Is the Time Coordinate Timelike or Spacelike?

In summary, the statement is discussing the nature of coordinates in spacetime and how they can be timelike or spacelike depending on the region they are in. The time coordinate is timelike if it results in a negative line integral and spacelike if it results in a positive line integral. The convention for ds^2 varies among authors, but there should be 3 spacelike coordinates and 1 timelike coordinate.
  • #1
Sorry, I do realize that this is probably a really stupid question, but can someone please help me understand the following statement:

My GR notes said:
[For a given metric] ...t is timelike and x spacelike for x > 2m, their roles are swapped for 0 < x < 2m.

This means that the region x > 2m is time-reversal invariant – taking t → −t the pattern of
possible trajectories are the same.

However, for 0 < x < 2m, where x plays the role of ‘time’, we must choose between time
running from left to right, i.e. with increasing x, or from right to left, i.e. with decreasing x.

My understanding of a timelike path, is one which always stays inside a light cone, defined by lines with gradients c and -c that cross at the origin.

What does it mean to say that time coordinate itself is timelike or spacelike (and the same for space-coordinates?) And what does it mean to say "x plays the role of time".

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  • #2
vertices said:
What does it mean to say that time coordinate itself is timelike or spacelike (and the same for space-coordinates?) And what does it mean to say "x plays the role of time".

To find the nature of any coordinate, let that coordinate vary while holding all the other coordinates constant (fixed). This results in a curve in spacetime. At any event p on the curve, the tangent vector to the curve at p gives the nature (spacelike, lightlike, or timelike) of the coordinate at p. Note that even if both p and q are on the same coordinate curve, the nature of the coordinate does not have to be the same at p and q.
  • #3
vertices said:
My understanding of a timelike path, is one which always stays inside a light cone, defined by lines with gradients c and -c that cross at the origin.
You can also define a timelike path in terms of the metric--use the metric to do a line integral of ds^2 along the path, if it's spacelike the result should be positive, if it's timelike the result should be negative. And as George Jones said, a small increment of the time coordinate (while holding other coordinates constant) results in a path through spacetime as well. Likewise a small increment in the x coordinate will result in a different path, and if this path is timelike, that's what it means to say "x plays the role of time".
  • #4
Thanks George and Jesse.

So to work out, for example, whether time is timelike, I just set all the [tex](dx^\mu)^2[/tex] terms in the metric to zero, where [tex]\mu\neq0[/tex]

If I get [tex]ds^2=adt^2[/tex] where a is positive, t is timelike; if a is negative, t is spacelike?

  • #5
vertices said:
If I get [tex]ds^2=adt^2[/tex] where a is positive, t is timelike; if a is negative, t is spacelike?
I think ds^2 is normally defined in such a way that if it's positive, the interval is spacelike, and if it's negative, it's timelike.
  • #6
JesseM said:
vertices said:
If I get [tex]ds^2=adt^2[/tex] where a is positive, t is timelike; if a is negative, t is spacelike?
I think ds^2 is normally defined in such a way that if it's positive, the interval is spacelike, and if it's negative, it's timelike.
Unfortunately there is no universally agreed convention which way round this should be; different authors do it different ways. If you're not sure of the author's convention, remember there ought to be 3 spacelike coordinates (all with the same sign for ds2) and 1 timelike coordinate (with the opposite sign) (unless there are null coordinates for which ds=0).

FAQ: Is the Time Coordinate Timelike or Spacelike?

1. What does it mean for a time coordinate to be timelike?

A timelike coordinate represents the time dimension in a four-dimensional space-time. It is a type of coordinate that is used in the mathematical description of the universe and is often associated with the concept of causality.

2. How is a timelike coordinate different from a spacelike coordinate?

A timelike coordinate measures the time dimension, while a spacelike coordinate measures the spatial dimensions. Timelike and spacelike coordinates are orthogonal to each other, meaning they are at right angles and do not mix.

3. Why is a timelike coordinate important in Einstein's theory of relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in any inertial reference frame. A timelike coordinate plays a crucial role in this theory as it represents the time dimension, which is a fundamental concept in understanding the relationship between space and time.

4. How is a timelike coordinate measured?

A timelike coordinate can be measured with a clock or any other time-keeping device. In physics, it is often measured in units of seconds or fractions of seconds.

5. Can a timelike coordinate be negative?

Yes, a timelike coordinate can be negative. In some mathematical models, a negative timelike coordinate is used to represent events that occur in the past or before a certain reference time. However, in the physical world, time is always measured in a positive direction.

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