Is the Sum of Two Cauchy Sequences Also Cauchy?

A+B small.In summary, the conversation discusses finding a direct argument for showing that the sum of two Cauchy sequences is also Cauchy. The argument does not use the Cauchy criterion or the algebraic limit theorem. It is based on the definition of a Cauchy sequence, where for every \epsilon > 0 there exists an N \in \mathbb{N} such that whenever m,n \geq N, |a_n-a_m| < \epsilon. The proof involves showing that if we assume A + B > \epsilon, where A and B are the absolute values of the differences between the terms of each sequence, then we
  • #1

Homework Statement

Assume [itex] x_n [/itex] and [itex] y_n [/itex] are Cauchy sequences.
Give a direct argument that [itex] x_n+y_n [/itex] is Cauchy.
That does not use the Cauchy criterion or the algebraic limit theorem.
A sequence is Cauchy if for every [itex] \epsilon>0 [/itex] there exists an
[itex] N\in \mathbb{N} [/itex] such that whenever [itex] m,n\geq N [/itex]
it follows that [itex] |a_n-a_m|< \epsilon [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Lets call [itex] x_n+y_n=c_n [/itex]
now we want to show that [itex] |c_m-c_n|< \epsilon [/itex]
Let's assume for the sake of contradiction that
[itex] c_m-c_n> \epsilon [/itex]
so we would have
[itex]|x_m+y_m-x_n-y_n|> \epsilon [/itex]
[itex] x_m> \epsilon+y_n-y_m [/itex]
since [itex] y_n>y_m [/itex]
and we know that [itex] x_m< \epsilon [/itex]
so this is a contradiction and the original statement must be true.
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  • #2
cragar said:

Homework Statement

Assume [itex] x_n [/itex] and [itex] y_n [/itex] are Cauchy sequences.
Give a direct argument that [itex] x_n+y_n [/itex] is Cauchy.
That does not use the Cauchy criterion or the algebraic limit theorem.
A sequence is Cauchy if for every [itex] \epsilon>0 [/itex] there exists an
[itex] N\in \mathbb{N} [/itex] such that whenever [itex] m,n\geq N [/itex]
it follows that [itex] |a_n-a_m|< \epsilon [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Lets call [itex] x_n+y_n=c_n [/itex]
now we want to show that [itex] |c_m-c_n|< \epsilon [/itex]

It's always good to be careful with wording. We want to show that if n and m are big enough, that this inequality holds.

since [itex] y_n>y_m [/itex]
This is probably not true, especially since you haven't even said what n and m are besides arbitrary numbers!

and we know that [itex] x_m< \epsilon [/itex]

This is also probably not true since there's no reason to think the limit is zero

To get the contradiction you're going to want to use the triangle inequality on |(xn-xm)+(yn-ym)|
  • #3
ok thanks for your response.
So I take [itex] |(x_n-x_m)+(y_n-y_m)| \leq |x_n-x_m|+|y_n-y_m| [/itex]
let's assume that [itex] |x_n-x_m|+|y_n-y_m| > \epsilon [/itex]
I am going to rewrite it as [itex] A+B> \epsilon [/itex]
so now we have [itex] A> \epsilon -B [/itex]
Can I just say this since we know that [itex] A< \epsilon [/itex] and [itex]B< \epsilon [/itex] since [itex] \epsilon [/itex] can be any number bigger than zero, then both of these values should be less than [itex] \frac{\epsilon}{2} [/itex]
therefore [itex] A+B< \epsilon [/itex]
I have a feeling my last step is not ok
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  • #4
cragar said:
Can I just say this since we know that [itex] A< \epsilon [/itex] and [itex]B< \epsilon [/itex] since [itex] \epsilon [/itex] can be any number bigger than zero, then both of these values should be less than [itex] \frac{\epsilon}{2} [/itex]
therefore [itex] A+B< \epsilon [/itex]

This is the crux of the argument. It's not the whole proof of course - A and B aren't always that small. Feel free to post a full proof if you want it checked over for errors
  • #5
Ok , Am I thinking about this in the right way.
  • #6
Well, I can't read your mind but the part I quoted is the basis of the a correct argument for the proof. You just have to add the fact that these are sequences - A and B aren't always that small, but as long as n and m are big enough they are (by definition of the x's and the y's forming Cauchy sequences)

FAQ: Is the Sum of Two Cauchy Sequences Also Cauchy?

1. What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence of real numbers that is defined in such a way that the terms in the sequence get closer and closer together as the sequence progresses. This means that for any positive real number, there exists a point in the sequence after which all the terms are within that distance from each other.

2. What is the importance of proving a sequence is Cauchy?

Proving that a sequence is Cauchy is important because it ensures that the sequence is convergent, meaning that it has a limit. This is a fundamental concept in calculus and real analysis, and it allows us to make precise statements about the behavior of a sequence as it approaches its limit.

3. What is the proof for a Cauchy sequence?

The proof for a Cauchy sequence involves showing that the terms in the sequence get closer and closer together as the sequence progresses. This is typically done by showing that the difference between two consecutive terms in the sequence gets smaller and smaller as the sequence progresses, and then using the definition of a Cauchy sequence to show that the terms eventually get within a specified distance of each other.

4. What are the common methods used in a Cauchy sequence proof?

There are several methods that can be used in a Cauchy sequence proof, including the epsilon-delta method, the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, and the Cauchy convergence criterion. These methods involve different techniques for showing that the terms in the sequence get closer and closer together as the sequence progresses.

5. How is a Cauchy sequence proof related to the concept of completeness?

A Cauchy sequence proof is closely related to the concept of completeness, which states that a set of real numbers is complete if every Cauchy sequence in the set has a limit that is also in the set. Proving that a sequence is Cauchy is one way to show that a set is complete, and the completeness of a set is often used in the proof of the Cauchy convergence criterion.
