromagnet can support conduction for both spin channels and that there are materials called half-metals which only support conduction for one type of spin. The presence of a magnetic field can change the energy levels and polarize charge carriers passing by, even without a magnetic field being applied. The question of how this happens when the minority band has a higher density of states at the Fermi level is addressed, with the response being that the minority/majority spin has nothing to do with
  • #1
Hi everybody

The bands of up- and down-spins are split in the bandstructur of a ferromagnet. Does the part with the higher amount result in a net magnetization?
If yes, doesn't that mean, that electrons passing a ferromagnet, they align their spin in the opposite direction compared to the magnetization? Since the minority band is at the fermi-level, the spins should be in opposite direction to the net magnetization.

Thanks for any help...
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  • #2
Yes to your first question: you add up the total number of electrons for both spins and the difference gives you the net magnetization.

No to your second question: a ferromagnet usually has a Fermi surface for both spins, so it can support conduction for either. Conduction is proportionate to the density of states at the Fermi level, which can be larger of smaller in either spin channel. There are materials called half-metals which have a gap in one spin channel and not the other; these materials will only support conduction of one type of spin (usually in the majority channel I think).
  • #3 comes then, that the electrons passing a uniform magnetization tend to align its spin to the magnetization?
  • #4
The presence of a magnetic field will change the Hamiltonian and thus the energy levels. Roughly speaking, this will add a potential energy term mu*B to the Hamiltonian and split the energy levels for spin up and down electrons, so that spins aligned with the field become more populated.
  • #5
But even when no magnetic field is applied, the magnetization polarizes the charger carriers passing by.
I don't understand it, since it seems that the minority band has a higher density of states at the fermi level.
  • #6
Huh? I don't understand your question. You said "no magnetic field is applied, the magnetization polarizes the charger carriers passing by..." charge carries are passing by what?

The spin minority/majority has nothing to do with the density of states at the Fermi level, it's about the integrated density of states up to the Fermi level.

FAQ: Is the Spin of Electrons Aligned Opposite to Net Magnetization in Ferromagnets?

What is ferromagnetic bandstructure?

Ferromagnetic bandstructure refers to the arrangement of energy levels for electrons in a ferromagnetic material. In these materials, electrons have parallel spins, creating a net magnetic moment that leads to strong magnetic properties.

How does the bandstructure affect the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials?

The bandstructure determines how easily electrons can move within the material and contribute to its magnetic properties. Materials with a more complex bandstructure, such as transition metals, tend to have stronger magnetic properties due to the presence of partially filled d-orbitals.

What factors influence the bandstructure of ferromagnetic materials?

The bandstructure is influenced by the crystal structure, atomic arrangement, and electron configuration of the material. It can also be affected by external factors such as temperature and applied magnetic fields.

What is the role of spin in ferromagnetic bandstructure?

The spin of electrons is crucial in determining the ferromagnetic properties of a material. In ferromagnetic materials, electrons have parallel spins, creating a net magnetic moment that leads to strong magnetic properties.

How is the bandstructure related to the Curie temperature in ferromagnetic materials?

The Curie temperature is the temperature at which a material loses its ferromagnetic properties. The bandstructure plays a role in determining the Curie temperature, as it affects the material's magnetic ordering and how easily the magnetic moments can align with each other.

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