Is the Stress-Energy Tensor for a Scalar Field Phi Isotropic in FRW Metrics?

  • Thread starter erogard
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In summary: I'm confident that the rotation matrix is correct.In summary, the author is trying to show explicitly the isotropy of the stress energy tensor for a scalar field Phi. By varying the corresponding action with respect to a metric g, he obtains: T_{\mu \nu} = \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu \nu} \left( \partial_\alpha \Phi g^{\alpha \beta} \partial_\beta \Phi + m^2 \Phi^2 \right) - \partial_\mu \Phi \partial_\nu \Phi. Assuming further that Phi has not spatial dependence (only function of time) and using the
  • #1
Hi, I am trying to show explicitly the isotropy of the stress energy tensor for a scalar field Phi.

By varying the corresponding action with respect to a metric g, I obtain:

T_{\mu \nu} = \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu \nu} \left( \partial_\alpha \Phi g^{\alpha \beta} \partial_\beta \Phi + m^2 \Phi^2 \right) - \partial_\mu \Phi \partial_\nu \Phi

Assuming further that Phi has not spatial dependence (only function of time) and using the Friedmann Robertson Walker metric, which is diagonal, I end up with a diagonal energy tensor:

T_{\mu \mu} = \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu \mu} \left( \partial_\alpha \Phi g^{\alpha \beta} \partial_\beta \Phi + m^2 \Phi^2 \right) - \partial_\mu \Phi \partial_\mu \Phi

g_{\mu \mu} = Diag \left( 1 , -R(t)^2, -s^2 R(t)^2, -\sin^2(\theta) s^2 R(t)^2 \right)

R(t) being the scale factor.

I then use
T_{\mu \nu}' = R_{\mu i} R_{\nu j} T_ij
where R is a 4x4 rotation matrix, with the (1,1) entry being equal to one, and the remaining 3x3 matrix being the usual rotation matrix (here about the z axis).

However, I am unable to recover the original tensor upon performing the above product. For example, I get
T_{22}' = \cos^2(\theta')T_{22} + \sin^2(\theta')T_{33}

where I use theta prime (the angle of rotation) to differentiate between theta in the FRW metric, and since T_22 is not equal to T_33 (unless sin theta is one), I don't quite get the same result. Haven't worked out the other diagonal entries yet.

I suspect that I am using a wrong form for the RW metric (maybe wrong coordinate?). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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  • #2
Try once to use cartesian coordinates, since you are doing a rotation around the z axis.
Also, are you sure about the form of your EM tensor? First of all, your last term doesn't vanish, it survives only for [itex]\mu,\nu=0[/itex] simultaneously.
The action is:

[itex] S= \int d^{4}x \sqrt{|g|} L_{scalar}(\Phi, \partial \Phi) [/itex]
which will lead to:
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  • #3
ChrisVer said:
Try once to use cartesian coordinates, since you are doing a rotation around the z axis

But space in a FLRW spacetime is not necessarily flat, so Cartesian coordinates are not always possible for space.

erogard, ChrisVer has a good point, care must be used for curvilinear coordinates. Also, since space isn't flat, things are a little tricky. Yon need to translate along the integral curves for the Killing vectors that give spatial isotropy.

I think some of this is given in the book " An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology" by Plebanski and Krasinski, but I don't have it home with me.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies.

ChrisVer: You are right regarding the last term, corrected that.
If you look closely at (2.4), ignoring the addition term V[phi], this is really the same tensor up to an overall minus sign, I believe.

George Jones: so, just to make sure: is the rotation matrix I'm using correct? also, could you elaborate on what you mean by translating along the integral curves? since T contains g in it, isn't it taken care of so long as you use the FLRW metric for g? a bit confused here.

question to both of you I guess: by using cartesian coordinate you mean using the appropriate form of the above metric, correct? with terms like dx dy dz etc. instead of angular terms?
  • #5
I don't know if there are difficulties in using cartesian coordinates, but I am pretty sure our prof had used them quite oftenly in class for the FRW metric.
I also don't understand why just a change of coordinates is not applicable in a curved spacetime. Going from spherical coords to cartesian is always possible...I guess...

As for the question, yes you go from spherical coords (rθφ) to cartesian coords (xyz) and in that case your metric becomes (for [itex]k =0[/itex]:
[itex]g_{ij}= -R^{2}(t) \delta_{ij}[/itex]

But even if you used the whole expression ([itex]k \ne 0[/itex]) then you'd get a similar result - all the [itex]g_{ii}[/itex] components are the same. That's also to be expected (for the metric to have this form) because the EM tensor has the form:
[itex]T= diag( \rho, ~~ p, ~~p,~~p)[/itex]
So it has the same entries in its spatial components.
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  • #6
ChrisVer said:
But even if you used the whole expression ([itex]k \ne 0[/itex]) then you'd get a similar result - all the [itex]g_{ii}[/itex] components are the same. That's also to be expected (for the metric to have this form) because the EM tensor has the form:
[itex]T= diag( \rho, ~~ p, ~~p,~~p)[/itex]
So it has the same entries in its spatial components.

I think that works, since now T_22 = T_33 = T_44 so that
T_{22}' = \cos^2(\theta')T_{22} + \sin^2(\theta')T_{33} = \cos^2(\theta')T_{22} + \sin^2(\theta')T_{22} = T_{22}

and similarly for T'_33 and T'_44.

Didn't check the off diagonal entries but they'd have to be zero. Also since the first entry of T and R is 1, we're essentially multiplying the remaining 3x3 block matrices together, and since the T block is just a multiple of the 1 matrix (since T_22 = T_33 = T_44), it has to yield T back when we perform T' = R.Rtranspose.(constant*1 matrix) = T.

Thanks for the help.
  • #7
the off diagonal entries are zero, and you have shown that in your first post, the 2nd equation you've written.
  • #8
ChrisVer said:
I don't know if there are difficulties in using cartesian coordinates, but I am pretty sure our prof had used them quite oftenly in class for the FRW metric.

Yes. For example Dodelson largely deals with the ##k = 0## case, and consequently can use Cartesian coordinates. Our universe is close to being spatially, so ##k=0## gives physically meaningful results. This simplifies the analysis. To check that oure universe is close to flat, it is important to compare non-flat universes to empirical data, so non-zero ##k## also are important

ChrisVer said:
I also don't understand why just a change of coordinates is not applicable in a curved spacetime. Going from spherical coords to cartesian is always possible...I guess...

As for the question, yes you go from spherical coords (rθφ) to cartesian coords (xyz) and in that case your metric becomes (for [itex]k =0[/itex]:
[itex]g_{ij}= -R^{2}(t) \delta_{ij}[/itex]

But even if you used the whole expression ([itex]k \ne 0[/itex]) then you'd get a similar result - all the [itex]g_{ii}[/itex] components are the same.

Yes, but they aren't Cartesian coordinates, and they aren't the coordinates used in the original post in this thread..

erogard said:
question to both of you I guess: by using cartesian coordinate you mean using the appropriate form of the above metric, correct? with terms like dx dy dz etc. instead of angular terms?

Yes, but for ##k = 1## and ##k = -1##, these aren't Cartesian coordinates, they are called isotropic coordinates. This the third of the three "popular" coordinate systems used for FLRW spacetimes, but many texts don't mention them. With respect to isotropic coordinates, the metric is

$$g = dt^2 - R\left(t\right)^2 \frac{dx^2 + dy^2 +dz^2}{\left(1 +\frac{1}{4} k \left(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 \right) \right)^2 .}$$

When ##k = 0##, these are Cartesian coordinates, but when ##k## is non-zero, they are not Cartesian coordinates.

erogard said:
could you elaborate on what you mean by translating along the integral curves? since T contains g in it, isn't it taken care of so long as you use the FLRW metric for g? a bit confused here.

Consider a one-parameter group of rotations, the rotations about the "z-axis", say. Letting all of these rotations operate on a point (event) ##p## in spacetime traces out a curve (line) in spacetime. Take another point ##q## in spacetime that is not on this curve and do the same. This traces out a second curve that does not intersect the first curve. The set of all such curves is called a flow (like water streamlines) for the rotations about the z-axis.

The rotations about the z-axis are generated by a 4-vector field ##\mathbf{k}## that, with respect to isotropic coordinates, has components ##k^\mu = \left(0, -y, x, 0 \right)##. Similar to the situation in quantum mechanics, the exponential of ##\theta \mathbf{k}## gives a rotation of ##\theta## about the z-axis. At every point in spacetime, the vector field ##\mathbf{k}## is tangent to the flow (set of integral curves).

As a useful analog for visualization, think of electric filed lines for an electric field in space. Electric filed lines never cross, and the electric field vectors are tangent to the the field lines, i.e., the field lines are the integral curves for the electric field vector field.

Rotations about the z-axis is a symmetry for a tensor field ##\mathbf{T}## if, in an appropriate sense, ##\mathbf{T}## is constant along every integral curve. This suggests that some derivative of ##\mathbf{T}## is zero. This derivative is not a partial or covariant derivative, it is the Lie derivative in the direction of ##\mathbf{k}##, the derivative with respect to flows.

The Lie derivative obeys a product rule, so, for your ##\mathbf{T}##, this amounts to the vanishing of the Lie derivative of the metric tensor. So, yes, taken care of by g. If the metric tensor is constant along generated integral curves, then the generator is called a Killing vector and the group is called an isometry group. The components of the Lie derivative of the metric are given by (derived in many GR texts)

$$\left( \mathcal{L}_k g \right)_{\alpha \beta} = k^\mu \frac{\partial g_{\alpha \beta}}{\partial x ^\mu} + \frac{\partial k^\mu}{\partial x^\alpha} g_{\mu \beta} + \frac{\partial k^\mu}{\partial x^\beta} g_{\alpha \mu}$$

For example, using the components of k and g given above, a short calculation gives ##\left( \mathcal{L}_k g \right)_{1 1} = 0##.

The whole apparatus that I have introduced above is perhaps over-kill for this example, but it generalizes in a straightforward fashion to arbitrary symmetries.
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Related to Is the Stress-Energy Tensor for a Scalar Field Phi Isotropic in FRW Metrics?

1. What is an isotropic tensor?

An isotropic tensor is a mathematical object that is symmetric with respect to all coordinate axes and invariant under rotations and reflections. This means that its components remain the same regardless of the direction in which they are measured.

2. How can you show that a tensor is isotropic?

To show isotropy of a tensor, you can use the transformation rule for tensors. If the components of the tensor remain the same after a rotation or reflection, then it is isotropic. Additionally, you can also use the eigenvalue decomposition method to determine if all the eigenvalues of the tensor are equal, which is another characteristic of isotropy.

3. What is the significance of an isotropic tensor in scientific research?

An isotropic tensor is important in many areas of scientific research, including physics, engineering, and materials science. It is used to describe the properties of materials that exhibit the same behavior in all directions, such as fluids, gases, and isotropic solids. It also plays a key role in the study of symmetry and conservation laws in physics.

4. Can a tensor be partially isotropic?

No, a tensor can only be either isotropic or anisotropic. If a tensor is partially isotropic, it means that it has some symmetries, but not all, and thus it is not considered truly isotropic.

5. Are there any real-world examples of isotropic tensors?

Yes, there are many real-world examples of isotropic tensors. Some common examples include the stress tensor in fluids, the strain tensor in isotropic materials, and the diffusion tensor in gas or liquid mixtures. These tensors are used to describe the properties and behavior of these substances in various scientific and engineering applications.

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