Is the time dilation in GR equal to that in SR?

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  • Thread starter Wasist
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    Gr Sr
In summary: What you have noticed isn't exactly a coincidence, but...That's not what I asked. What makes you think what you have noticed is "not exactly a coincidence"?
  • #1
I have no college degree or any advanced formal training in physics, so this may be really, really obvious. Please be kind.

In GR, the amount by which time slows down on the surface of Earth compared to "empty" space is:

For the surface of Earth that's 6.96 E-10 seconds per second.

In SR, the amount by which time slows down for an object falling from "infinity" to the surface of Earth is:

That's exactly the same answer.

Of course 2GM/R = V^2 (escape velocity squared) so this makes sense, for Earth and any other body.

Is the time dilation in GR also equal to same mass increase and Iength contraction as in SR?

I've looked for that answer and haven't found it.

Thanks for any replies.
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  • #2
Wasist said:
Of course 2GM/R = V^2 (escape velocity squared) so this makes sense, for Earth and any other body.

Yes. But that's all there is to it.

Wasist said:
Is the time dilation in GR also equal to same mass increase and Iength contraction as in SR?

No. The fact that one pair of items happens to correspond between the two cases does not mean everything else does.
  • #3
"Yes. But that's all there is to it."

Really? What in GR or SR says so?

Don't mean to be difficult, but it seems to me that GR and SR should be consistent. All points of view should result in the same conclusion, right?

For example neither refutes Newtonian mechanics; both simply expand it, and both do so with not only internal consistency but with universal consistency. Hence the genius of the concept.

Thnks for the reply.
  • #4
Wasist said:
What in GR or SR says so?

You asked a question about what GR and SR say and I answered it. This is a "B" level thread so the answers you get are of necessity going to be brief. If you want more detail, at the level of an "I" thread, you need to take some time to learn the mathematical background, or you won't be able to understand the more detailed answer.

Wasist said:
it seems to me that GR and SR should be consistent.

What makes you think they aren't?

It looks to me like you are trying to draw conclusions based on an incomplete and inadequate understanding of what GR and SR actually say--not surprising since you say you have no training in physics. The fix for that is, as I said above, for you to take the time to learn what they actually say, and then revisit the questions you are asking now in the light of that increased knowledge. Sean Carroll's online lecture notes are one good place to start:
  • #5
PeterDonis said:
You asked a question about what GR and SR say and I answered it. This is a "B" level thread so the answers you get are of necessity going to be brief. If you want more detail, at the level of an "I" thread, you need to take some time to learn the mathematical background, or you won't be able to understand the more detailed answer.
What makes you think they aren't?

It looks to me like you are trying to draw conclusions based on an incomplete and inadequate understanding of what GR and SR actually say--not surprising since you say you have no training in physics. The fix for that is, as I said above, for you to take the time to learn what they actually say, and then revisit the questions you are asking now in the light of that increased knowledge. Sean Carroll's online lecture notes are one good place to start:
So you're telling me I'm too ignorant to understand? That's odd; Albert Einstein wrote a book to explain both SR and GR based upon his belief that his theories are comprehensible to the average person. They are, to me. Richard Feynman also wrote a book about Quantum Mechanics aimed at us ignorant fools yet comprehensible. I got it. It takes many years of study to fully understand these things, but the basic ideas are easily understood.

Yes, the math is far above me. But the concepts are not. I'm not that stupid.

I just asked a question. And you have not bothered to answer it.

Sorry to bother you.
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  • #6
@Wasist - Gravitational time dilation and special relativistic time dilation are rather different phenomena. For example, two observers in relative motion both see the other's clock run slow, but two observers at different heights above a gravitating body agree whose clock runs slowly. There is no "gravitational length contraction".

Your call for consistency between special and general relativity is irrelevant. Firstly, nothing obligates something in a gravitational field to be doing escape velocity. Secondly, special relativity only applies where gravity is negligible, which it most definitely is not in the case you are thinking about. What you have noticed isn't exactly a coincidence, but it has much less far-reaching implications than you seem to be thinking.

One final note - I recommend forgetting about "relativistic mass". Very few people use it outside of pop-sci presentations, as it mostly does nothing but cause confusion.
  • #7
Wasist said:
So you're telling me I'm too ignorant to understand?

I'm telling you that you appear to lack useful background knowledge. I did not say you were incapable of increasing your knowledge.

Wasist said:
Albert Einstein wrote a book to explain both SR and GR based upon his belief that his theories are comprehensible to the average person.

Have you read it? What does it say about the things you are asking about?

Wasist said:
I just asked a question. And you have not bothered to answer it.

You are wrong. I have answered the question you asked. You asked:

Wasist said:
Is the time dilation in GR also equal to same mass increase and Iength contraction as in SR?

And I answered:

PeterDonis said:

Which is the correct answer.

If you were to ask: Why is "no" the correct answer? then you might get a (somewhat) more detailed response. But you haven't asked that.
  • #8
Ibix said:
@Wasist - Gravitational time dilation and special relativistic time dilation are rather different phenomena. For example, two observers in relative motion both see the other's clock run slow, but two observers at different heights above a gravitating body agree whose clock runs slowly. There is no "gravitational length contraction".

This is a little bit misleading. Two clocks at different heights above a gravitating body agree whose clock runs slowly...ONLY if they choose a specific clock synchronization. Namely, if they choose to use Schwarzschild coordinates. In general, "whose clock is running slower" is a coordinate-dependent question, in both GR and SR.

You can turn the issue into a coordinate-independent question by making it a round-trip: You synchronize two identical clocks. You slowly carry one clock to the top of a mountain. You wait a year. Then you slowly carry it back down the mountain and compare the times. The fact that the "traveling" clock in this case shows more elapsed time than the "stay-at-home" clock is an objective, coordinate-independent fact. But different coordinate systems would "explain" this in different ways. Not every coordinate system will agree that the "traveling" clock always runs faster than the "stay-at-home" clock.
  • #9
stevendaryl said:
This is a little bit misleading. Two clocks at different heights above a gravitating body agree whose clock runs slowly...ONLY if they choose a specific clock synchronization. Namely, if they choose to use Schwarzschild coordinates. In general, "whose clock is running slower" is a coordinate-dependent question, in both GR and SR.

You can turn the issue into a coordinate-independent question by making it a round-trip: You synchronize two identical clocks. You slowly carry one clock to the top of a mountain. You wait a year. Then you slowly carry it back down the mountain and compare the times. The fact that the "traveling" clock in this case shows more elapsed time than the "stay-at-home" clock is an objective, coordinate-independent fact. But different coordinate systems would "explain" this in different ways. Not every coordinate system will agree that the "traveling" clock always runs faster than the "stay-at-home" clock.
There is another coordinate independent statement you can make. Let two obervers at different altitudes broadcast signals every 1000 cycles of the same fundamental physical process, measured locally. Then the higher altitude observer will find the period of lower observer emissions to be slow, while lower altitude observer will find the higher altitude signals to have faster period than theirs. The corresponding process for SR obervers in relative motion measures coordinate independent Doppler, which will be mutually symmetric, but different from coordinate dependent time dilation (and opposite in sign for approaching observers). Obviously, you know all this, but I think it is worth mentioning.
  • #10
stevendaryl said:
This is a little bit misleading. Two clocks at different heights above a gravitating body agree whose clock runs slowly...ONLY if they choose a specific clock synchronization. Namely, if they choose to use Schwarzschild coordinates. In general, "whose clock is running slower" is a coordinate-dependent question, in both GR and SR.
Fair enough. The key point is that the gravitational case is asymmetric while the purely kinematic case is symmetric, so they're different things.

Is it really only Schwarzschild coordinates for which they agree? As PAllen notes, you could have two clocks at different Schwarzschild r coordinates emitting light pulses once per local second. That the higher one receives less than one pulse per local second while the lower one receives more than one pulse per local second are coordinate independent facts. If you wish to interpret this as anything other than pure gravitational time dilation then you have to have some kinematic component, no? I think that means that any coordinate system that treats an object at constant Schwarzschild r as not changing altitude will regard the lower clock as slower. Or have I missed something?
  • #11
Ibix said:
I think that means that any coordinate system that treats an object at constant Schwarzschild r as not changing altitude...

As long as the field is not changing with time, I don't think you even need to involve coordinate systems to come up with a notion of "altitude". The energy required to move the object out to infinity (essentially the classical gravitational potential) is also a coordinate-independent quantity, so we can speak of being deeper or less deep in the potential well without recourse to coordinates... and your #6 is looking pretty good as a B-level but still accurate statement of the asymmetry.
  • #12
Nugatory said:
As long as the field is not changing with time, I don't think you even need to involve coordinate systems to come up with a notion of "altitude".

In more technical language, if the spacetime has a timelike Killing vector field, then the norm of that KVF gives an invariant notion of "altitude" (or "potential", which is the more usual term).
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  • #13
"Gravitational time dilation and special relativistic time dilation are rather different phenomena."

Are they? Isn't it a rather amazing coincidence that the very "laws" that describe the former are so easily rewritten as the latter? Similarly amazing is the fact that time dilation due to gravity is exactly equal to that due to acceleration.

Einstein, I think, would not be amazed. Relativity is about invariance; regardless of one's point of view the laws of physics are the same.
  • #14
Wasist said:
"Gravitational time dilation and special relativistic time dilation are rather different phenomena."

Are they? Isn't it a rather amazing coincidence that the very "laws" that describe the former are so easily rewritten as the latter?
As I said in the post you quote from, it's not really a coincidence, but you are reading far too much into it.
Wasist said:
Similarly amazing is the fact that time dilation due to gravity is exactly equal to that due to acceleration.
Kinematic time dilation isn't caused by acceleration. It's entirely a result of differences in choices of coordinates.
Wasist said:
Relativity is about invariance; regardless of one's point of view the laws of physics are the same.
You are critically misunderstanding what "invariance" means in this context. That the laws of physics are invariant doesn't mean all scenarios are the same thing. You are implying the latter.
  • #15
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  • #16
Wasist said:
Isn't it a rather amazing coincidence that the very "laws" that describe the former are so easily rewritten as the latter?

What you wrote down aren't the laws governing gravitational time dilation and kinematic ("special relativistic") time dilation. What you wrote down are two particular solutions to those laws (one describing an object at rest at a constant altitude in a gravitational field, the other describing an object falling inward from rest at infinity in that field), which happen to have a feature in common.

Wasist said:
Similarly amazing is the fact that time dilation due to gravity is exactly equal to that due to acceleration.

For one particular scenario, they happen to be. But this is not a general law.

And with that, this thread will remain closed.
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FAQ: Is the time dilation in GR equal to that in SR?

What is the difference between General Relativity (GR) and Special Relativity (SR)?

General Relativity is a theory of gravity developed by Albert Einstein that describes the effects of gravity on a large scale, such as the motion of planets and galaxies. Special Relativity, also developed by Einstein, describes the behavior of objects moving at constant speeds in the absence of gravity. Essentially, GR explains gravity as a curvature of space-time while SR deals with objects moving at high speeds.

Can you explain time dilation in the context of GR and SR?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time appears to run slower for objects that are moving at high speeds or are in a strong gravitational field. In GR, this is explained by the curvature of space-time, where time is affected by the presence of massive objects. In SR, time dilation is observed when objects are moving at high speeds relative to each other.

How does the concept of space-time differ between GR and SR?

In GR, space and time are considered to be interconnected and form a four-dimensional space-time continuum. The presence of massive objects causes this space-time to curve, which is what we experience as gravity. In SR, space and time are treated as separate entities and are not affected by the presence of mass.

Can GR and SR be unified into a single theory?

There have been attempts to unify GR and SR into a single theory, known as a theory of everything. However, so far, no theory has been able to successfully combine these two theories. Some theories, such as string theory, attempt to unify all forces in the universe, including gravity, but they are still in the early stages of development.

How do GR and SR impact our understanding of the universe?

GR and SR have revolutionized our understanding of the universe and have been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations. They have allowed us to make accurate predictions about the behavior of objects in space, such as the orbit of planets and the bending of light by massive objects. They have also led to the development of technologies, such as GPS, that rely on the principles of relativity.

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